Thunder Martial

Chapter 1914 Five pages of heavenly scriptures

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To the head of the Shui family, Zi Chen's request was nothing short of unreasonable.

In the Tianwu Continent, no one knows that the Five Elements Family owns the Heavenly Book, and no one knows that the Heavenly Book is one of the foundations of the Five Elements Family. Just ask, who will lend the background.

"This is impossible,"

The head of the Shui family refused decisively without any hesitation.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became oppressive, and a wave of heavenly pressure fell on the head of the Shui family, making the other party's face pale, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, the head of the Shui family said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

Zi Chen said with a faint smile: "I don't want to do anything, since you don't want to borrow things, then I think there is no need for this city to appear here."

The face of the head of the Shui family changed, and he said sharply: "Zi Chen, don't bully me too much, this is a family of the five elements,"

Seeing the cold and stern face of the head of the Shui family, Zi Chen spread his hands, put on a helpless look, and said: "Since you have said so, there is no room for reconciliation. When there is no living person in the city, we will go get the heavenly book ourselves, "

Lu Peng smiled and said: "It's just a city in the massacre, no problem, I guarantee it won't take two hours before and after,"

The words of the two were all plain, but the head of the Shui family knew very well that the other party was not joking, and coupled with the grievances between the two parties many years ago, they could still kill a city.

A mysterious wave spread from Lu Peng's body, and this wave enveloped the entire city. The destructive power caused by a false heavenly array master is unimaginable.

The city below felt something, and a mask appeared naturally.

Many monks in the city walked out, and their faces were full of horror after feeling the dangerous aura from above the sky.

"Is this going to massacre the city?"

"Why, why did the legendary Zichen want to massacre the city?"


Horrified voices continued to come from the city, and some monks wanted to escape from the city, but Lu Peng had completely sealed off the entire city, and no one could go out.

The whole city was in a state of chaos in an instant.

Looking at the chaotic city,

Listening to the voices coming from all around, the expression of the head of the Shui family became more and more ugly. He looked at Zi Chen again, Zi Chen still had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, suppressing the anger in his heart, he shouted: "Okay, you're ruthless,"

After finishing speaking, the head of the Shui family turned around and flew towards the family. After a while, his figure reappeared, holding a piece of golden paper in his hand.

This page of the heavenly book is exactly the same as the one Zi Chen got before, but the things recorded in it are different.

After receiving the heavenly book and perceiving the water skills recorded in the heavenly book, as well as the unique material, Zi Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then took the heavenly book into his own world.


When the head of the Shui family saw this scene, his face changed again, but he didn't say anything. Obviously, he had expected this scene before.

When the book of heaven entered the world, the whole world felt a sensation and trembled slightly.

This is the first slight tremor in the world in five hundred years, which makes Zi Chen very happy. Maybe after getting five pages of heavenly scriptures, his own realm can be further broken through.


Putting his hands together and smiling at the head of the Shui family, Zi Chen turned around and went to the second family of the Five Elements family.

The pressure dissipated, and the monks in the city no longer panicked, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the leaving figures, the head of the Shui family sneered and said: "Even if you take away the heavenly book, so what. The heavenly book can only be found in this world, and it is of no use to individuals at all. Before you create another Five Elements family, our The strong will come."

Because of the great era, the atmosphere in the entire Zhanwu Continent is very tense, so the Five Elements Family spread the news early on that once someone enters the Heaven Realm, they must report to Zhanwu Continent.

This is also the reason why there is only one Tianjing in such a huge water family.



Zhanwu Continent, Five Elements Family.

The five Heaven Realm Patriarchs are sitting together to discuss at this moment.

"Judging from the information we have received over the years, the one who is most likely to be against the sky is Zi Chen from the Tianwu Continent."

The world is changing, and the news about the birth of the Defender is no longer a secret. Many forces are investigating and looking for the Defender.

"Zi Chen of Tianwu Continent."

Hearing what the Patriarch of the Mu Family said, the Patriarch of the Shui Family frowned slightly: "Didn't the Defenders appear from the Zhanwu Continent? How could they be from the Tianwu Continent?"

In the first place above, the Patriarch of the Jin family said: "As for those who defy the sky, there is no requirement that they must come from the Zhanwu Continent. Zi Chen's combat power is extremely strong. Ever since he appeared in the Zhanwu Continent, he has been fighting by leapfrogging, and his combat power is very tyrannical." The most suspicious thing is that he can kill the Undead Supreme very easily."

"Isn't that because of the cauldron of all things?" asked the Patriarch of the Shui family.

"The source of all things is one thing, but according to the information we have received, Zichen can kill the undead Supreme even without using the source of all things. Of course, all this is just speculation, and it cannot be confirmed for sure,"

The head of the Tujia family who had been silent all this time said: "Since it is suspicion, we can't act rashly. Now that Zichen is in the Tianwu Continent, we can't mobilize people to lead people down. Now the world has become extremely unstable, and foreign races may invade at any time. , the danger will fall on our Five Elements family at any time, "

The heads of the water, fire, and wood families nodded.

The atmosphere in Zhanwu Continent is very solemn now, maybe a big battle will come.

The head of the Jin family was silent, obviously unable to make a decision.

If the sky-defying person is really Zi Chen, they can go to the lower realm without any scruples and kill Zi Chen, just to take away the source of all things. Even if he offended the Four Great Sages because of this, he could still use the reason of the heaven-defying person to prevaricate it.

If Zi Chen was not a heaven-defying person, they might have angered the Four Great Sages if they attacked Zi Chen rashly.

Among the four great saints, they only saw the Vermillion Bird saint. As for the whereabouts of the other three saints, they had no idea. Maybe one of them was still in the Tianwu Continent.

Now they are only guessing that Zichen is a heaven-defying person, and they can't confirm it yet.

Just when the five people were uncertain about paying attention, a monk suddenly ran in hurriedly, came to the head of the Shui family, and whispered something.


The Patriarch of the Shui family was furious immediately, his face livid.

"What is it?" The four looked at each other in surprise.

"That damned Zichen, we haven't troubled him yet, but he actually took the initiative to provoke us. That guy has already snatched the Shuiye Tianshu, and now he is going to Tujia." The head of the Shui family said coldly.

"Zichen is snatching the heavenly book."

The faces of the several patriarchs were obviously not very good-looking, but the head of the Jin family heard that there was a smile on his face: "God help me, Zhengchou can't find a reason to attack Zichen, since he took the initiative to send it to the door Come on, then don't blame us for being rude. Go and inform them, let them cooperate more, we will wait for Zichen at Jin's house."

The entire Five Elements family started to take action, intending to take action against Zi Chen, this time it was not about the heaven-defying people, it was just to seek justice.

Just when the Five Elements Family made a move, another beam of light descended from the sky in the nine lands of Zhanwu Continent.

These light beams came from various places. After they appeared, they were quickly wiped out by a group of strong men. However, a light beam that forcibly penetrated into the mountain peak escaped the perception of every strong man because of its too subtle fluctuations.

After the light beam stayed inside the mountain for a period of time, a mysterious wave came out. This wave scattered, and the rocks inside the entire mountain immediately turned into powder.

The fluctuations completely dispersed, like a huge crack, and at the same time, streams of mysterious energy were fed back towards the sky.

"not good,"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, a grim-faced middle-aged man's expression changed instantly, he looked up at the sky, and energy fluctuations were rushing towards the sky.


He appeared outside the mountain in an instant, and the entire mountain exploded suddenly, dissipating the source of energy fluctuations.

"It's hard to guard against,"

The source of energy was blasted and wiped out, but the energy fluctuations had already been fed back, and it was only a matter of time before the aliens with accurate coordinates invaded.

"Hey, I can only keep everyone on guard. I hope this generation of heaven-defying people will not let us down,"

The middle-aged man turned around and walked towards the human city.



In the Tianwu Continent, Zi Chen moved towards the second goal, which was the Tujia.

Just like the previous situation, the Heavenly Realm overwhelmed the city, threatening the lives of all the monks in the city. The head of the Tujia family also hesitated for a while, and then decisively agreed.

This is something that Zichen had already expected. After all, in everyone's perception, the Book of Heaven is something that will never dissipate. Even if it is given out today, when the strong come in the future, they can get it back again.

Moreover, the news has already spread to Zhanwu Continent, and feedback has been received, saying that it will be sent out after a little delay, so as not to reveal any flaws.

As the Tuye Tianshu entered the world, the whole world trembled again, this time trembling was more obvious.

"Go, the third house,"

The two pages of heavenly scriptures flew in the sky by themselves, but because the five elements were not aligned, the five forces became incoherent.

The third family is the Huo family. The head of the Huo family had already heard the news, waited outside, and when he saw Zi Chen coming, he said in a cold voice: "Zi Chen, if you do this, you obviously don't take our Five Elements family seriously."

This sentence is obviously nonsense, Zi Chen has never put the Five Elements Family in his eyes. The next Patriarch of the Huo Family obediently handed over the Huo Ye Tian Shu to Zi Chen.

The Huo family was followed by the Mu family, who had obtained three pages of the heavenly book, and the next head of the Mu family handed over the Mu family's heavenly book without any useless resistance.

Four pages of the five-page heavenly scriptures have been collected, and the last Jin family is still short.

The Jin family is the strongest among the five elements, and Zichen chooses this place as the last stop, maybe there will be a battle here.

When such a big event happened, the Jin family naturally got the news. Before arriving in the city, Zi Chen met the head of the Jin family and the three heavenly realms.

Seeing Zi Chen from a distance, the Patriarch of the Jin Family said coldly: "Zi Chen, you have to think about it clearly, you took away the Heavenly Book today, and you have completely offended the Five Elements Family."

While speaking, the Golden Page Heavenly Book appeared and appeared in the hands of the Patriarch of the Jin family: "How to choose is up to you,"

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