Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,423: The iron cock that never pries a hair

"Xiao Yan'er, if you encounter a rough stone containing Yao Immortal ancient jade again, can you identify it again?"

As the group left the stone cutting area, Li Shitong asked Shu Yan in a low voice.

Shu Yan thought for a while, shook her head, and said uncertainly: "I don't know either, but if I feel the same way again, I will definitely tell you."

"Okay, let's go shopping some more."

Su Chen led everyone to stroll through the gambling area.

There are quite a lot of rough stones here, ranging from ordinary rough stones priced at hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to high-grade rough stones priced at millions or even millions.

Those expensive high-grade raw stones are filled with aura, and they are considered top-quality materials at a glance. You don't even need a so-called appraiser to know that the probability of containing ancient Yao Immortal jade is definitely not low.

The maid who had just received Su Chen and the others had taken a break and was replaced by another beautiful maid who led them around the gambling area and introduced each rough stone.

"Guest, this rough stone..."

This maid's attitude is also very warm and humble, and her voice is even sweeter.

Because she knew that Su Chen and the others had just made a lot of money from the Yao Immortal Ancient Jade from the low-grade rough stones. In this case, they must have been very generous. If you buy a very expensive high-grade rough stone through your introduction, you can also get a lot of commission.

Moreover, this new maid was very keen to find that when she introduced the prices of those high-level spiritual stones, Su Chen's expression did not change particularly. This made her believe that the price of these high-grade spiritual stones was acceptable to Su Chen.

In this way, she introduced more enthusiastically.

When they walked past a counter, the maid pointed to one of the raw stones that was full of spiritual energy and said enthusiastically: "Sir, what do you think of this raw stone? This raw stone has been appraised by our appraiser and contains the ancient Yao Immortal." The chance of getting jade is very high. Master, if you are so lucky, if you buy it, you will definitely get another piece of Yao Immortal jade."

"Xiao Yan'er, what do you think?" Su Chen asked Shu Yan.

Shu Yan stared at the rough stone seriously for a while, then shook her head.

"Let's look at something else."

Su Chen smiled.

The maid was a little disappointed, but not discouraged, and introduced many rough stones to Su Chen and the others.

However, Su Chen did not buy any of these rough stones.

In this way, after walking around, Shu Yan didn't encounter any rough stones like before.

Seeing that Su Chen and the others had not purchased, the smile on the maid's face became more and more unbearable. In the end, she simply looked indifferent and complained secretly in her heart. She thought she had found a financial sponsor, but she didn't expect that she was a hard-charging rooster!

Just when the maid was secretly planning to find a more reliable customer, Shu Yan suddenly gently pulled Su Chen's sleeve and pointed to a rough stone in the corner.

"Brother Su Chen, this rough stone makes me feel the same way I did before, and that feeling is much stronger."

Shu Yan whispered.

"Is it?"

Su Chen was a little surprised. Seeing that Shu Yan had not found the next rough stone for a long time, he thought that the previous rough stone was just a coincidence, but he didn't expect that Shu Yan would find another one now.

At that moment, Su Chen's eyes also fell on the original stone.

"Young Master has great eyesight!"

The maidservant immediately noticed that Su Chen was looking at the rough stone, her eyes immediately lit up, and she quickly said, "This rough stone is absolutely extraordinary. You can see that its texture is different from other rough stones around it, which means that it is very special. Maybe it is something special." The Immortal Ancient Jade is hidden in it.”

"Also, by the way, I remember that at the last ancient jade event, several experienced appraisers said that this rough stone is very likely to yield a large piece of Yao Immortal ancient jade, which is better than what you just opened. The piece of Yao Immortal Ancient Jade that came out is much larger, so you must not miss this rough stone."

The maid encouraged him enthusiastically, wanting to tell the story about the rough stone so that Su Chen would buy it.

Su Chen, on the other hand, also smiled lightly, looking very interested, as if he had been persuaded by this maid.

Of course, Su Chen's interest in this rough stone actually had nothing to do with what the maid said. It was entirely because Shu Yan took a fancy to this rough stone. However, of course there is no need to say this kind of thing.

Just when Su Chen was about to ask about the price of this rough stone, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Hey, what a neat piece of rough stone. It looks good. How much does this rough stone cost?"

"Master Hong!"

The maid quickly looked at the person who spoke, and saw that he was a very luxuriously dressed young man. He was decorated with gold and jade, brightly dressed, and he was holding a folding fan in his hand. He looked carefree.

From what he was wearing and the expression on his face, it seemed that this young man wanted to give people a sense of suaveness, but he seemed to be using too much force, which made him look lame.

"Master Hong, the price of this rough stone is five million spiritual stones."

The maids quickly said that this Hong Qi was the grandson of the leader of the Scarlet Qiu Sect, and he was a real treasure. They did not dare to offend him.

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