Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1192: Furious

The man in blue was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Although he had seen Su Chen activate the flame python before, at that time Su Chen only used the flame python's attack ability, but did not show the flame python's ability to swallow fire.

At this moment, the fire attributes displayed by these eight flaming pythons made the man in blue dumbfounded for a moment.

As soon as he sacrifices his True Yuan Lingyan, under normal circumstances, the other party will have no choice but to avoid his sharp edge immediately. When would his True Yuan Lingyan be suppressed by a small person in the Reincarnation Realm?

This situation made the man in blue unable to accept it for a while.

"Hmph, I want to see how much you can absorb!"

The man in blue snorted coldly, and more True Essence Spiritual Flame surged out of his body. For a moment, the surrounding area for several miles turned into a sea of ​​​​hell and fire. Every flame in the sea of ​​​​fire had at least ten Several feet high.

This obviously consumed the man in blue's true energy. With this push of the man in blue, more than half of the true energy in his Dantian was immediately gone.

However, the man in blue didn't care about that much now, he just wanted to get rid of this weird guy Su Chen quickly.

"small fire."

Seeing this, Su Chen shouted in his mind and summoned the Skyfire Baby.

When the Skyfire baby came out, it didn't even go to the ground. It was directly in Su Chen's arms, opened its small mouth and sucked in the true essence spirit like a dragon sucking water.

The man in blue couldn't see clearly from a distance. He only saw Su Chen surrounded by the True Essence Spirit Flame, but suddenly, the number of True Essence Spirit Flames around Su Chen began to decrease.

Even though the man in blue kept spewing out the True Essence Spirit Flame, he still couldn't change the situation where the True Essence Spirit Flame was getting less and less.

Gradually, a vacuum zone of True Essence Spirit was formed around Su Chen. It can be clearly seen that the True Essence Spirit formed the shape of a dragon absorbing water, and was continuously sucked by something in Su Chen's clothes. Absorb it.

This scene almost made the man in blue angry.

"That kid can still absorb it?" The man in blue was completely confused, feeling that his three views were about to be subverted. He is a warrior with extremely talented fire attributes, and this True Yuan Lingyan is almost his strongest move at the bottom of the box.

Although he still had a trump card that he had yet to play, Su Chen's attempt to crack his True Yuan Lingyan still caused great fluctuations in his heart.

Originally, in the eyes of the top geniuses of the Ziyan Kingdom, they thought that the warriors from the Sinful Land were not worthy of being on the stage. But now it seems that this is definitely prejudice.

Su Chen, on the other hand, had a lot of time to rest. He could see that the man in blue's True Essence Spirit Flame could not be further strengthened. It was already at the limit that the man in blue could activate.

However, Su Chen was not expecting the man in blue to be able to activate such a powerful True Essence Spirit Flame. If it weren't for Xiao Tianhuo's superior skills, this True Yuan Lingyan would be really difficult to deal with.

Su Chen was secretly wary in his heart. He knew that if the man in blue had such means, he might have other means.

It is impossible for a person who can mobilize Zhenyuan Lingyan to this point if he does not have some other trump cards.

At this moment, the man in blue saw a relaxed smile on the corner of Su Chen's mouth, but for some reason, he felt a little irritable inside.

Because the current rhythm is obviously no longer under his control.

Originally, they, the young and powerful men of the six major families of the Ziyan Kingdom, wanted to hunt these sinful land warriors as monsters. However, the current situation is that he does not enjoy the hunting-like thrill at all, but instead feels as if he has become a prey.

"There is absolutely no way this guy is a warrior born and raised in the Sinful Land. Could it be that he is from one of those superpowers?"

The man in blue couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he thought of this. Their Ziyan Country is said to be a famous force in Central Continent, but in fact, they are just ignorant people. In fact, Ziyan Country can only be regarded as a small country in Central Continent, and there are other big countries above it.

At this moment, the man in blue began to wonder, could the guy opposite him be from one of the superpowers of Central Asia?

This thought just flashed through his mind, and then the man in blue shook his head. Those superpowers will not send prisoners to exile in places of crime.

At the moment, the man in blue didn't want to think too much. All in all, he couldn't waste time with Su Chen anymore. We must cut through the mess quickly and decisively.

Otherwise, the other six major family contestants would all be hunting down the sinful land warriors at the moment. And after he spent so much effort, even if he killed Su Chen, he would only get two points, and the others had already left him behind.

They entered the Kirigakure Mountains to hunt the warriors of the Sinful Land. This is also the core part of their entire trial. Whoever hunts more Sinful Land warriors and has better quality will be at the top.

Hunting and killing living people as if they were monsters is what a noble family like them is capable of doing.

In fact, this is exactly the deal that the three city lords made with the six major families of the Ziyan Kingdom. The three city lords gave the warriors from the Sinful Land to the six major families of the Ziyan Kingdom, and let the six major families become living targets.

In return, the six major families can allow the three city lords to leave the sinful land and join the six major families.

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