Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1,694 Li Dong is riding a tiger and is unable to dismount

"Sigh...Su Chen, if you haven't cheated in these two rounds, then I, Liang Ze, will be convinced by your level of alchemy."

Liang Ze held it in for a long time before he said this. He also knew that if he spoke harshly, it would be meaningless and would only make himself more embarrassed.

It has to be said that after this alchemy competition, Liang Ze's heart became calmer. No longer worried about whether Su Chen had snatched away his quota for the Jinghu Festival, because he already understood that his alchemy strength was indeed unmatched by Su Chen's. Su Chen deserved the quota for the Jinghu Festival. Return.

Su Chen also looked at Liang Ze meaningfully.

"Liang Ze, I know that you have emotions in your heart about the quota for the Jinghu Festival. Your emotions should be used as motivation to improve your alchemy. This is what a true genius should do, instead of being criticized by others. Used as a gun."

As soon as Su Chen said these words, Liang Ze's expression also changed.

Liang Ze opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end Liang Ze didn't say anything and just turned around and left without saying a word.

Obviously, Su Chen's words also alerted Liang Ze and made him start to reflect on whether he was really being used by Li Dong as Su Chen said.

Li Dong provided him with 200 high-level Red Yuan Pills to challenge Su Chen. Was it just out of good intentions? Obviously not.

Liang Ze asked himself, it was not that he couldn't see clearly Li Dong's hostility towards Su Chen, nor was he unaware that the rumors about Su Chen in Danyun Peak these days were basically written by Li Dong. He didn't want to get involved in these right and wrong.

However, when Li Dong sent someone to bring 200 high-level Red Yuan Pills to his cave, he was moved. After several struggles, he accepted Li Dong's high-level Red Yuan Pills and came to challenge Su. dust.

His idea was quite simple - anyway, he was not convinced by Su Chen's quota for the Jinghu Festival, but now Li Dong gave him the all-clear and asked him to challenge Su Chen. There is no loss in the Jinghu Festival quota if you lose, so why not?

However, what Su Chen said just now was like an alarm bell, waking him up all of a sudden.

Because with just 200 high-level Chi Yuan Dan, people who will be driven to do this and that will never become a true genius.

It's not that he can't challenge Su Chen, but even if he wants to challenge, he should do it out of his own will, not because someone gives him the bottom line, so it doesn't hurt to challenge him.

There is a significant difference between the two.

It's normal for a genius to be energetic, but a genius will definitely not get mixed up in a pool of mud and be used as a weapon by others.

"Brother Liang, shall we go back?" a follower asked.

"Well, when I go back, I will practice in seclusion in the cave, and from now on I will not get involved in any struggles in the Tianzi District." Liang Ze said in a deep voice.

Li Dong was in the cave, waiting for the news of Liang Ze's failure in Dan Dou, and was stunned for a while.

"Even Liang Ze can't beat that kid?"

Li Dong felt unbelievable, "Come here, please bring Liang Ze over. I want to ask in detail how he lost and what happened at the scene."


One of the disciples left in response, but half an hour later, he came back alone.

"Where is Liang Ze?"

Li Dong asked unexpectedly.

"Senior Brother Li, one of Liang Ze's disciples said that he was in seclusion and ordered no one to disturb him. No matter what happened, he would not come out even if the sky fell."

Follow the disciples to report.

"Damn, this guy Liang Ze is really rude."

Song Yunhui cursed loudly, while other people in the cave had expressions of disbelief.

"Senior Brother Li, Liang Ze has never been such a rude person before. This time it is really strange."

"Yeah, don't say that he took Senior Brother Li's high-level Red Yuan Pill to challenge Su Chen. Even if he didn't take it, Senior Brother Li invited him to come over. He actually said he wouldn't come even if the sky fell. It's really shameless. Extremely polite.”

Li Dong's face was as sinking as water, and the aura emanating from his whole body was terrifyingly cold. Liang Ze's behavior of staying behind closed doors obviously deeply angered him.

He never expected that he gave Liang Ze a high-level Chi Yuan Dan to challenge Su Chen, but Liang Ze went to retreat without saying a word afterwards. He sent people to ask him but they were rejected.

This not only made De Lidong furious, but also made him completely passive.

Because now he only knows that Liang Ze lost in the alchemy competition with Su Chen, but he knows nothing about how Liang Ze lost, what events he competed in, and what happened at the scene.

Although the competition was held outside Su Chen's cave, since Tianzi District only allowed disciples from Tianzi District to enter, other Tianzi District disciples did not come to watch the competition.

Therefore, the only people who saw the competition process were Su Chen and Liang Ze, as well as their following disciples.

Liang Ze's disciples naturally followed Liang Ze's orders and said nothing.

In this way, Li Dong was in trouble, because his original plan to test Su Chen's depth completely failed.

Now, Li Dong doesn't have many choices.

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