Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1547 Misunderstanding

While Yan Man'er was extremely shocked and unhappy, everyone else present was also dumbfounded.

"Am I right? Senior Sister Cui is actually waving at that boy?"

"Maybe they know each other, right?"

"Wait a minute, the reason why Senior Sister Cui is waiting for someone in the ordinary disciple area is that he is waiting for her, right?"

"No, how is this possible? Senior Sister Cui actually makes friends with such an ordinary disciple. This is like a flower stuck in cow dung."

"Why can he? I also want to be friends with Senior Sister Cui."

There were heated discussions in the sky, and at the same time, many male disciples were heartbroken.

The high-ranking Senior Sister White Swan actually interacted with an unknown ordinary disciple. This was like a toad eating swan meat, and the toad was not them. How could this not make them feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Cui, are you looking for me?"

Su Chen asked, and this question completely confirmed that the two of them knew each other, which made many male disciples present feel extremely sad and had a lump in their throats. If looks could kill, Su Chen would have died tens of thousands of times by now.

"That's right, I'm the one looking for you. Let's get out of here and find a quiet place to talk!"

Cui Yumeng moved her body as she spoke. She really couldn't stand so many people staring at her and Yan Maner, so she hurriedly left here first.

"Who is this……"

Su Chen noticed Yan Man'er beside him and felt that she looked familiar. Then he remembered, wasn't this the woman who attacked him unreasonably and unreasonably last time at Zidian Peak Water Pool, but was knocked unconscious and thrown into the water by him?

Enemies meet on a narrow road again here.

And looking at Yan Man'er's eyes that were about to burst into flames, it was clear that she had definitely not forgotten this matter.

"She is the sister I have the best relationship with in the Danxin Holy Sect!"

Cui Yumeng didn't notice the undercurrent between Su Chen and Yan Man'er, and just explained seriously.

While talking, the three of them had already moved their bodies and left the small square quickly. However, Su Chen could always feel a thick cold air beside him, which was Yan Man'er glaring at him.

After the three people left, the crowd surrounding the small square gradually dispersed. The only difference from when they came was that everyone who left was dejected and sad, like eggplants beaten by frost.

Cui Yumeng, Su Chen and Yan Man'er swept far away in one breath and almost reached the mountain gate before stopping in a deserted place.

The moment he stopped, Su Chen felt a strong wind coming from behind him. Looking back, he saw Yan Man'er holding a long sword, exuding a strong cold air, and slashing at him with the sword.

Su Chen activated Kunpeng's bloodline and retreated to avoid it.

At the same time, Cui Yumeng also flashed and stood between Su Chen and Yan Man'er.

"Man'er, what are you doing?"

Cui Yumeng was confused and didn't know why Yan Man'er suddenly attacked Su Chen without thinking.

"Sister Yumeng, don't be deceived by this shameless scoundrel. Today I will reveal his true colors for you and teach him a lesson!"

Saying that, Yan Man'er quickly stepped forward, "Get out of the way first, don't block me!"

After Yan Maner finished speaking, she struck again with her sword, but this time, Cui Yumeng took action directly and blocked her blow.

Yan Man'er was in the tenth level of the life and death realm, while Cui Yumeng was in the half-step Netherland Realm. In terms of cultivation, Cui Yumeng was superior and easily defused Yan Man'er's attack.

"What are you talking about? What kind of shameless bastard?"

Cui Yumeng was even more confused after hearing Yan Man'er's words.

Yan Man'er was already angry, but now she saw that Cui Yumeng didn't listen to her, but protected Su Chen, she couldn't help but become even more angry, her eyes turned red, and she shouted: "Sister Yumeng, why are you protecting this scum?" ah!"

As she spoke, Yan Man'er gave Su Chen a sharp look and said, "Sister Yumeng, have you forgotten that I told you last time that a shameless scoundrel broke into my training pool at Zidian Peak? Is that the person?"

"What did you say? Is he the scoundrel?"

Cui Yumeng looked at Su Chen in disbelief, obviously also shocked.

Before the newbie training, Yan Maner had indeed cried to Cui Yumeng, saying that a scoundrel not only broke into her fixed training place in the sect, but was also very rude to her.

Of course, in order to win Cui Yumeng's sympathy, Yan Man'er also said a lot of exaggerated words, such as Su Chen coveted her beauty and almost molested her underwater, etc.

Cui Yu dreamed of Yan Man'er's crying that day, and her eyes towards Su Chen gradually began to change. The warmth in her eyes dissipated and turned into a cold wind.

Sure enough, all men have the same virtue, isn't it hard to change their nature?

"Wait a minute, what did she tell you?"

When Su Chen saw Cui Yumeng's eyes, he knew that she must have misunderstood something. Maybe Yan Man'er had made up some lie. He was speechless and immediately spoke.


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