Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1664: Submit papers in advance

The rough appearance of the Mu Hall Master, coupled with such earnest words, really felt a little out of place.

But even so, all the disciples listened very seriously.

"Next, this hall master will announce the competition items for the final."

"Today's final is based on the principle of selecting the strongest alchemy genius, so it is divided into four items. The first is the theory item. Theory is the foundation of an alchemist. If the alchemist does not have a solid theory, everything else is nothing."

"The second is the vision item. Meticulous vision is the cornerstone of the success of an alchemist."

"Third, it is the willpower item. To become an alchemist, a rock-solid mentality is also very important."

"Fourth, it is the practical operation item. In a thousand words, the comprehensive quality of an alchemist ultimately depends on actual alchemy."

"Therefore, we arrange these four items to fully understand the potential of each of you in the way of alchemy."

"Each item will be scored separately, and finally the scores of each item will be added up. The top two in the total score will be the two people who will eventually move into the Tianzi District."

After the hall master Mu finished speaking, the disciples present were all silent, digesting the competition rules that the hall master Mu said.

Su Chen nodded secretly. The four projects were set up very reasonably, which also proved that the level of understanding of the Dao of Alchemy in places like Danyun Peak was getting closer and closer to the Danyu of Su Chen's previous life.

"Now, the first project, that is, the theoretical project, officially begins, and the full score is 100 points."

As the voice of the Mu Hall Master fell, a group of sect members rushed in and arranged 20 sets of tables and chairs in the hall to form 20 seats.

Each seat was separated from other seats and the audience by a screen, and a formation was set up to prohibit the use of martial arts that gathered sound into a line to transmit sound, so as to avoid cheating.

On each seat, there was an identical scroll, which was the test paper of the theoretical project.

Twenty participating disciples entered their seats according to their respective numbers.

Su Chen came to his own position, picked up the test paper, and quickly browsed it.

This test paper has a total of 20 questions, each question is 5 points, and the total score is 100 points.

For the theory of the Dao of Alchemy, Su Chen naturally has 100% confidence, and did not delay time, and immediately picked up the pen to start answering.

These questions all seem to be worth five points, but in fact, they are different in difficulty.

The first ten questions are relatively simple and take the least time to answer.

The difficulty of the eleventh to fifteenth questions is a little more difficult than the first ten questions. For ordinary Dan Dao disciples, they are no longer easy questions to answer.

However, for Su Chen, it is naturally not difficult, and he quickly answered these five questions.

The difficulty of the sixteenth to eighteenth questions has risen to another level, and the knowledge involved is not just one aspect of knowledge, but involves all aspects.

Obviously, these three questions are used to widen the scores of the contestants. Some people can answer them correctly, but others may not.

For Su Chen, these three questions will take some time. However, he still finished them smoothly.

In the end, only the nineteenth and twentieth questions were left.

Su Chen scanned the questions and smiled slightly: "Interesting."

The difficulty of these last two questions has risen to another level!

These two questions involve ancient pill recipes and some niche alchemy schools. There are very few people who know this knowledge. It is impossible for young disciples to answer them correctly. Even the respected elders of the alchemy path may not know the answers.

It is impossible to answer these two questions without the experience and knowledge of the hall master level.

It can be said that the questioner did not expect any contestants to answer them when these two questions were asked. It was just a setting to increase the difficulty of the test paper.

For this test paper, 90 points are equivalent to full marks. The last two questions are impossible to answer.

However, for Su Chen, looking at Zhongzhou, there is no alchemy problem that he cannot answer.

Even if it is an alchemy recipe that Su Chen does not know, as long as he analyzes it in his mind, he can always find a related recipe in his vast memory, and then deduce it, and the answer will come out.

Just like when he was in the cave of Master Mu, Su Chen had never heard of the Taiyi Dichen Pill, but after analyzing the pill formula, he knew that it was the same as the Nine Dragons Demon Heart Pill in his previous life, but it was just an infinitely simplified version of the Nine Dragons Demon Heart Pill.

And the two questions now are similar to the situation at that time. Although Su Chen had not heard of the pill formulas involved in these two questions, he was able to find similar pill formulas from his memory and deduce the answers.

These two questions took Su Chen a little more time. However, when he sorted out his thoughts, he was still unstoppable and answered both questions in one breath.

Afterwards, Su Chen checked the test paper again, and after confirming that it was correct, he closed the scroll and took the scroll.

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