Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1649: Martial Arts and Alchemy Caught

Hall Master Mu was also very proud. He promised Su Chen to get the medicinal materials from the treasure house. Oh, it's not taking it, it's moving it.

What does it mean to move it to the treasure house yourself? It means you can take as much as you want.

This really corresponds to the "massive amount of medicinal materials" mentioned in the mission description.

When Su Chen heard this, he praised Hall Master Mu a little more. The person who can be the leader of the Danxin Holy Sect is really grand. This magnanimity is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Under the leadership of his entourage, he came to the private treasure house of the wooden hall master.

Su Chen was also shocked by the mountains of medicinal materials inside. However, although Hall Master Mu asked him to move it by himself, Su Chen could not really sweep away all the medicinal materials inside, but selected them in a targeted manner. part of it.

The principle of selecting medicinal materials is still Su Chen's consistent principle, not to choose the most expensive, but to choose the most suitable for himself.

After selecting a bunch of medicinal materials and adding the thousand high-level Red Yuan Pills from before, Su Chen suddenly had a lot of money on hand.

He had already seen before that after arriving at Danyun Peak, spiritual stones would not be of much use, because there were basically no spiritual stones circulating here. Under such circumstances, it is commendable to be able to obtain so many resources in one go.

After leaving Hall Master Mu's cave, Su Chen felt refreshed and refreshed with massive resources in hand. He felt that life in Danyun Peak was quite interesting.

However, in the eyes of the guards outside the Mu Hall Master's cave, Su Chen's refreshing appearance caused a startled commotion among them.

"Look, isn't that the disciple who entered the hall master's cave before?"

"I saw it. This boy must have accepted the mission from the master of the mission hall and came to do the mission."

"That's not right. Then how did he come out of the hall master's cave so well? Shouldn't he be beaten and thrown out?"

"Yes, all the disciples who dared to come here to do tasks before were beaten up by the hall master. How could he survive?"

"Not only was he not beaten, but he also looked cheerful."

"Is it possible that he has completed the mission of the hall master?"

The guards looked at each other in surprise.

A five-star mission that had been hanging in the mission hall for more than ten years and that even the senior sect elders couldn't solve was actually solved by a young disciple?

Why does this matter feel so mysterious?

After leaving Hall Master Mu's cave, Su Chen was in a good mood. He spent half a day touring the scenery on Danyun Peak, and then walked slowly towards the Herringbone Area.

The wooden hall master's cave is located on the top of the mountain, and the scenery is naturally much better than that of the herringbone area located halfway up the mountain.

When Su Chen returned to the Herringbone District, he found that the guards in the Herringbone District had a better attitude towards him than before.

"Hello, senior brother Su Chen."

"I've met senior brother Su Chen."

Each of these guards greeted them with a smile and greeted them politely. Their attitude was even better than before.

Su Chen was a little confused at first, but soon realized that the news that he had stayed in the Mu Hall Master's cave for most of the day had spread.

Now, in the eyes of these guarding disciples, I am not only a strong man who defeated Yang Duo, but also a guest appreciated by Hall Master Mu. It is impossible not to please him.

Looking at the guard disciples in front of him, Su Chen didn't say anything. He knew that these people lived in the cracks, and it had become their instinct to take advantage of the highs and lows.

Whether they were deliberately looking for trouble under Yang Duo's orders before, or whether they were greeting them with smiles now, these were all things they had to do in order to survive.

Obviously, there is nothing that can be demanded of these people.

After returning to his cave, Su Chen began to allocate resources.

The resources obtained from Hall Master Mu transformed Su Chen from a poor state into a rich man.

He took out 300 of the 1,000 high-level Red Yuan Pills and distributed them to his three companions. It was the first time for the three companions to get such a good resource of such pure high-level Chi Yuan Dan.

Speaking of which, Su Chen has been at Danyun Peak for a while, and has learned how people like Yang Duo practice. Basically, capable Danyun Peak disciples like Yang Duo may not be able to obtain high-level Chiyuan Dan. , but ordinary Chiyuan Dan is eaten as a meal.

Because they accepted some tasks at Danyun Peak, the rewards were very considerable. At least he has much more money than Su Chen had before.

This is not because they are better than Su Chen personally, but because the platform they were on before was better than Su Chen. They have access to massive cultivation resources at Danyun Peak, but Su Chen can only be in the ordinary disciple area. This is the gap.

Not to mention, Su Chen had only been in Danxin Holy Sect for a few months, and the place he stayed in before was far inferior to the ordinary disciple area of ​​Danxin Holy Sect.

In this case, the gap in resources will be even greater.

There is a saying in the world of martial arts that the rich in martial arts are poor in culture. During the journey of practicing martial arts, the gap between the poor and the rich is really not that big.

Su Chen and the others came from a very low level of martial arts and worked their way up. all the time

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