Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1611 Ranking is valid

The crowd was talking a lot, and the voices of doubt were rising!

Because everyone knows that there are indeed cheaters in this trial. The way to cheat is to gather a group of people and give them certain benefits, and then drive these people to do their best for you.

Let these people who work for you kill the monsters until their health is reduced, and finally make up for it yourself. In this way, you can receive all the points in your own name.

Just like Wang Li, he originally planned to use this method.

Although the sect does not strictly prohibit this method, there is no doubt that it is cheating.

Huh? Speaking of which...why isn't Wang Li's name on the ranking list?

There are also Hong Shao and Shi Fei. These are all outstanding figures among the elite disciples. Why are their names not on the ranking list?

The ranking list can show the top 500 people, so it’s impossible that these three people didn’t even make the top 500, right?

However, despite their doubts, everyone had no intention of caring about them now, and mainly focused on Su Chen. After all, human nature is like this. If a person who is usually unknown suddenly gets a huge benefit, it is impossible not to be jealous.

And at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, Su Chen is out!"

Everyone looked at the exit of Jialan Valley and saw Su Chen walking out of the exit, surrounded by several male and female disciples, and the goddess senior sister Yan Man'er in everyone's mind was also among them.

At this moment, many people even had the urge to reach out and cover their eyes, because Su Chen's posture at this moment was so dazzling to them. Is this the posture of a winner in life?

"My dear stewards, this is unfair. Su Chen is definitely cheating!"

"Yes, how can he get first place with his strength and cultivation? He is still an ordinary disciple, isn't he making us look like fools?"

"With such people existing, how can the annual trial be fair?"

"I cannot accept such a person being promoted to a core disciple!"

"We demand a thorough investigation! We demand a thorough investigation!"

Each of the disciples shouted excitedly.


Elder Bei's voice sounded sternly, and the sound wave contained a certain amount of true energy, which instantly shocked everyone's minds, making the noisy environment just now suddenly so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Elder Bei's figure was as fast as a ghost, and he rushed to Su Chen's side in the blink of an eye. He said a few words with a serious expression: "Give me the trial token."


Su Chen nodded, took out the trial token and handed it to Elder Bei.

After taking the trial token, Elder Bei immediately poured real energy into it. Immediately, scenes of Su Chen using this trial token to collect points appeared in Elder Bei's mind.

This trial token is specially made by the sect and can be used to trace back images. If you feel there is any doubt about how someone obtained points, you can look back at the details from this token.

When he saw Su Chen snatching away the tokens from Wang Li, Hong Shao, and Shi Fei, Elder Bei raised his eyebrows, and then continued to watch the images and make judgments.

After a stick of incense, Elder Bei tossed the token back to Su Chen, and a faint voice immediately rang out: "The way for Su Chen to obtain points is very clear, there is no cheating, and his ranking is true and valid."


The disciples present all exchanged looks in shock. Elder Bei had already checked the token, but he still said this?

what is going on? Could it be that Su Chen really didn't cheat, or... was Elder Bei also protecting Su Chen?

Many top-ranked elite disciples had cold glints in their eyes. In their opinion, Elder Bei must be showing favoritism. With Su Chen's cultivation level, it would be impossible for him to get the first place, not to mention the huge gap in scores. So many first places.

However, even though many people have doubts in their hearts, no one dares to question Elder Bei's judgment at this moment, because everyone knows that Elder Bei is not an ordinary sect elder. This old man once had the opportunity to hold an important position in the Elders' House. , but he rejected the Elder Council and came to Jialan Valley to guard him. With such a background, he was destined not to be easily contradicted.

"Okay! This trial has ended successfully! Let's start giving out rewards. As for you two little guys, you will report to the affairs hall in the core disciple area in ten days."

Elder Bei glanced at Su Chen and Yan Man'er thoughtfully, then disappeared from everyone's sight.

The stewards began to distribute trial rewards to the top fifty disciples, but it was a bit unpleasant for those who received the rewards and those who did not receive the rewards. Many people felt heavy in their hearts when they thought that an ordinary disciple could reach the sky in one step and become a core disciple, weighing heavily on them.

However, no matter what, Su Chen is destined to become famous from today on, because not only has he set a record for the fastest promotion of a new disciple of the Danxin Holy Sect to a core disciple, but he is also the first person in the history of the Danxin Holy Sect to directly graduate from an ordinary disciple. A disciple who is promoted to a core disciple.

In sharp contrast, Wang Li, who was previously recognized as the most promising to win the first place in the trial, has not come out of the Jialan Valley at this moment, and does not even know whether he is dead or alive. .

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