Thunder Martial

Chapter 1926 Arrogant

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The alien race invaded, and the heavenly realm became its own battlefield.

In that void, with Yifu as the boundary, the heavenly realms of other races gather together, and the heavenly realms of Shuntian Mansion gather together.

Among this prefecture, Shuntian prefecture has twenty-three celestial realms, and four of them are from Tiger God Mountain.

When foreign races invaded, the Heaven Realm did not enter the battlefield. Rather than saying that this was a certain rule formed, it would be better to say that the Heaven Realm entered the battlefield meaningless.

A Heaven Realm can easily wipe out a city, and the process is as simple as trampling ants to death, without any sense of accomplishment. In addition, during the period, the heavenly realm of war martial arts deliberately prevented it, so the alien heavenly realm also chose to fight in this void.

Originally, the Shuntian Mansion had twenty-five people in the Heaven Realm, but unfortunately two of them died in the battle.

As for the side of the foreign race, there were thirty heavenly realms, but two of them left suddenly, leaving only twenty-eight people.

At the center of the two forces, there are two heavenly realms fighting at the moment, the source is constantly surging, and powerful attacks are also frequently displayed.

It's just a battle between heaven and earth, as long as the two sides are not too different, it is generally difficult to distinguish between life and death.

As for the deaths of the previous two heavenly realms, it was more of an accident.

"Bah. I thought that I, Patrik, came here just for your resources. I didn't expect that all of you are also poor."

During the battle, the alien Heaven Realm said with a look of disdain.

"Hmph, let's talk after defeating me."

The Shuntian Mansion Heaven Realm who was fighting against each other had a cold look on his face, and his whole body was full of energy.

"Damn, you really think of yourself as a character. You don't even know a decent skill of Heavenly Dao. Fighting against someone like you is a shame to Patrik."

As the alien's voice fell, a big silver snake appeared in front of him, and the big snake was completely composed of pure star power. After appearing, he let out a neigh, and rushed towards the sky realm of Shuntian Mansion.


The Starlight Serpent instantly came to Shuntian Mansion Heaven Realm and hit the opponent's chest, causing the latter to vomit blood and fly backwards.



After one blow, Patrik grinned grimly, and wanted to chase forward, but was hit by the Heavenly Dao technique, and that Heavenly Realm was obviously seriously injured.


Suddenly, a burst of sword energy descended from the sky with unimaginable power, cutting through the void and blocking that alien Patric.

Patrik stopped chasing, and the smirk on Patrik's face remained undiminished. He glanced at the middle-aged man who appeared not far away holding the Heavenly Soldiers, and sneered, "Wei Chen, even if you can keep them every time, but It cannot be ruled out that they are all trash."

After speaking, Patric spat fiercely at the void, turned around and returned to the group of alien celestial realms.

Far away, you can still hear the other party talking and laughing unscrupulously.

The middle-aged man named Wei Chen put away the long sword of the Heavenly Soldiers, turned around to look at the seriously injured Tianjing, and asked with concern: "How is it, are you all right?"

This Tianjing shook his head, and said gratefully: "It's nothing serious, just recover for a while, thank you Master Wei for your help."

Wei Chen nodded, and brought this celestial realm back to Shuntian Mansion, and other celestial realms surrounded him, asking for their health.

Looking at these heavenly realms, Wei Chen shook his head, but his expression became extremely complicated.

On weekdays, as long as one enters the heavenly realm, one is a superior existence, and one can even create an immortal family. But with the advent of the Great Era, it became easier to enter the Heaven Realm. If there were no invading alien races, the Heaven Realm would still be the strongest.

But with the invasion of foreign races, the heavens created by these great eras immediately showed their own shortcomings in front of the foreign races.

First of all, in terms of understanding of the heavenly realm, the newly promoted heavenly realm in Zhanwu Continent is obviously weaker in terms of the control of the original power.

Secondly, although these people entered the Heavenly Realm by chance, they did not have the matching Heavenly Dao spells, which also greatly affected their own combat power. This was also extremely fatal in front of foreign races.

In addition to the insufficiency of Heavenly Dao spells, Heavenly Soldiers are also greatly deficient. At this moment, among the twenty-three Heavenly Realms in their group, he is the only one who possesses Heavenly Soldiers, and there are no more than ten Heavenly Dao spells, and the rest are only those with Heavenly Realms Strength, but no combat power in the sky.

Looking at the foreign race, there are five people who have heavenly soldiers, and almost everyone knows the magic of heaven, and it is judgemental whether they are superior or inferior.

During the battles between the two sides, if he hadn't intended to help, many of the Tianjing here would have died.

In the case of an obvious advantage, but did not kill the killer, not because of the benevolence of the alien race, but because of waiting.

They challenged the battle with a playful attitude, they were deliberately waiting for the invading army. Once the invading army completely conquered this place, it would be the arrival of the decisive battle between the heavens and realms.

Wei Chen knew this, but he didn't leave. That's because once they left, the area of ​​Shuntian Mansion would be completely hopeless.

The faces of the other heavenly realms also had mournful expressions, and Wei Chen was very upset. Suddenly he recalled those two alien heavenly realms who had left suddenly.

The sudden departure of these two people, and the fact that there was no famous word from the foreign race made Wei Chen feel puzzled.

Just as Wei Chen was thinking wildly, he heard a voice from the opposite side: "Wei Chen, who are you planning to send to the next battle?"

From the heavenly realm of the alien race, a foreign race without heavenly soldiers walked out, but he dared to call Wei Chen by name directly, and squinted at Wei Chen from a distance, his expression was full of pride.

This person is called Yi Lifu, who not only possessed the Heavenly Dao technique, but also was at the second stage. Of the two Heavenly realms who died here, one of them died at the hands of the other party.

Seeing Yi Lifu who played in the battle, the faces of the heavenly realms in the Shuntian Mansion also changed slightly, and fear appeared on the faces of many heavenly realms. Most of them don't know the techniques of heaven, and the death of their companions that day is also vivid in their minds.

Looking at the apprehensive expressions of the crowd from a distance, Yi Lifu sneered disdainfully, his eyes fell on Wei Chen, and said sarcastically, "Don't tell me, you're going to fight next."

Yi Lifu crossed his hands together, his fingers bent, and his knuckles made a crisp sound: "I haven't warmed up for a long time, so I can discuss with you."

Wei Chen's expression was ugly. It wasn't because he was afraid of Yi Lifu, but because he was the only one with heavenly soldiers. He mainly played a deterrent role. Once he fought head-on, he would definitely reveal himself.

"Let me do it."

Just when Wei Chen was in a dilemma, a man with a stature not weaker than that of a foreign race came out, his eyes were shining brightly, his face was stern, he stared at Yi Lifu in front of him and said: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you .”

Yi Lifu squinted his eyes slightly, his expression gradually became cold, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "If you want to die, I will help you."

As one of the ancestors of Hushen Mountain, Hu Yan snorted coldly, ready to refute a few words.

Suddenly a figure flew from a distance, and through the energy surging around him, he could perceive the identity of the other party as belonging to a foreign race. This is a hypocrite, his mood fluctuated greatly when he was walking forward, his breath was a little disordered, and he was very flustered.

"My lord, it's not good my lord, Will and Fair were killed."

There was still some distance between them, and those false heavens shouted loudly.

Will and Fair, these are two unfamiliar names, and the monks in Shuntian Mansion could not help but have doubts on their faces when they heard this.

But looking at the foreign race, everyone's complexion has changed significantly.

Wei Chen's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the two heavenly realms who had left earlier. Could it be that Will and Fair were the two of them.

But the two of them are people who know how to use heaven and magic, so who can kill them.

"Damn, what the hell is going on here."

An angry voice came from the alien celestial realm, and only one celestial realm said: "Didn't it mean that only one celestial realm broke the rules. And it seems that he is still very young, just entering the heavenly realm."

"It's very young, but the heavenly realm is very weird. Although it doesn't know the magic of the heavens, its attack is very strong, not weaker than the magic of the heavens..."

Pseudo-Tian had already come to the front, and said in one breath, he was flustered at the moment, and did not deliberately suppress his voice, so everyone in the Tianjing on Shuntian Mansion's side could hear very clearly.

They looked puzzled, but after fully understanding what happened, they also looked stunned.

The two heavenly realms who had left went to besiege and kill a newly promoted heavenly realm, but they were killed instead.

who is it.

Who killed the two heavenly realms with just one person's strength and without knowing the heavenly arts.

The powerhouses on the side of Shuntian Mansion also want to know the identity of the other party.

And Yi Lifu, who was still challenging just now, immediately turned his head and said with anger on his face: "Just a guy who has just entered the heaven, let me meet him and see how strong he is."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for that hypocrite to say anything more.

"Where is he?"

It's just that Yi Lifu who left didn't forget to ask where he was.

"In Huping City."

The pseudo-world consciousness replied, then suddenly woke up, and immediately said: "Your Excellency, be careful, that heavenly realm is very weird, and it has a treasured tripod on it, which can pose a threat to the heavenly realm."

Pseudo-Tian yelled from a distance, but it was good if he didn't yell, Yilifu obviously ran faster after yelling like this, and at the same time his conceited voice came from the sky: "I'll kill him, don't come here for any of you .”

This statement is obviously a warning, because he is worried that other people will snatch the treasure.

Those alien celestial realms all have regrets on their faces, especially those strong men who don't have celestial soldiers, and they can't wait to kick this false celestial being to death. Why didn't you say that you have a baby.

Winning battles one after another made them completely disregard the heavenly realm of Zhanwu Continent, and developed a haughty and conceited character.

Compared with the pity and regret of the alien Tianjing, the Tianjing in the Shuntian Mansion's side became very strange after hearing this sentence.

In the entire Zhanwu Continent, there seems to be only one tripod that can be called a treasure in the eyes of Tianjing, and can also threaten Tianjing.

And that big cauldron is really more powerful than heavenly soldiers, it can be called a real treasure.

It also has a very famous name. . The source of all things in the universe.

This great cauldron disappeared for a long time, but it was born again hundreds of years ago. The person who used it was also an existence with great potential.

When he was in Pseudo-Tian, ​​he had an undefeated record against Heaven Realm.

His name is Zichen, and he can be said to be a household name in the entire Zhanwu Continent.

If that person is really Zi Chen who has entered the heaven realm, then Yi Lifu who took the initiative to provoke him is in danger.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: I originally talked about today's update, but there were other things in the middle, and the reason will be explained in the group.

There will still be two updates these days, 6,000 words.

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