Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,405 The departing Qian Ji Huo

And the eyes of the five elders were shining brightly, and they said: "I think there is no need for us to take such big steps all at once, and there is no need to seek to expand outside the barbarian lands right away. Before that, we should The first step is to unify the six tribes of barbarians!”

"Unify the six tribes of barbarians?"

Hearing this, several other clan elders also had different expressions on their faces.

"That's right, unify the six tribes of barbarians!"

The leader of the five tribes nodded fiercely and said, "Let the other five tribes become slaves of our Gusang tribe. By then, whether we want girls or other resources, we can get them from If the five major tribes seize it, will it be difficult to invade Xuelan City and expand their territory?"

"What's more, we are doing this for the benefit of the other five tribes!" The elder of the five tribes added, "If we can unify the six tribes, we can truly concentrate the core resources and strength of the six tribes on expanding the territory, and Don’t waste it on unnecessary internal fighting!”

I have to say that although the words of the elder of the Five Clans were shocking, they were extremely inflammatory.

"So, in your opinion, how should we unify the other five departments?"

The rich man asked.

"It is not an easy task to unify the other five departments. If we want to do this, we have to pay some price."

There was a strange look on the faces of the old five tribes, and he continued, "The strength of the other five tribes is basically not inferior to our Gusang tribe, and even if it is inferior, it will not be inferior by a lot. Therefore, if we want to unify them, we must You have to make some sacrifices.”

"Making some sacrifices?"

The great elder frowned slightly. He always felt that there was something in the old sayings of the five tribes, and the meaning seemed not that simple.

"Yes, this sacrifice is extremely necessary, that is... our Gusang tribe provides some girls within ourselves to perform blood sacrifice rituals to improve their cultivation. Then they can have a surprising effect on winning, and take advantage of the other five tribes without warning. them!"

The five elders finally expressed their thoughts.


The other clan elders present immediately took a breath, shocked by the heart-rending remarks made by the elder of the five clans.

"This is absolutely not okay, they are all the daughters of our own tribe!"

"I don't agree either!"

Immediately, several clan elders spoke out against it.

However, more clan elders showed thoughtful expressions. Obviously, they are not completely unacceptable to the idea of ​​​​the elders of the five races.

"If you don't agree, then the entire tribe will die!"

The elders of the five tribes shouted loudly, "Now the settlements of the six barbarian tribes are already overcrowded, and there are constant frictions. Do you think the people from other tribes don't want to kill us? If we don't make a decision quickly, sooner or later we will be killed by others!"

"Use your brains and think about it carefully. Each of the six barbarian tribes has the secret book of their ancestors, and our tribe is not the only one who has it. If we don't act quickly, if other tribes use this method to successfully start the blood sacrifice ceremony, then We clan elders can only wait to be killed by people from other tribes, and the common people of our tribe can only wait to become slaves of other tribes!”

The elder of the five tribes said, looking around at the other elders present with his eagle-like eyes, and said, "Don't forget, hundreds of years ago, in order to explore a safe way to the outside world, the six tribes of us barbarians did many things. How many sacrifices were made? How many people died? Are those not our tribe?"

"For the sake of the territory and for all of our tribesmen to survive, so what if we sacrifice a small number of our tribesmen? If we don't want to make any sacrifice, how can we succeed?"

This time, after the elders of the five clans finished speaking, even the elders who had spoken out against it fell silent.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, we must make a decision as soon as possible, because among the six barbarian tribes, whoever first makes up his mind to use this method to improve his strength will most likely become the one with the last laugh. . This is not an alarmist statement, because the road to the outside world has not been explored before, so we don’t have to rush to make a choice, but now that it has been explored, it is time to make a decision.”

The elder of the five tribes said again.


The rich man interrupted in time, "Let's just come here today. Let's go back and think about it carefully. We will make a decision tomorrow."


The elders of all the clans left the hall with worries. The words of the elders of the five clans just now caused quite a stir in their hearts. Perhaps, it is really time to make the choice of a strong man to cut off his wrist.

Su Chen and his group advanced cautiously in the barbarian land. Along the way, the restrictions encountered become increasingly dense and increasingly difficult to circumvent. Even though several people were very careful, they still inevitably suffered minor injuries.

"These restrictions cannot be broken by humans. If those people before were really barbarians, and they walked from the depths of the barbarian land to the edge, how much manpower and material resources would it take to explore such a path?"

Gu Qianyin sighed.

Su Chen also deeply believed that, he now felt that at the beginning,

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