Tiancai Monopoly Of Hokage

Chapter 209 Tiancai’S Plan To Purify The World!

The next day, it was dawn.

The Craftsman Village has regained its former peace and tranquility.

It's like it never happened.

The villagers began to work hard and diligently.

"Clang Clang Clang!"

The furnaces were lit again in the workshops in the village, and the craftsmen and apprentices returned to their original jobs one after another.

Everything becomes warm and peaceful.

There are fewer people in the village, but the village has not declined.

Those vacated houses and vacated money were distributed to various households.

Everyone was organized, and the craftsmen began to work diligently. The apprentices, under the guidance of the famous craftsmen, did simple auxiliary work step by step.

The village is full of vigor and vitality again.

At this time, the villagers were very energetic. Everyone knows that some time ago, a murderer appeared in the village.

Fortunately, a ninja master caught the murderer and protected the village. The disaster the village experienced was exactly the time when everyone needed to rebuild their homes.

At this time, it was time to rebuild the village, and everyone was working hard.

Matsumoto Shuichi likes his current life very much, and everything is getting better. This kind of life now is exactly what he hopes for.

His body became stronger and stronger, and his casting skills became better and better. The famous craftsmen trained him with all their strength, saying that he had the talent to become a famous craftsman.

Some villagers in the village, after experiencing that nightmare. Many people have undergone earth-shaking changes. They have become optimistic, cheerful, and helpful, just like a moral model.

Every time I think of the efforts and dedication of those people, Shuichi Matsumoto feels ashamed.

Only occasionally, he would feel that he had forgotten something.

But soon, he put aside these doubts.

Life now is very beautiful, everyone is looking forward to the future, everyone is full of hope, everything is beautiful.

that's enough.


The country of waves.

In Tiancai's underground base.

In the office, Tiancai sat behind a large desk with a pile of organized confidential documents in front of him.

Tiancai is checking the important information recently collected by the intelligence department.

The collected information will be divided into different levels of importance according to his arrangements.

Depending on the level of importance, the intelligence department will arrange different time and manpower, whether to continue the investigation or ignore it.

As the leader of a force, although he does not need to do many things himself, he still needs to make decisions on important backlogged matters.

In front of Tiancai's desk, Bai quietly waited for his orders and arrangements.

"What's going to happen in the Craftsman Village?"

It has been a week since I returned to the Country of Waves from the Craftsman Village.

Tiancai finally remembered and asked about the follow-up development of the Craftsman Village.

Thinking back on the changes in the Craftsman Village, Bai looked at Tiancai with admiration and admiration.

"Lord Tianming, under your power, the villagers of Craftsman Village have undergone earth-shaking changes. They were given strong hints, and with the fear of witnessing death as pressure, the villagers were really transformed into people who were unable to do evil. people."

"Any evil deed will make their hair stand on end and make their skin crawl. Serious evil deeds will cause them to have a physiological reaction of nausea and vomiting."

"As long as no external force breaks this balance. I believe that the Craftsman Village will continue to be a kind village for a long time."

Hearing this information, Tiancai had a smile on his face.

He said softly.

"The half of the villagers have been deprived of the right to do evil because of their past evil deeds. They will serve as the cornerstone of the village and breed more villagers with good hearts.

"The other half of the normal villagers have the power to protect the village. With the support of good villagers, they will have stronger fighting power."

"The balance based on this can exist for a long time. This is a phenomenon worthy of attention."

There was longing in Bai's tone.

"Lord Tianming, that kind of power can already change the world."

"With that kind of power, we can create a perfect world. Is that our goal?

His eyes revealed his longing for a perfect world.

Tiancai said noncommittally, "That kind of method of transforming society is still in the experimental stage."

"It is a good experiment to use illusions to implant hints so that evil people cannot do evil. But if you want to change the world, you have to do it step by step.

Many villagers in the Craftsman Village joined the war. In order to improve the economic situation of their village, they caused massacres in the village.

Tiancai had no good impression of such villagers, but simply killing the villagers also made no sense to him.

After some thought, he used those villagers as material for his experiment to transform the world.

As a purpose-driven person.

In order to achieve his own goals, Tiancai doesn't mind doing things that go against the wishes of others, especially against the wishes of evil people.

In his dictionary, evil people have no human rights.

The villagers and criminals of the Craftsman Country therefore became the first batch of experimental materials for Tiancai's experiment to communicate with the world through illusion.

For Project Tsuki no Me, use the supreme illusion to cast illusions on people all over the world.

Through illusion, unify the world and create a peaceful and happy world.

Tiancai is not disgusted with such a plan.

Even vaguely, he believed that this was a feasible path.

Although using the power of Ten Tails, casting Infinite Tsukuyomi will trigger the resurrection ceremony of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. But as long as he takes precautions in advance, it is impossible for Ōtsutsuki Kaguyahime to be resurrected under his nose.

What's more, in a few years, even if Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is resurrected, she may not be able to defeat him.

As long as Tiancai cultivates his own sacred tree 557 and fully controls the power of the sacred tree, facing the real Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, he can treat her as a large tailed beast and take whatever she wants.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi plan that Uchiha Madara wanted to realize but was unable to realize, in Tiancai's eyes, is just an optional possibility to transform the world.

Taking into account the side effects of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, Tiancai is improving the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan.

It is meaningless to let people live completely in a world of illusion, but after the transformation, the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan has infinite possibilities.

Just like his experiment in the Craftsman Village, using the illusion of the Phantom Fist and the execution of the main criminal in the Craftsman Village, the fear of malice was implanted in the brains of the accomplice villagers in the Craftsman Village.

Just like the world before time travel, some countries would use chemical castration for prisoners who violated young girls.

Tiancai's villain improvement plan adopts a similar method. Chemical castration of rapists, mental castration of violent criminals, or spiritual purity.

Judging from the current experimental results, this method has achieved very good effect feedback.

Tiancai plans to continue to observe the subsequent changes in the craftsman village.

If this experiment can minimize defects. It can be promoted to the whole world.

When spiritual castration, spiritual purity, and implanting virtues become feasible. Tiancai does not need to continue Infinite Tsukuyomi forever. Relying on his own strength, he can make the world a beautiful heaven on earth.

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