Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,415 The location of Thousand Machine Ghost Fire

After all, the fact that his son was beaten was not worth mentioning in the face of the life and death of the entire tribe.

At that moment, Su Chen and the powerful men from the four major tribes rushed to the Ancient Silver Tribe without stopping.

The senior leaders of the Ancient Silver Tribe are only slightly stronger than the four major tribes, but not as strong as the senior leaders of the Gusang Tribe.

When Su Chen and people from the four major tribes rushed to the Ancient Silver Tribe, the blood sacrifice ceremony of the Ancient Silver Tribe had just officially begun, because before that, the people in the Ancient Silver Tribe also made trouble because they did not agree with the blood sacrifice of the girl. The Ancient Silver Tribe The guards had just suppressed them, so they only had time to sacrifice a few girls.

Under the surprise attack from the four major tribes and Su Chen, the senior officials of the Ancient Silver Tribe were quickly subdued, and the blood sacrifice ceremony was also stopped.

In this way, basically all the girls from the Gusang tribe and the Guyin tribe were saved.

As for the senior officials of the Gusang Tribe and the Guyin Tribe, they were almost wiped out. Even if there are still some left, they won't be able to survive.

The crisis of the blood sacrifice ceremony has come to an end for the time being, but as a result, how to manage the hundreds of thousands of tribal civilians of the Gusang and Guyin tribes, as well as the properties left by the Gusang and Guyin tribes, has become a problem.

If it were given to a certain tribe alone, it would definitely be inappropriate. But if it is divided into four parts and divided into four tribes, there will be many operational difficulties.

The Gudai tribe discussed with the other three tribes for several days and finally made a major decision on this issue!

Just take this opportunity to unify the six tribes of barbarians and integrate them into one tribe!

In fact, both the ancient Sang tribe and the ancient silver tribe wanted to unify the six barbarian tribes. However, the imaginary unity in their minds is that they are the masters and treat people from other tribes as slaves.

But the unification that the four major tribes are discussing now is not that simple and crude, but the four major tribes are truly unified together and become a new big tribe, with a top talker and unified management.

Of course, the original four major tribes will not be completely integrated, but will become the four major branches of the new tribe. In this way, the unification of the barbarians was achieved, but at the same time the integrity of each tribe was retained.

In fact, the barbarians were originally a unified tribe in ancient times. It was not until after the catastrophe that they fell apart and became six major tribes. This unification can be regarded as a return to the original intention.

And, more importantly, only by achieving unification can they concentrate all the available resources in the tribe to seek the future development of the barbarians and the exploration of new territories.

Since there is to be unification, there must be a top talker, and after voting, the candidate for the top talker also fell on Lao Dai'an, a powerful member of the Gudai tribe.

Su Chen also agreed with this result. Dai'an has a strong sense of responsibility and is indeed more suitable for this position.

While the four major tribes were busy reunifying matters, Su Chen also plunged into the ancestral land of the Gudai tribe. Under Dai'an's instructions, no one stopped Su Chen, allowing him to enter the ancestral land of the Gudai tribe smoothly.

"The eight achievements of Thousand Chances and Ghost Fires are here."

As soon as he entered the ancestral land of the Gudai tribe, Su Chen felt the temperature rise sharply and immediately made this judgment.

As long as the Thousand-Ji Will-o'-the-Wisp is found, not only can Xiao Tianhuo regain more power, but the ability of the Thousand-Ji Will-o'-the-Wisp can also break the restrictions of the barbarian land, giving the barbarian land a chance to return to the way it was before the catastrophe.

That way, the barbarians don't have to expand outwards and just stay in the barbarian land, and they don't have to worry about the spiritual energy of heaven and earth drying up and resources running out.

Therefore, from this perspective, Su Chen's search for the Thousand Machine Ghost Fire is not only beneficial to himself, but also more beneficial to the barbarians.

Su Chen summoned Xiao Tianhuo from the Mustard Seed Space. At this time, Xiao Tianhuo's perception was definitely sharper than Su Chen's, and he could locate the Thousand Machines Ghost Fire faster.

"Master, this smell... is the smell of food! Master, where are we now?" Xiao Tianhuo said excitedly.

Su Chen smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about where we are now. There should be Thousand-Ji Ghost Fire nearby. Your mission is to find Thousand-Ji Ghost Fire."

"Okay!" Xiao Tianhuo nodded vigorously, and after a moment of concentration, he chose a direction without hesitation, and headed in that direction, with Su Chen following behind.

There are tombstones everywhere in this ancestral land, and the distribution of the tombstones is completely chaotic. This is different from the kind of cemetery that many people imagine.

However, Su Chen knew that such cemeteries were actually very common in the martial arts world. This kind of cemetery is actually where the strong men in the clan will come here on their own when they are about to die, and choose a place to die quietly, so that the younger members of the clan will not see what they look like when they die.

Of course, the younger members of the clan would come and bury the body on the spot afterwards, taking away its martial arts inheritance. This is why the tombstones here are scattered in a messy manner.

Su Chen was not interested in these tombstones and directly asked Xiao Tianhuo to sense the location of the Thousand-Ji Ghost Fire and rush towards the location of the Thousand-Ji Ghost Fire.

This ancestral land is very large, with dense tombstones in some places and sparse in other places. Su Chen followed Xiao Tianhuo and came to an empty place.

This place is a tomb

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