Thunder Martial

Chapter 2197 just clone

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The aura emanating from the right arm of the god made everyone feel desperate. This is the real end of the world.

With one punch, the light has already collapsed the world.

Even the ancestors of the Moon Clan are desperate, let alone others.

The fist with the aura of admiration was heading towards Zichen. This would be the first target of Dove Hill, and also the first person destroyed by the right fist of the god.

I believe that with this punch, Zi Chen will have no bones left.

The breath of despair filled every corner of the surrounding area.

Facing this punch, Zichen still held his chest with his right hand. He felt the power of this punch, and felt the despair in this world, but he did not have the despair he imagined. His expression was shocked, and there was a hint of disbelief in the shock, as well as an imperceptible weirdness.

He let go of the left hand holding the scabbard, and the scabbard fell to the ground, Zi Chen ignored it.

He clenched his left hand into a fist, and the aura of the god's left arm that Yaozu had sealed for him was completely released at this moment.

The left arm has been sealed for too long, and the energy has passed away a lot. Although the aura is still very strong, it is much smaller than the aura of the god's right arm at this moment.

But the aura between the two has the same origin, just like the holy crystal condensed by Zichen, which corresponds to a heavenly realm. And the aura emanating from his left arm at this moment is like a heavenly realm, and the right arm of a god is equivalent to that holy crystal.

With the breath released, Zi Chen clenched his fist and punched out, rather than hitting, it would be better to say block.

Because that punch was not only powerful, but also very fast. Just after rushing out of the space channel, it arrived in front of Zi Chen.

Zi Chen's heart began to beat violently, the piercing pain disappeared, replaced by excitement, just like when he felt the left arm of the god.


The god's right arm is powerful and powerful. In everyone's imagination, Zi Chen would be punched to death.

But the fact is that it didn't develop like this. After the powerful fist came to Zichen, it stopped suddenly, letting the violent wind blow Zichen's robe and roll Zichen's black hair. hair,

Make a grinning sound.

Standing there, Zichen punched out his left fist with difficulty, and stopped in front of Tianshen's right fist.

After that, there was no words, only the surge of terrifying energy, only the whistling wind, and the sound of strong heartbeats.

"how so."

Dove Hill, who was laughing wildly, suddenly froze his expression, and looked at the scene in front of him stupidly, not understanding what was going on.

Why is such a strong fist blocked by Zi Chen's small fist.

Moreover, the sudden heartbeat sounded between heaven and earth, which actually made him feel very uncomfortable.

The world became quiet again, and this scene far exceeded all expectations. All the people who watched the scene of the sky woke up from despair, and stared blankly at the sky.

There, Zi Chen was still standing, her small fist blocking that terrifying fist.

"Could it be."

The middle-aged beautiful woman vaguely guessed the reason, so she looked even more shocked, but in addition to the shock, another gratifying smile appeared on her face again.

Zi Chen could feel that this punch was so strong that it could even destroy a star field, but the moment this fist appeared, Zi Chen guessed that the opponent might not hurt him.

Of course, this is just speculation and cannot be confirmed.

If he wanted to prove it, he had to release his breath and throw a left fist, and he could only throw a left fist.

In the end, his guess came true, and Dove Hill's biggest reliance stopped in front of him. And with the accelerated beating frequency of the heart, Zi Chen gradually discovered that there seemed to be a kind of induction between himself and the right fist of the god, this kind of induction was like a relative calling.

The heart is second only to the existence of spiritual thoughts, and is the most important thing.

Zi Chen believed that the spirit of the god had long been obliterated, and only the body was immortal, and in the body, the heart was the real core and the real boss.

This God's right arm, which has obviously not been completely refined and tamed, will definitely not harm the boss after sensing the existence of the boss, and may even attach to the boss.

The heart was beating faster and faster, and the pounding sound made everyone's hearts feel uncomfortable.

" have the heart of a god in your body. Damn it, why do you have the heart of a god?" Suddenly, a sharp scream came from Dove Hill's mouth. At this moment, his voice had completely changed, and it seemed Very flustered.

His eyes regained clarity, and his eyes were full of disbelief. The right arm of the god was his biggest reliance on this trip.

Zi Chen ignored the other party, he just stretched out his right hand tentatively, this right hand moved forward slowly, ready to land on the right hand of the god.

"Damn it, get the hell out of here, that's mine." Dove Hill screamed, rushing towards this side.


On the right arm of the god, the light became brighter again, and the substantive light was like a sharp sword, piercing through the body of Dove Hill who came.

The latter's body flew out again, and the forcible connection between the other party and Tianshen's right arm also disappeared at this moment.

There was no trace of blood on his face, he didn't know if he was seriously injured or frightened, but he said to himself that it was over.

He was indeed finished, utterly finished.

Zi Chen's right hand had already landed on the right arm of the god of heaven, and the right arm of the god of heaven began to tremble, releasing a terrifying wave. This wave deliberately bypassed Zi Chen and scattered towards the surroundings.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the space vortex behind him, which completely shattered, and the right arm of the god was no longer under the control of Dove Hill, and it was completely free.

Then, the right arm began to shrink a little bit, and finally, under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, the right arm of the god became the size of a normal arm, and fused with Zichen's right arm.

This kind of fusion is very simple, and it is completed almost instantly.

Afterwards, Zi Chen's right arm was pulled down, as if the right arm had great strength, Zi Chen's body tilted accordingly, and then sat obliquely in the air all at once.

He shrugged his right arm and looked at Dove Hill in the distance, whose eyes were full of despair.

But after seeing Zi Chen, the despair in his eyes turned into deep hatred and resentment, he looked at Zi Chen and said: "Zi Chen, I remember you, I will not let you go."

"It should be said that I will not let you go."

Zi Chen looked at Dove Hill and said in a cold voice, at the same time beside him, the sword spirit manifested, intending to kill him.

"Ha ha."

Dove Hill laughed again, his eyes were no longer red, but his expression was very crazy. Regardless of the wound on his body, he stood up again and said: "Do you think this is my real body? Haha, this is just That’s all my avatar. It’s nothing to be proud of defeating my avatar, when my real body comes out, it will definitely be your death.”

Zi Chen's expression was obviously stunned, and he never expected that Dove Hill in this situation was just a clone of the main body. But looking at the glowing Void King Tree in the opponent's body at this moment, gradually manifesting the main body, Zi Chen also understood why the opponent's clone could exist for such a long time.

"When my real body comes out, I will definitely kill you. Don't run away out of fear. Even if you run to the Star of Life, I will go there and kill you myself."

Dove Hill's body gradually became blurred, which was a sign when the avatar dissipated. Just before it dissipated, he grinned at Zi Chen: "Zi Chen, take good care of the right arm of the god for me, and I will personally Take back what belongs to me, as well as your god's heart and god's left arm, and I will take it with you."

For some reason, Dove Hill's last sentence was used by sound transmission.

The opponent's figure completely dissipated into energy, leaving nothing behind. On the contrary, the Void King Tree that has lost its attachment manifests in the sky. Like the Void Tree, after the other party manifests, its figure is constantly disillusioned, as if it is between reality and illusion.


At this moment, a starlight fell from the sky and shrouded the Void King Tree, causing the Void King Tree to no longer change, but to stand quietly in the air.

"Once this thing loses its host, if it is not sealed with energy in time, it will disappear soon." The voice of the stars sounded, and everyone walked over from a distance.

At this moment, everyone's eyes showed the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe, as well as the unconcealable shock.

What happened today was really shocking.

And everyone looked at Zi Chen's expression, admiring and shocked, but also strange.

Especially the three Zanbu brothers and sisters, they couldn't figure out why such a powerful attack would stop in front of Zi Chen, and Zi Chen just stretched out his hand to put away the attack.

Not understanding in their hearts, the three of them became more and more afraid of Zichen as they admired him more. Now they can be sure that if Zichen is willing, it will be too easy to destroy those saints of Zanbu family.

At this moment, they had already made up their minds that they must make friends with Zi Chen. This time he offended Dove Hill indirectly, if he doesn't establish a good relationship with Zi Chen, then this time it will be really a big loss.

Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, Zi Chen also smiled easily, this battle is really dangerous. Fortunately, Dove Hill's hole card, the right arm of the god, if it is a holy weapon, it will be really troublesome today.

But before he could say hello to everyone, the body that was sitting reclined in the air fell towards the ground little by little.

"What are you doing?" Looking at Zi Chen like this, Xing Chen asked in confusion.

"I also……"

Before Zi Chen finished speaking, the falling body was getting faster and faster, and then hit the ground heavily.

Smoke and dust splashed everywhere, and a deep hole appeared on the ground. Zi Chen's figure appeared in the hole, and a voice came from the ground: "...I don't want to do this, but it's too heavy, I really can't hold it gone."

Everyone looked shocked, then looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

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