Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,493 Sneak Attack

"Junior Brother Su Chen, you..."

Hou Shun spoke in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he just saw.

"Don't tell anyone about what you just saw."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said that he didn't want too many people to know that he had a powerful stone spirit, especially in a place like the sect. It would be bad if the elders knew it and aroused their curiosity.

Originally, Su Chen had no intention of using the Stone Spirit to deal with the Cloud Leopard, but due to the emergency situation and Su Chen's experience along the way, he had enough trust in Hou Shun and the four of them, and believed that they would not say no outside. What needs to be said.


Although the four of them were a little shocked, they all nodded in unison. They were all disciples of the sect, so they naturally knew the stakes of the matter and would naturally keep their mouths tight.

"Junior Brother Su Chen..."

Hou Shun was about to say something grateful. Suddenly, Hou Shun's eyes suddenly shrank and he subconsciously shouted, "Junior Brother Su Chen, be careful!"

In Hou Shun's eyes, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the dense forest behind Su Chen, holding up a long knife and slashing at Su Chen's head!

The figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Zou Ming, who had been hiding in the dense forest!

Zou Ming obviously didn't see the stone spirit summoned by Su Chen just now because his vision was blocked. Although he didn't know why the Cloud Leopard suddenly collapsed, he could just take advantage of everyone's relaxation of vigilance and kill Su Chen in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Hou Shun was the first to see him and immediately reminded Su Chen.

Just as Hou Shun reminded him, Su Chen felt a sudden crisis coming from behind him. Without any hesitation, he immediately rolled forward and rolled to the ground, narrowly avoiding the blow.

However, because the blow came too suddenly, Su Chen's shoulder was still hit by a sword energy. Although there was no wound, it made Su Chen's body shake.

Afterwards, Su Chen stood up and turned to look at Zou Ming behind him, who had a cruel look on his face.

"Senior Brother Zou, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yue and Wu Lin couldn't help but frowned. Their enemy was the Cloud Leopard, and the Cloud Leopard finally died. As one of their own, Zou Ming wanted to attack Su Chen?

"Hmph, why are you asking? Of course, kill him and take away the benefits of the Cloud Leopard!"

Zou Ming was filled with murderous intent. While pressing towards Su Chen, he looked at Jiang Yue and Wu Lin, "Don't worry, as long as you keep the secret for me, I will not silence you as well. I will even consider dividing you up." A little benefit!”

Zou Ming's move can be described as a combination of kindness and power, in order to let the other four people keep the secret for him and not tell him about killing Su Chen.

In fact, in the Danxin Holy Sect, the sect's iron law prohibits private fights between disciples. If there are any grudges that must be resolved, they can go to the stage of life and death for a fair competition.

However, this iron law cannot actually prohibit private fighting among disciples at all, because rules are dead and people are alive. If someone really wants to violate the rules, they can always think of corresponding methods.

For example, there are very few people in these trial areas within the sect, just like the wilderness outside some cities. Even if someone is killed here, it can be disguised as being killed by a monster.

The senior members of the sect are not unclear about this, but they can only turn a blind eye. After all, there are only so many law enforcement officers in the sect, but there are tens of thousands of disciples. I can't manage it at all.

Especially the ordinary disciples, who are at the bottom of the sect and have the largest number. Many times the sect has no time to take care of them and can only remind them not to cause trouble when they are weak.

Fairness is always relative. Some disciples with good talents and high status can get more attention in the sect. If they encounter an accident in the sect, someone will definitely investigate to the end. But correspondingly, no one cares about many disciples who appear to be ordinary and unremarkable in the sect. They don't even know when they died or where they were buried.

Little did they know that those disciples were also among the most popular in the world of Central Continent. It's just that after coming to the Holy Sect and entering the new environment, he and other disciples must have become ordinary existences that no one cares about.

To be honest, the world of martial arts is so cruel. If you want to move up, you have to pay a price. Opportunities and risks coexist.

It was precisely because Zou Ming knew this that he attacked Su Chen without any scruples. In his opinion, Su Chen was just an ordinary disciple at the fourth level of the life and death realm. Even if he had some means to leapfrog the challenge, so what? There are many disciples in the sect who have the same fighting power as Su Chen. It is expected that the sect's law enforcement personnel will not waste too much time on Su Chen.

At this moment, Zou Ming was very glad that this was a sparsely populated mountain peak. This was not a paid training place like Zidian Peak, so there were usually not many people coming. If they hadn't discovered the whereabouts of the Clouded Leopard, they definitely wouldn't have come.

In this way, Zou Ming could kill Su Chen without anyone seeing him. And afterwards, even if the sect discovered that Su Chen was missing, there was a high probability that they would not bother to investigate.

At this moment, Zou Ming just regretted that he had just

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