Tiancai Monopoly Of Hokage

Chapter 64 The Person Who Saved A Country!

Listen to the evidence from your daughter.

Thinking back on the changes in the past few days. Miwako nodded, this is possible.

But it could also be Cardo’s conspiracy. She added mentally.

Xiaoya continued, "Just now, we were at the bridge, watching the battle of ninjas,"

"You are really brave,"

Hearing that her daughter was actually watching the battle of ninjas at the bridge, Miwako's heart skipped a beat.

Xiaoya took Miwako's hand and attracted her attention.

"The ninjas on both sides started fighting, and when one was about to die, Mr. Tianming stopped them and told them to stop fighting."

Miwako opened her mouth wide, showing a look of shock.

"To be able to stop both sides, isn't Mr. Tianming more powerful than both of them?"

She had no idea that that kind-looking man could actually stop the fighting ninja.

"of course,"

"Four Nine Seven" mentioned the scene just now, Xiaoya looked excited, and she danced and gestured.

"I saw, Master Tianming, just using one hand to draw the sword, a big moon appeared on the bridge.

She drew a large circle with her hand, like the moon.

"The moonlight flashed, and two powerful ninjas flew away.

Xiaoya took a breath and continued.

"Then I learned that there were two ninjas, one was hired by Kado to stop the construction of the bridge, and the other was hired by Dazuna to protect the bridge."

"At this time, a woman came out."

"The woman told everyone that Kado is dead. Now Kado Company has changed its owner and name. She wants to support the construction of the bridge and do business with everyone.

Miwako had some doubts on her face, it couldn't be some conspiracy. "

"Will not,"

Xiaoya shook her head vigorously, "I can see that that woman is in awe of Mr. Tianming. Mr. Tianming also promised everyone that he would be the go-between for the future matters and solve all the troubles."

Xiaoya said firmly, "I believe that with Mr. Tianming acting as a middleman for everyone, everything will be fine.

A series of news filled Miwako's brain, she murmured to herself.

"If it can really be like that, Lord Tianming will be the person who saved a country.

Xiaoya muttered silently, "Save a country's people."

Recalling what she saw along the way, infinite yearning arose in Xiaoya's heart.

"Lord Tianming, you have the power to save a country."

The country of waves.

The mansion that once belonged to Cardo is now the residence of Haneda Yuka and Tiancai's laboratory.

In the study room.

Tiancai sat on a large back chair and listened to Haneda Yuka's report.

Haneda Yuka held a stack of information in her hand and reported to Tiancai the current situation of Tomorrow Group.

"Under the special request and care of the master, Tomorrow Group has shrunk its sphere of influence."

"We have given many benefits to the residents of the Country of Waves to join the Tomorrow Group. The generous treatment has made the residents of the Country of Waves proud to join the Tomorrow Group."

"Through the new members, we have completely replaced the original power of Cardo Company and brought the group completely under control.

"We completely saved this country and took control of this country."

Haneda Yuka looked at Tiancai with burning admiration.

It was the man in front of her who saved her and the country.

Listening to Haneda Yuka's report, Tiancai nodded slightly.

He tapped the armrest of the chair gently with his finger and spoke slowly.

"Cado's previous power seemed huge, but was actually vulnerable. He relied on violence and money to maintain his rule, but no one was truly loyal to him."

"It is precisely because of Cardo Company's external strength and internal leadership that our plan will be realized so smoothly."

"Realistic comparison is always the most convincing method. Realistic comparison surpasses any propaganda and rhetoric."

"Kado's evil and violence are ahead. Tomorrow Group only needs to give a little gift to make the people of the Country of Waves recognize us wholeheartedly."

"Civilians are so easily satisfied."

The admiration in Haneda Yuka's eyes became even more intense.

The man in front of me changed everything in the Country of Waves in a short period of time.

Tiancai said calmly.

"Now we need to avoid Cardo's mistakes."

"We need to integrate Tomorrow Group into the Country of Waves and truly become a company that the people of the Country of Waves cannot leave. Only then can we fundamentally control this country."

"Just like those powerful ninja villages, they are connected with a country. They and the country are both prosperous and prosperous, but they may not be harmed if they are damaged."

"This is the ultimate development of power."

The people of Wave Country got a good job, became a member of the Tomorrow Group, and were tied to each other.

Tianming gathered some of the interests, but purged many of the remaining forces and turned them into a regular, upright force...

Although short-term gains were sacrificed, in the long run, the group gained lasting vitality and became a truly powerful force.

"Everything will go according to the master's plan."

Haneda Yuka promised with a passionate tone.

I am very satisfied with Haneda Yuka's series of performances.

All plans, he just put forward an outline.

The real tedious and tiring tasks are all left to the maid Yuka Haneda. And Yuka Haneda fully demonstrated the ability of a perfect maid.

This is much more capable than those female secretaries in previous lives.

The woman who controls a country is his maid. What else is more satisfying than such a maid?

A week later.

The country of waves.

In a small town near the pier.

Tiancai took Zabuza and Haku and observed them all the way.

Along the way, Zabuza remained silent.

Recalling the previous dilapidation and depression of the Country of Waves, the vitality and vitality bloomed before my eyes.

Looking at everything in front of him, Zabuza said in a deep voice, "Is this the change you want?"

In a short period of time, the country in front of us has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Tiancai said calmly.

"The vitality and vitality of a country are like grass weighed down by stones. As long as the stones are removed, it will immediately glow with vitality."

Bai looked at Tiancai with admiration, "This country is completely different from before."

"Is it much better than before?" Tianming asked 4.5.

"Yes. Lord Tianming, you saved this country." Bai said affirmatively.

"It would be great if the Kingdom of Water became like this."

Shiro saw the changes in the Country of Waves, saw the Tomorrow Group, and gained people's support.

This was a sight he had never imagined before.

Tiancai said in a serious tone, "This country will be handed over to you next. You need to protect the company and this country.

He asked Zabuza and Haku to protect the company and protect the security of Wave Country.

"But on the surface, you are traitors and cannot show your face openly."

He said in a relaxed tone, "Daily protection will still be given to those special tattoos.

"What you have to do is to secretly protect Haneda Yuka and ensure my plan."

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