Thunder Martial

Chapter 2205 Assessment No. 1

Latest website: After cultivating Dragon-nurturing Qi, the spiritual power in the body will be transformed into the power of Dragon-nurturing, but the power of Dragon-nurturing is also divided into several levels.

Hidden dragon, horned dragon, chi dragon, dragon, and finally the sacred dragon power.

The Terrain Sect's dragon-raising energy is the product of the decomposition of the sacred dragon power. It is very rare and can improve the level of the dragon-raising power.

For example, if you cultivate the power of the dragon and add a burst of heavenly dragon energy, your power will naturally be promoted to the power of the dragon.

This is a qualitative improvement!

Similarly, a horned dragon can also transform into a chi dragon.

A chi dragon can also become a dragon!

However, the dragon cannot transform into the power of the sacred dragon, because the power of the dragon is already considered top-level power, and only with the blessing of the blood of the sacred dragon can it go one step further.

For a group of demon hunters who practice dragon qi cultivation, Tianlong Qi is definitely an important resource that cannot be exchanged for anything.

Especially those with high talents, such as cultivating the power of a chi dragon, can become the power of a dragon.

For a moment, everyone's breathing became rapid.

Zi Chen became more and more certain that this was prepared for He Qingtian, but he didn't know what the relationship between the two was.

An illegitimate child living abroad?

Zi Chen didn't intend to fight for it, because some places were predetermined, and fighting for them would only lead to faster death.

Likewise, many people's eyes flickered, as if they were suspicious of something.

Gu Zhiyi continued: "Don't worry, everyone, since our Terrain Sect has provided such resources, of course it is absolutely fair and just. You are all the best, no matter who is the first, we welcome you to join."

At this moment, He Qingtian asked: "Excuse me, how to ensure fairness? We are outsiders, how can we ensure that we become the number one and will not be targeted by your Terracotta Sect people? Deprive us of the dragon nourishing energy? "

This sentence seems to be fighting for a fair opportunity for outsiders, but in fact it is fighting for oneself.

Stop the crowd in advance.

A hint of contempt flashed in the eyes of the Terraform Sect disciples.

Although only those in the Spirit Exploration Realm can participate this time, there are many geniuses here, and the geniuses of the major sects are definitely not comparable to the wild cultivators outside.

In their view, there is no chance that this first place could be taken away by outsiders.

Gu Zhiyi smiled and said: "As for fairness, everyone can rest assured. The elders of Baiyue Sect and Tianyang Sect will be here to bear witness. In addition, there are also elders of the four families of Zhao, Su, Han and Ma."

"The Baiyue Sect and Tianyang Sect are as famous as the Terrain Sect. As for the four major families, their reputation is no less than that of the Three Sects. They are commonly known as the Three Sects and Four Families."

Cao Tong explained to Zi Chen in a low voice, "If they are really here, fairness is indeed no problem."

Zi Chen smiled. He didn't plan to fight for it at first. Since it was so fair, it was necessary to fight for it.

Others are also relieved. If there is no trick, then use your strength, maybe there is a chance.

"Next, you will enter the Heavenly Road, where there are many dangers. You must be careful."

After speaking, Gu Zhiyi and the elders retreated.

Another ray of light came down from the top of the mountain and turned into a passage.

Everyone entered eagerly.

He Qingtian looked at the excited crowd with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He stood behind and was not in a hurry.

Zi Chen was also not in a hurry, he wanted to see what He Qingtian's trump card was.

Soon, it was He Qingtian's turn, and Zi Chen followed him in. Worried about being separated from Cao Tong, Zi Chen grabbed his collar and entered.

Entering the light gate, Zi Chen first saw a fog, which was very dense and there was nothing around him.

"What's going on? We were sent into a foggy forest?" Cao Tong looked confused. Fortunately, Zi Chen was still holding his collar so he wouldn't get lost.

Zi Chen looked forward at this moment. He Qingtian was ten meters away. There was a stone plate in his hand, only as big as the palm of his hand. It released a faint light and blocked out all the fog.

The range is three meters.

Compared with what I saw at first, this is a smaller Bagua stone plate.

At this point, his guess was confirmed!

At this moment, He Qingtian held the stone plate and moved forward slowly.


Zi Chen grabbed Cao Tong and walked forward. During this period, Cao Tong staggered and couldn't see what was under his feet.

After walking a hundred meters, their eyes widened.


Cao Tong was so excited that he and Zi Chen were the only two people he saw.

He felt even more fortunate that he had met a noble person.

"Tianlu, let's go find Tianlu next!" Cao Tong was extremely excited, "Maybe we can be the first."

"The road is at your feet." Zi Chen said lightly.

"What?" Cao Tong was stunned. There was an open space under his feet, and even within a radius of a thousand meters, there was an open space. Where was the road?

"I'll catch you next, just follow me. You don't have to do anything in the meantime." Zi Chen's voice suddenly became serious, "Did you hear that?"


Cao Tong nodded blankly.

Zi Chen pulled Cao Tong and took a step forward.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of him, holding a long knife and slashing at Cao Tong.

The blade shone with a cold light, carrying infinite killing intent.

Cao Tong shouted to be careful and tried to break away from Zi Chen, but Zi Chen held on to his collar tightly. At the same time, Zi Chen's voice rang in his ears, "Don't move!"

"If you don't move, you will die!"

Cao Tong dodged slightly to avoid the fatal blow. There was a blood hole on his shoulder, and blood flowed out gurglingly.

His face turned pale, "Zi Chen, look, I'm injured."

Zi Chen glanced at Cao Tong, "If you think you are injured, of course you are."

Cao Tong was confused, why was he still playing riddles?

My blood is still flowing.

"Don't worry, you won't die. Don't move next."

Zi Chen warned again and pulled Cao Tong forward.

At this moment, in front of Zi Chen's eyes, there was another scene. At his feet was a long stone staircase that extended all the way to the top.

And every time he took a step forward, the stone steps would release a beam of light, trying to influence Zi Chen.

But Zi Chen has the power of the soul and can judge truth and falsehood.

It can be said that if this kind of test were placed in his world, everyone could pass it.

But here, it is very difficult to pass the spirit exploration realm without the power of the soul.

This is also the reason why when Zi Chen pulls Cao Tong, the two see things differently.

In Cao Tong's eyes, there were many black shadows all around. They were all dressed in black, holding long knives in their hands, and were killing him.

It was also strange that Zi Chen was right next to him, but these dark figures ignored Zi Chen and only looked for him.

puff! puff! puff! …

Soon, his body was covered in blood.

Cao Tong screamed in fright. If Zi Chen hadn't used his strength to restrain him, he would have broken free and run away.

"Stop screaming, are you dead?" Zi Chen said coldly.

"Not yet, but he is about to die. Those men in black are ruthless with their swords and will kill them with their swords!" Cao Tong cried.

"You also said that they would kill you with a knife, so why not chop off your head at once? Could it be that you hid quickly?"

"Well...yeah, I seem to be just injured, not dead."

Cao Tong also reacted, but looking at the men in black who were coldly drawing swords, he said: "They want to torture me and kill me slowly."

"That's easy. Close your eyes and don't think about anything." Zi Chen said, "Just treat yourself as dead."

Cao Tong closed his eyes when he heard this. He was not stupid and saw the problem.

There are so many men in black, why do you choose to kill yourself?

However, even if he closed his eyes, those blades still fell on his body, and the severe pain was real.

It was like being stabbed, stabbed again and again, and the blood kept flowing.

Every time the knife was struck, Cao Tong would scream in agony.

At the end, Cao Tong almost collapsed to the ground, covered in blood, while Zi Chen dragged him to the top of the stone steps.

There is a light door here, which should be the direction to leave.



Outside the main hall of the Terrain Sect, there is a small square that can only accommodate about two hundred people.

There is a row of chairs in front. Elders from two sects and four clans are all sitting here, with Gu Zhiyi sitting in the middle.

"This test may take two days as soon as possible or ten days as late as possible. I'll thank you all. I'll be here, drinking tea instead of wine."

Gu Zhiyi raised the tea bowl in his hand and gestured to the people on both sides.

All the elders responded politely.

"The birth of every dragon-raising method requires at least six forces to witness it. This is an old tradition. There is no need to be polite, sect leader."

This is the rule for dragon-raising and demon-catching masters. Every dragon-raising and demon-catching master who is born is registered and has witnesses!

This is also a rule passed down from those days and cannot be changed.

Therefore, each sect or force has a limited number of dragon-raising and demon-catching masters.

"It's a shame to say that our Terrain Sect has suffered huge losses in the Demon Sealed Land. This increase in manpower is a helpless move."

Although he said he was helpless, the joy on Gu Zhiyi's face could not be concealed.

Because extra people need to be exchanged for contributions, which proves that their Terrain Sect has ten more places for dragon-raising and demon-catching masters.

The other elders also knew this and congratulated them one after another.

At this moment, a light door suddenly opened in the square ahead, and two people fell from above.

It was Zi Chen and Cao Tong.

Zi Chen seemed unscathed, but Cao Tong was covered in knife marks. Except for the place where Zi Chen grabbed it, almost no other parts were intact.

", I'm dying!"

Even after he came out, Cao Tong still closed his eyes and shouted for help to vent the fear in his heart.

The laughter in the square stopped abruptly.

The elders immediately froze after seeing the two people present.

They knew very well that the Terrain Sect's assessment was very difficult, and it would take two days at the earliest and ten days at the latest.

There are even more than 60% of people who cannot successfully reach the summit.

But now, in just an hour, someone has succeeded?

While all the elders were stunned, the sect leader Gu Zhiyi was also dumbfounded.

The first place was taken away by an outsider!

"Stop shouting, we are out, I am first and you are second." Zi Chen's voice sounded, reminding Cao Tong and also reminding all the elders.

All the elders immediately came back to their senses and looked at each other in confusion.

Fortunately, they are all elders, so they still have determination.

Immediately, an elder said: "In less than an hour, the test was completed. Congratulations to the sect master for acquiring a peerless genius!"

Other elders congratulated him one after another.

As for Gu Zhiyi, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the moment.

Things went beyond expectations and changes occurred, and he began to think about how to bring order to the chaos.

After all, it is about nourishing dragon energy, and it cannot be given to outsiders.

At this moment, Zi Chen said: "Elders have misunderstood. Although I won the first place, I am not a genius. I just have a small magical power called Wugan. After being released, I no longer have any sense, so I got lucky. Got a loophole."

When the sect leader heard this, it seemed that there was still something to be done.

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