Thunder Martial

Chapter 2001 Attacked and Killed Again

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When he came to this ruins, Zichen released his spiritual thoughts, and Heilong reminded him with a smile.

Zi Chen nodded, he was just a little curious and surprised, and didn't expect anything extravagantly. And with his current state, unless it's a holy soldier, he doesn't care about anything else at all.

The spiritual thoughts protruded and spread in all directions, and Zichen 'saw' many buildings, and there were still incomplete formations on the surface of the buildings.

This place looks like a sect, or a small town. It should not have a large population, but it has a lot of treasures, which makes Zi Chen a little puzzled.

"Back then, many forces were very puzzled about the layout of this ruin, and invited many powerful people to study it specially, and finally came to the conclusion that this place seems to be a warehouse specially set up by a certain force."

Heilong is undoubtedly a very good commentator. He can see Zichen's expression well, and he can also see Zichen's doubts, and he gives a very good explanation.

In fact, everyone who comes here for the first time will have the same doubts in their hearts.

"Warehouse," Zi Chen looked at Hei Long in surprise.

"That's right, there are many incomplete heavenly soldiers here, and some complete weapons, and only the warehouse can explain why there are so many things here in a small area. But too much time has passed, and no one can understand what is going on. Which faction's warehouse it is, the truth has long been lost in history."

Zi Chen looked forward, and found that Kui Wei, who was walking in the front, didn't look around, nor did he show any curiosity about this place. Obviously, he had been here before, and the three heaven-defying people who followed him closely followed him. He turned his head and looked around, looking very curious.

Kui Wei has been here a long time ago, and it seems that he has also been to Tutian Cave, but he probably didn't go in.

At this moment, Zichen suddenly remembered what Yiqian had said before, that after Kuiwei came here, he led people to destroy two hidden families, perhaps those two families were somehow related to Perfect Shield.

Everyone didn't move forward for too long, and energy fluctuations came from behind, and then those who wanted to take a chance came in one after another.

After seeing the other ten people, they all showed excitement on their faces, and then followed from a distance.

"They are destined to have no chance." Looking forward again, Heilong shook his head and said.

Their purpose this time,

It was through Tutian Cave, these people obviously didn't have any chance.

It didn't take too long for Zichen to see a black hole from a distance. This black hole was only one-third the size of the black hole that came in before, but it was still very spacious, and there was still a distance between them. Zichen The whining wind from the black hole can still be heard.

"This Tutian Cave is not terrible, what is terrible is the black wind inside. That black wind can wipe out even the heavenly soldiers, and if you touch the heavenly realm, you will die,"

The crowd soon arrived outside Tutian Cave, and the people behind them couldn't help but let out exclamations when they saw this scene from afar.

In this exclamation, there is also disappointment and despair.

For so many years, no one has been able to enter Tutian Cave except the saint.

"Everyone, our target is behind Tutian Cave." Kui Wei pointed to the black hole in front of him and said, with a hint of excitement on his face.

"How should we go in," An Peng said in a deep voice, looking at the black hole in front of him with fear in his eyes.

"Take out the fragments, use the traction of the fragments, and then lead us in."

Kuiwei's eyes flicked over everyone, his indifferent expression became more dignified, and he said in a deep voice: "Tutian Cave is terrible, and you will die if you are not careful. So I hope that everyone will be able to It is very good to restrain our emotions. Because we rely on the natural traction and natural protection of the five fragments, our own energy cannot be used. If something happens during this period, everyone’s life may be in danger.”

When he said this, Kui Wei didn't deliberately look at anyone, but everyone could guess that he mainly said it to Zi Chen and Lei Dong.

The two had a grudge, and Kui Wei was worried that Zichen would do something in Tutian Cave.

"Don't worry, I don't even bother to use such a despicable method, it's just someone who doesn't know." Leidong smiled faintly, and glanced at Zichen.

"I want to kill you at any time." Zi Chen smiled and responded in the same way.

"Okay, then we are going to go in. Remember, we can't do anything here, because no one has gone in, and naturally no one knows whether there are other dangers besides the black wind."

Kui Wei's voice became a little more serious, which shows that he is also very afraid of this place.

Led by Kui Wei, the five of them took out the fragments of their bodies, and as the five fragments appeared, the fragments trembled again, and there was an urge to let go.

"Don't try to stop it, let it float on its own."

Seeing several people clinging to the fragments, Kui Wei said again.

Including Zi Chen, the four of them seemed to hesitate at this moment, Kui Wei had no choice but to let go of the fragment in his hand first.

When the fragment was released, the vibration frequency became weaker, and it slowly floated up, while the four people who were still holding the fragment, the frequency of the fragment in their hands was faster.


Zi Chen was the second to let go, and after the fragment left the palm, it really became stable, and then slowly floated up.

Immediately afterwards, the other three also let go of the fragment, allowing the fragment to go up.

Each of these fragments is equivalent to a heavenly soldier with extremely strong defense. Although they have been released, everyone's eyes are fixed on the fragments, for fear that something will happen.

In the distance, those monks who wanted to bang the opportunity also stopped, and seeing the crowd staying outside the Tutian Cave, they also had no hope for this trip at all.

They stood watching from a distance, and after seeing the five people take out the fragments, they also understood why the five people had the confidence to pass through the Tutian Cave.

The shield is known as the strongest defense in the world, even if it has been broken, but the fragments can resist the black wind, there is still no problem at all.

"Why didn't I think of that, damn it,"

Among the crowd, after seeing this scene, Kunt cursed secretly, with a look of remorse on his face. If he had known that the shield had such a function, he would have come by himself.

However, Kunt didn't know that only five fragments appearing at the same time can cause the shield fragments to change.

The five fragments floated up one after another. It seemed that because the fragments belonged to different positions, they did not merge, but were divided into five directions, forming some kind of traction.

"That's it, as long as..."

Seeing the five fragments that were successfully towed, Kui Wei's face rarely had a gleam of joy, but Kui Wei was about to give another sentence, but before he could finish speaking, something happened on the scene.


The void broke open, and a sharp sword light appeared, directly assassinating Zi Chen.

This sword light was very fast, even faster than the electric light, coupled with the surprise, it arrived in front of Zi Chen almost at the moment of appearance.


Faced with the sudden change, the pupils of the rest of the people shrank suddenly, and before they could even utter an exclamation, the sword light had already stabbed Zi Chen.

Zi Chen's eyes had been staring at the fragments, afraid that Kui Wei and the others would suddenly attack, but unexpectedly, the accident came from the dark.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he already had a heavenly sword in his hand. The moment the sword light approached, the light of the sword crossed and blocked him, and the dazzling golden light filled the sky and the earth.

Under the reflection of the golden light, Zi Chen's eyes were calm, and there were not too many emotional fluctuations on his face, as if he had already expected this blow.

Behind Jianguang is a masked man in black. The only exposed eyes of the other party are full of cold killing intent, but after his eyes meet Zi Chen's calm eyes, the cold and stern eyes fluctuate immediately.


A sharp and ear-piercing sound sounded, and Zi Chen blocked the sword with a single knife. The huge power centered on the two of them, forming terrifying waves and spreading in all directions.

The assassin volleyed in the air, stopped because of the huge force, and then flew backwards. At the same time, Zi Chen's body took three steps back uncontrollably.

Every time he landed, there would be a shock on the ground, and a terrifying force would pass through the soles of his feet into the ground, causing terrifying vibrations from the ground.


Blocking the blow, Zi Chen's calm expression did not show the slightest relaxation, and then, behind him, another sword light appeared, and this sword light pointed directly at his back.

"Uh," "Uh," "Uh,"

At the same time, in front of Zi Chen and in the left and right directions, three more sword lights appeared, and the target was Zi Chen.

Four sword lights appeared, and all this was not over. The assassin who was shaken away earlier went straight to the fragment.

At the same time, the sixth sword light appeared, and the target was not Zichen, but Qingfeng not far from Zichen.

At this moment, Qingfeng also rushed towards the fragments.

The expression on Qingfeng's face was not as calm as Zichen's. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a cold expression. If he didn't consider the assassin blocking the way, then his speed would be one step faster than that assassin's, and he could be one step ahead Take the fragments in your hands.

But in the face of this assassin's sure-killing sword, no one can ignore it.

From everyone's point of view, at this moment, Qingfeng is saving his life first. After all, no matter how valuable the fragments are, they are not as important as his own life.

But Qingfeng didn't, he yelled and ignored the sword at all, as if he didn't notice it, he didn't even hold up a little bit of defense, just rushed towards the fragment.

The expressions of Heilong and others changed slightly, wondering why Qingfeng made such a choice.

But the next moment, they understood.

Seeing that the sword was about to pierce Qingfeng's body, he saw a swift sword light flying directly from the side, hitting the sword first.


There was another sound, and the assassin with the sword flew upside down, shaking the sky knife of the assassin, and still moving forward, the target was the assassin who was fighting with Qingfeng for the fragments.

The assassin was already slower than Qingfeng, and also not as decisive as Qingfeng. After sensing the crisis, he swung his sword to resist.


Qingfeng accelerated instantly, stepped forward, and took away the fragments belonging to Zichen.

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