Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 166: Finding Wealth in Danger

"Let's go, let's go to the nest of the half-step transformation realm monster beast and take a look." Su Chen suddenly said. "Are you crazy?" Gu Qianyin was shocked. "You want to break into the nest of the half-step transformation realm monster beast, what's the difference between that and seeking death?" "As long as our breath is well concealed, the half-step transformation realm monster beast may not find us." Su Chen said, "The most important thing is that there are always all kinds of treasures in the nest of powerful monsters. Don't you want them?" Gu Qianyin was silent. Of course she wanted them. The things in the nest of the half-step transformation realm monster beast must be good things. However, the risk is too great. Even if Su Chen said that the half-step transformation realm monster beast may not find them, once they find them, the end will definitely be death. Su Chen said: "If you don't go, I will go by myself." "Wait for me." Gu Qianyin gritted her teeth, and finally took a few quick steps and caught up with Su Chen. In this valley full of dangers, she subconsciously felt that following Su Chen was the safest. The two walked forward, and the further they walked, the more barren the grass became. There seemed to be traces of being burned by fire everywhere. But it was obvious that the roar of the monster just now came from this direction.

After walking forward for a while, the shadow of a huge monster finally appeared in their eyes.

It was a bare-looking earthen mound, behind which was a huge cave, and at this moment, on the mound, a huge monster was lying.

Even when the monster was lying down, it was more than ten feet tall, and its body was covered with purple scales, reflecting a dazzling luster in the sun.

From the front, the monster looked ferocious, with two sharp fangs on its mouth, which was very scary. At this moment, the monster was lying on the ground with its eyes tightly closed, motionless, and looked very comfortable, as if enjoying a sunbath.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Gu Qianyin had never seen such a monster before, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"This is the Leiyang beast, a demon beast with dual attributes of thunder and fire. When it is young, its cultivation can reach the sixth to eighth level of the Condensation Realm, and when it grows up, its cultivation can reach the Half-Step Transformation Realm. The one in front of us has reached the Half-Step Transformation Realm, so it should be an adult beast." Su Chen's voice sounded beside her and said. Gu Qianyin felt a chill in her heart when she heard that it was indeed a demon beast in the Half-Step Transformation Realm. However, seeing Su Chen's calm appearance beside her, Gu Qianyin took a deep breath and calmed down a lot. She looked at the Leiyang beast lying on the mound and whispered, "Fortunately, it fell asleep, otherwise we would be so close to it, I'm afraid it would be noticed by it." "It's not asleep." Su Chen shook his head and said, "It's just practicing." "Practicing?" Gu Qianyin was startled again. Thinking that the huge beast not far away was not asleep but just practicing, she felt a chill again and involuntarily leaned a little towards Su Chen, almost sticking to him. "Yes, it is absorbing the pure Yang attribute energy shot down from the sun, and then using it for cultivation. This is its innate magical power, which only it has." Su Chen said. Innate magical power is something unique to monsters, and it comes from the blood. The most significant difference between the innate magical power of monsters and the skills and martial arts of humans is that the innate magical power of monsters does not need to be learned, and it is automatically mastered at birth. "Although it is not asleep, it is in a state of cultivation, and it should not notice us for a while." Su Chen added. Of course, if the Thunder Yang Beast uses its spiritual sense a little at this time, it will find that there are two uninvited guests not far away. However, the Thunder Yang Beast will never think that there will be humans who don't know how to live or die and break into its territory, and run under its nose, so it is inevitable that it will relax its vigilance. "Wait, if it falls asleep, we can take the opportunity to enter its cave." Su Chen's eyes flickered with stars and smiled. The two of them hid quietly behind a rock and guarded the Thunder Yang Beast for an afternoon. During this time, Su Chen was not idle. He took out some dry herbs from his body and ground them into powder in a small jar. He didn't know what he was going to do.

Gu Qianyin couldn't calm down at all. There was a half-step transformation realm monster less than a kilometer away. This was an experience she had never had before. Unless it was a pervert like Su Chen, no one could calm down.


Just when Gu Qianyin had endured three hours of time, every second seemed like a year.

"Huff, huh, huh..."

The Leiyang beast finally fell asleep on the hill, snoring loudly. Every time it breathed, countless hot breaths spewed out of its nostrils. There was no doubt that if someone dared to approach it at this moment, they would be burned to ashes by the breath from its nostrils.

"It's time."

Su Chen stood up and picked up the small jar of herbal powder and said.

"Su Chen, are you sure you want to do this?"

Gu Qianyin asked.

"Of course, wealth and honor are sought in danger. If you don't take some risks, how can you seek greater opportunities?" Su Chen shrugged. This is the rule of the martial arts world. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't fight for your life, you will be left behind. What's more, there must be people from the Sun family guarding outside the valley. If you do nothing, you will be in trouble when you leave the valley. The two held their breath and carefully walked around the hill where the Thunder Sun Beast was lying, and walked towards the cave behind the hill.

There was a section of the road that was only a hundred or two hundred meters away from the Thunder Yang Beast. Gu Qianyin almost felt that the breath sprayed by the Thunder Yang Beast burned his hair, and he even got goosebumps for a while.

When the two were about to walk past the Thunder Yang Beast, Su Chen suddenly stopped, placed the jar of herbal powder in his hand on the ground, and used branches to build a small shelf on the ground. He placed the jar on the shelf and then Place some branches under the jar.

Gu Qianyin held her breath and watched Su Chen do all this. She couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in her beautiful eyes. What was Su Chen going to do?


Su Chen shot out a flame with a flick of his finger, igniting the branches under the jar.

The herbal powder in the jar was heated and began to emit curls of green smoke. The green smoke drifted away in the wind and continued to get into the Thunder Sun Beast's nostrils.

Boom boom!

Thunder Yang Beast snorted twice, with a look of enjoyment on his face, and seemed to be sleeping more soundly.

"What is this?"

Gu Qianyin couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's just a magical incense that only works on monsters."

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders, "It will make it sleep a little more soundly."

"Su Chen, why do you feel like you know everything?" Gu Qianyin couldn't help but say.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. The Mystic Incense is not omnipotent. Its effect can only last for a short period of time against monsters in the semi-transformation realm."

Su Chen said and walked directly towards the Thunder Sun Beast's cave.

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