Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1232: Being fooled

When both sides counted the damage, they suddenly discovered that both sides had suffered a lot of damage in this battle.

Tieyunguo was doing better, and the damage was within the acceptable range. But on the Tong family's side, they were shocked to find that there were dozens of casualties, which was a lot of casualties for a short battle.

This loss is really heavy for the Tong family.

However, even after being mediated, both sides were still angry. Elder Tong San, in particular, was sulking and staring, as if he was ready to eat someone at any moment. It was obvious that he had not really calmed down at all.

Among the people who came to mediate, there was a strong man from the Xiao family, one of the six major families in the Ziyan Kingdom, who was the eldest elder of the Xiao family.

He had the highest status among the powerful people present, so he advised: "You two, listen to this old man and calm down first. There may be some misunderstanding. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies."

Elder Xiao was so virtuous and respected that Elder Tong San and General Xin from Tieyun Kingdom had no choice but to give him face.

"General Xin, tell me first?" Elder Xiao smiled. After all, he came from the same country as Elder Tong San and had a closer relationship, so at this moment, he naturally asked General Xin of Tieyun Country first.

General Xin snorted coldly: "It's okay for you people from Ziyan Nation to issue a wanted order within the Ten-Nation Alliance. But Gushan City is our territory of Tieyun Nation after all. Isn't it too much to blockade Gushan City without saying a word? Are you a little overbearing? Do you still have your eyes on our Tie Yun Kingdom?"

When Elder Xiao heard this, he was half relieved. He dared not believe that the cause of the incident was just such a trivial matter.

At that moment, Elder Xiao smiled and said: "This is our Ziyan Nation's mistake. I am here to represent the Ziyan Nation to apologize to you first. Don't worry, we in the Ziyan Nation will definitely learn from it in the future and will not do it again in the future." Similar things happen.”

General Xin snorted, still angry, and said: "We, the Tieyun Kingdom, are not deliberately looking for trouble. When you, the Ziyan Kingdom, come up and shout to fight, do you want the two countries to go to war? Let me tell you, even if there is a war, we will not No ambiguity!”

General Xin was furious when he said this.

However, Elder Tong San on the opposite side was even more furious than him: "You still have the nerve to be so upright here, do you really think that evil people can complain first? It's obviously you who personally admitted that Su Chen is from your Tieyun Kingdom, and your hand He is also holding Tong Yuan’s space ring, and our Tong family has a sworn hatred for you!”

"What do you mean I admit that Su Chen is from Tieyun Kingdom?"

General Xin was furious, "Su Chen has nothing to do with our Tieyun Kingdom. Moreover, this space ring was just given to me by my subordinates. I have no idea where he got it from, nor do I know what it is." Your stuff.”

"Didn't you just say that your men got it from murder and swindling? Why did it get it from nowhere now?"

Elder Tong San sneered, "No matter what, the space ring in your hand is always true, right? Su Chen killed my Tong family member Tong Yuan, but Tong Yuan's space ring is in your hand. Doesn't this explain? Does Su Chen have a close relationship with your Tieyun country?"

General Xin was extremely angry. Faintly, he felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have been cheated, or in other words, everyone present had been cheated.

"Whoever handed over the ring to me just now, come out!" General Xin turned around and shouted angrily.

Soon, the squad leader just came out slowly. He also knew that he might have gotten into trouble, and he looked nervous.

"General, my subordinates..."

General Xin interrupted him angrily: "Where did you get this ring from?"

"I... I really didn't lie. It was really given to me by a man. He said that when he met our soldiers from the Iron Cloud Kingdom in the wild, they were injured fighting monsters and could not survive, so they gave this important weapon to me. I gave him the space ring and hoped that he would send it to the capital, and he wanted to entrust the ring to me, so I believed it, so I agreed to him..."

The squad leader replied with a sad face.

"What does that man look like?"

asked one of General Xin's men.

"I, I...I didn't see clearly. I only knew that he was wearing a mask and he was not very old..."

The team leader stammered. The mask was a very common attire among individual warriors and was not special, so it didn't attract his attention at all.

"According to what he said, this ring is very important, so why doesn't he send it to the capital himself?"

General Xin's subordinate asked again.

"He said that his strength is low and he is not sure whether he can go to the capital, so please ask us..."

The captain's voice became softer and quieter as he spoke.

General Xin became more and more depressed as he listened, and shouted: "Get out of here!"

By now, General Xin finally understood that he had indeed been tricked. Someone deliberately wanted to cause conflict between himself and the Tong family, and it worked successfully.

Elder Xiao also coughed dryly and said, "Why do I think someone is deliberately provoking a war between you?"

After all, Elder Xiao is older and thinks about things more comprehensively. As soon as he heard what happened, he vaguely felt that there must be an inside story.

Apart from anything else, if Su Chen was really with Tie Yun Kingdom, how could it be that the people from Tie Yun Kingdom got the space at this time, not sooner rather than later?

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