Thunder Martial

Chapter 2155 Yin Yang Energy

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The moment the teleportation array lit up, all the high-level members of the Yaozhi Clan were alarmed, and they came here as quickly as possible. There is only one person in the Yaozhi clan who can activate this teleportation array.

The brilliance flickered, and three illusory figures appeared in the teleportation array. With the surge of hot Yaozhi energy, the three figures gradually solidified. It was the three of Zichen.

"Meet the goddess."

Looking at the glory in the middle, everyone bowed and saluted.

Looking across the faces of the elders, Guangyao nodded, her expression had returned to coldness.

These are the high-level members of the Yaozhi Clan, among whom there are eight false saints, and the rest are from the Celestial Realm. Seeing the return of the Celestial Girl at this time, they have both surprise and worry on their faces.

"What's going on," Guangyao asked.

"They guarded the outside and threatened to give us three months. If we don't hand over the goddess, our clan will be destroyed." A beautiful woman said, she is the most powerful elder of the Yaozhi clan, and also a false saint.

Walking out of the teleportation array, Zi Chen and Xing Chen looked around silently.

This place belongs to a unique space and is completely isolated, so there is no need to worry that the Geng family from outside will notice this teleportation.

There are fifteen of these high-level people, eight of them are pseudo-sages and seven of them are in the heavenly realm. The overall strength is not very strong. As for the individual combat strength, because there is no fight, Zi Chen is not clear.

However, as members of the former four royal families, I believe their personal combat power is not weak.

"These two are,"

Someone noticed Zi Chen and Xing Chen, and they were puzzled.

"Let me introduce to you, these two are friends I met outside. He is Zichen, from the Thunder Clan. His name is Xing Chen, from the Star Clan."

Both Thunder Clan and Star Clan belong to the Four Great Royal Clans. Hearing Guangyao's introduction, these people seemed very surprised and surprised, and of course they were more curious.

It's been a long, long time since they met anyone else from the Star of Life, let alone someone from the royal family.

Guangyao continued: "The two of them were specially invited by me to help resolve this crisis."

"They are but heaven,

Can really help us," a questioning voice sounded, this is a high-ranking elder who is much younger than the elders in the field, looking at the two of them at the moment, his eyes are full of scrutiny.

Zi Chen's eyes fell on the other party's body, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Yang Yao, don't be rude."

The tone of the other party made Guangyao's face turn a bit cold: "He is the disciple of that person back then, and this time he is here to test whether he can fill the Yin-Yang restriction with energy."

"That person's disciple," a group of high-ranking officials were shocked when they heard this, and when they looked at Zi Chen again, their expressions were a little more respectful.

Of course, this respect is not for Zichen, but for Wuji who kept their clan back then.

"Zi Chen has met all the seniors." Zi Chen cupped his hands and bowed to the elders.

"You are really that person's disciple, it can't be fake," Yang Yao looked at Zi Chen suspiciously.

"Yang Yao." Anger once again appeared on Guangyao's face.

Zi Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "If you have doubts, you can go forward and try."

While speaking, Zi Chen stretched out a hand.

"Why, if you want to fight me with one hand, even if you are that person's disciple, you shouldn't despise my royal family members like this." Yang Yao snorted coldly, his face a little ugly.

"It's not a hand, it's a finger. One finger, if you don't get hurt, I'm defeated." Zi Chen retracted four fingers with a smile, and pointed at the other party with the middle finger, the whole body was filled with fiery and violent energy.

"Looking for death." Being so slighted, a cold light flashed in Yang Yao's eyes.

"That's enough. Yang Yao, don't be unreasonable to your benefactor's disciple. Step down." The beautiful woman from earlier shouted at Yang Yao.

Yang Yao snorted coldly, his expression was a bit unwilling, but he didn't make a move after all.

"This time I will trouble you two friends, although I will come." The beautiful woman turned her head again, and said politely to Zichen and Xingchen.

The two nodded politely and followed.

A group of elders also followed closely behind, their expressions were somewhat expectant, because they felt the same aura as Wuji just now.

Under the leadership of the other party, Zichen and Xingchen came to the place where the Yin-Yang restriction was located, and immediately felt the two extreme forces in it.

"This is the core of the Yin-Yang Restriction. Once activated, it can protect the entire Yaozhi Clan. We have been able to survive these years because of the restriction here." Guangyao pointed to the Yin-Yang Restriction in front of him.

The Yin-Yang Restriction is composed of two formations. This formation is very cumbersome. In front of it, there are many formations closely connected together. At the core of the formation, there are two balls of light floating.

The two light spheres contained Yin and Yang energy respectively.

This is the first time that Zichen perceives the energy of Wuji. What he once perceived was only inheritance, not energy breath.

The spiritual thoughts were released and headed towards the light ball containing Yang energy. This energy was hot and violent. Although it was not thunder, its sense of violence was stronger than the power of thunder.

As the spiritual thought approached, the yang energy seemed to be aware of it, the light became brighter, and then a powerful aura erupted.

Under this aura, the expressions of the surrounding people changed, and they subconsciously retreated to the rear.

Only Zi Chen stood in place, his spiritual thoughts had already entered into the Yang energy, and he calmly realized the Yang energy that belonged to Wuji.

This energy seems to be similar to Zi Chen's energy, but there is a big difference in it, the most important point of which is will.

In the yang energy, there is a kind of will, and it is this will that endows the yang energy with a violent characteristic, even far surpassing the already violent thunder in Zi Chen's body.

Yang, hot to the extreme, violent to the extreme, full of danger.

Through this energy, Zichen seems to be able to see that the infiniteness manifested in this body is terrifying, irritable, and crazy.

Everyone backed away, looking nervously at Zi Chen in front of him.

Zi Chen stood there without moving, and after a while, there was a golden light flashing all over his body, and the golden light was also full of fiery and violent feelings, which could make people sure that he also had Yang energy.

But no matter it's fiery or violent, the aura of the infinite Yang attribute is much different.

This gap is like a child and a strong man, there is a fundamental gap.

It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.

"These two auras are too different, whether they can succeed or not," Yang Yao murmured in a low voice.

Others had the same concerns, their faces were full of worries, and Guangyao was also worried.

Originally, she felt that Zichen and Wuji had the same aura, but now after comparing them together, the gap became very obvious. Fundamentally, the difference between the two is too big, and it is judgemental.

I am afraid that this energy infusion will not be successful.


Just when everyone had no hope in their hearts, the golden light on Zi Chen's body suddenly faded away.

"What's going on here?" Looking at Zi Chen whose energy suddenly converged, everyone was confused.


Only after two breaths, a breath that was too many times more violent than before was released from Zi Chen's body. This breath was hot and violent, forming dancing thunder snakes all over his body, extremely violent.

"this is,"

Perceiving this aura, everyone was shocked, because this aura was already very similar to Wuji's aura, but there was a difference in grade between them.

If Zichen used this kind of breath to break into the holy crystal, it might become the Yang Qi possessed by Wuji.

Zi Chen, who had his eyes closed, opened them at this moment. He looked at the violent Yangzhi ball in front of him and said, "Thank you for letting me know the path I'm about to take."

The berserk breath disappeared from his body again, and Zi Chen's spiritual thoughts were withdrawn from the sphere of yang light, and then penetrated into the sphere of yin light again.

Contrary to the previous berserk, at this moment an extremely cold aura spread into Zi Chen's sea of ​​consciousness. This aura is not violent, but only gloomy and cold.

In Zichen's perception, Wuji manifested in this state, like a piece of ice that lasted thousands of years, exuding the coldness that strangers should not enter, and like a cold poisonous snake, which makes people look at it at a glance. Chill from the bottom of my heart.

This kind of yin aura is even more different from Zichen's aura. If we say that Zichen's yang aura before has 40% of the fiery and violent feeling of Wuji Yang's aura. So at this moment, the Yin breath is less than 10%.

Zi Chen, who closed his eyes, sat down cross-legged, and began to comprehend the yin aura belonging to Wuji. If he wants to fuse energy, he must comprehend it.

Yin's aura was released all over his body, and his aura was also changing bit by bit during his perception.

"Could it be that we are going to retreat, we haven't touched the crisis yet, and we are here to help, not to make ourselves successful." Looking at Zi Chen cross-legged, Yang Yao looked dissatisfied.

This kind of worry is obviously unnecessary, after half a day, Zi Chen's aura has changed, it has become extremely cold, and in the cold, there is more rage belonging to thunder.

With the appearance of this aura, a chill rose from the bottom of everyone's heart, as if Zi Chen had turned into a cold poisonous snake, hiding in the dark, staring at them coldly, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable. Yang Yao, who was dissatisfied before, turned pale and backed away subconsciously after sensing the aura of being targeted as a prey.

This breath came and went quickly, and after all the light on his body subsided, Zi Chen opened his eyes and stood up, looking back at everyone.

"How about it, can it work?" Guangyao asked anxiously.

Others also looked nervous and expectant.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Zichen smiled lightly: "If it's just filling energy, there shouldn't be a big problem. It's just that the energy level in my body is too low, and the filling process may take a long time."

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as it can be filled, we have the capital to fight against the saints. I believe the Geng family will not mess around." A rare joy appeared on Guangyao's face.

And the faces of the others were also greatly relieved.

"It may be a long time, you two Wardens."

During the process of transmitting energy, it is obvious not to be disturbed, Zi Chen immediately ordered.

But this place belongs to the Yao clan, his commanding tone made everyone's expressions change, and Yang Yao's face showed even more anger.

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