Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,490 Attitude Change

"Damn boy!"

Seeing Su Chen occupying the magpie's nest and becoming the backbone of the group, Zou Ming couldn't help but grit his teeth. He knew that after the battle just now, Su Chen had completely replaced his position in the team. Instead, he was He has become a marginalized member of the team.

"Boy, even if you find the Cloud Leopard, you don't have the life to get the benefits from it!"

Zou Ming clenched his fist so hard that his bones creaked, and whispered.

In fact, now Zou Ming really wants to leave and leave the team to work alone, but his reason tells him that he cannot do this, because if he wants to subdue the Cloud Leopard, he cannot do it by himself and needs the help of others.

However, once he successfully subdued the Cloud Leopard, Zou Ming promised that he would definitely send Su Chen, an eyesore, to hell.

At that moment, Zou Ming took a deep breath, covered up his anger, and followed behind the few people.

In the following period, the group of people encountered several monsters one after another.

Zou Ming, who was following at the back at first, gradually passed a few people and walked to the front at the lead.

There was no way around it. He wasn't just wandering around this time. He couldn't help but take action when he encountered a monster. Otherwise, others would have robbed him. Where would he get the loot?

After walking forward for about two hours, Hou Shun suddenly pointed at a few boulders ahead and shouted: "That's where we found the cloud leopard before!"

As he said that, Hou Shun flew past and arrived at the huge rocks. As expected, he saw the marks they had left before.

"Everyone, get moving and look carefully. The Clouded Leopard may be nearby!"

When Zou Ming heard about the Cloud Leopard, he suddenly became excited. He immediately started to give orders, claiming to be the leader of the team, and began to give orders.

As everyone knows, the other people in the team are already fed up with him at this moment. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't get rid of him, they wouldn't let him stay in the team at all.

"Su Chen, let's look over there."

Jiang Yue seemed to have not heard Zou Ming's words, pointed in one direction and said to Su Chen.

As soon as Jiang Yue said this, several other people followed up with a tacit understanding. For a moment, the scene seemed to be divided into two groups. Su Chen and the others were in one group, while Zou Ming was alone in one group. .


Zou Ming looked ugly and murmured in a low voice. Then he found a direction and started exploring.

"Look! There!"

Su Chen and others walked out for a while, and Fang Ping, who was taking the lead, suddenly pointed in a direction not far away, his face flushed, and his breathing was somewhat rapid and he shouted.

At the same time that Fang Ping spoke, Su Chen also saw the direction that Fang Ping pointed at. Among the flowers there, there was indeed a gray-haired monster lying there. The body was not that big, but it looked like it was Very vigorous and powerful, it is a cloud leopard that has just grown up and is taking a nap.

Perhaps due to excitement, Fang Ping's voice was not quiet, and Zou Ming in the distance also heard the noise.

The next moment, Zou Ming rushed over immediately, blocked it in front of everyone, and gave orders with a fierce expression: "Don't make a sound, don't disturb it!"

Looking at Zou Ming who was blocking the front, Fang Ping, Hou Shun and others subconsciously took a few steps back.

They had already vaguely felt that Zou Ming might not regard them as companions at all. In Zou Ming's eyes, they might just be chess pieces used to contain the Cloud Leopard.

Zou Ming took a deep breath, tried to calm the expression on his face, and then said to the others: "The attack power of the newly adult cloud leopard is not particularly strong, but its hide is hard and its speed is surprisingly fast. So, we We must first surround it firmly and then hunt it!”

"Also, this Cloud Leopard can only be killed by us working together. If you don't have me, it is absolutely impossible to hunt it down. So, how about joining forces together!"

At this time, hunting the cloud leopard has become the most important thing in Zou Ming's mind, and other things can be put in the back, even his dislike of Su Chen can be put in the back.

Moreover, Zou Ming seemed to have sensed that everyone had objections to him, so he put away his previous arrogance and tried his best to pretend to be peaceful, hoping to regain everyone's favor. Even if it was a temporary disguise, he had to disguise himself a little bit before killing the Cloud Leopard.

However, what Zou Ming didn't expect was that after he made his proposal, everyone did not answer immediately. Instead, they all turned their attention to Su Chen, as if waiting for Su Chen to give them Get an idea.

When Zou Ming saw this scene, even if he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he had to admit that Su Chen had become the real leader of this team.

Suppressing the anger in his eyes, Zou Ming turned to Su Chen and asked in a consulting tone: "Junior brother Su Chen, how about we work together to deal with this cloud leopard?"


Hearing this, several other people gasped. This Zou Ming was too hypocritical. He had ridiculed Su Chen many times before, and even deliberately asked Su Chen to deal with the iron-armed ape and die. But now, he found that everyone put Su Chen's opinion first

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