Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1805 Honorary Elder

For the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire, the Alchemy Sect is undoubtedly a hidden danger to them. It may harm their major affairs, so this hidden danger must be eradicated.

"Sect Master, according to your estimation, how strong are the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire?"

Elder Ai asked.

"How strong?"

Sect Leader Yu thought for a while, "I can't estimate how strong it is. However, I can be sure that the storm in Central Continent is coming. If we don't do anything, Central Continent will definitely change, even if the other three major Together with us, the Holy Sect may not be able to stop the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire."

"Sect Master, since the background of the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire has developed so horribly, why do they adopt the grinding method of spreading the poison of living corpses in Central Continent instead of simply and happily dispatching all of them to attack the entire Central Continent? Direct suppression or brute force?”

Hall Master Mu asked.

"I can't explain this problem. Maybe there is something restricting them that prevents them from doing this."

Sect Master Yu also guessed.

"Sect Master, what should we do now? Can you set a charter?"

Elder Ai asked.

"Send people to the other three major holy sects and ask them to allocate some of the strongest members of the sects to station in the Danxin Holy Sect."

Sect Master Yu said that after all, the crisis of the Danxin Holy Sect is also the crisis of the other three holy sects. If the Danxin Holy Sect falls, the other three holy sects will be unable to independently develop the ultimate antidote to the living corpse poison, and they will undoubtedly die.

In this case, the previous intrigues and conflicts between the four holy sects became less important.

At this moment, the four holy sects are like grasshoppers on a rope. The most important thing to do is to hug each other and help each other. We must not let the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire defeat them one by one.

What the Danxin Holy Sect is most worried about is that the strength that Bai Lu and Qing Ji can unleash is so domineering. If a stronger warrior comes next time, the Danxin Holy Sect will definitely not be able to withstand it.

But if the other three holy sects help, they will be much more confident.

"All in all, we must not give in. The descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire said that they appointed us as the Protector of the Country. In fact, we are just dogs under their hands. We are driven by them and have no freedom at all. How can our Danxin Holy Sect have a thousand-year foundation? Being subordinate to others and being driven by others?”

Elder Ai said, "It's really not possible. If they really want to take it by force, the worst we can do is fight to the death! As long as our sect spirit is still there, even if the sect is destroyed, a new fire can be rekindled in the future. But if we are subjectively afraid and willing to be driven by others, even if the sect is still there, the spirit has been extinct. In that case, what is the difference between annihilating the sect and annihilating the sect? "

Elder Ai's words were unanimously recognized by everyone.

Even Su Chen nodded secretly to what Elder Ai said.

For a sect, spiritual continuity is indeed the most important thing, even more important than the inheritance of exercises, martial arts, and treasures within the sect.

If the spiritual power of a sect is strong, even if only the last person dies, he will find ways to continue the sect.

In Su Chen's previous life, he had seen many of the ups and downs of top powers, and had also read many classics about ancient history.

Some huge sects that were extremely powerful for a while eventually disappeared into the dust of history without leaving even the slightest trace. The reason is that those sects only have profits, no spiritual fire, and no goals and inheritance that everyone is willing to live or die for.

The Danxin Holy Sect is obviously not the kind of sect without spiritual fire.

This made Su Chen quite approving.

"Everyone, I won't say much else. I personally swear here that I will defend the spiritual heritage of the Danxin Sect to the death."

As soon as Sect Master Yu said these words, the other senior officials also said: "We also swear that we will definitely defend the spiritual inheritance of Danxin Holy Sect!"

For a time, the atmosphere in the hall was heavy, and everyone was filled with blood and tears.

It was obvious that everyone was prepared that the sect might be forced to perish at any time.

Even if the sect is gone one day, as long as the spiritual inheritance remains, the Danxin Holy Sect will always exist.

Su Chen was standing by and saw this scene, although this scene could not shake his Taoist heart or brainwash him.

However, Su Chen's emotions were integrated into this sect unconsciously. Invisibly, he discovered that he had become a part of this sect.

"Su Chen, this time, you have made meritorious service to the sect again. This sect leader intends to promote you to the honorary elder of the sect, and your treatment will be in accordance with the standards of core elders, higher than that of core disciples. I don't know what you think. how?"

Honorary elders have the status of elders, but do not need to actually perform the daily work of elders. Their treatment is higher than that of disciples in Tianzi District.

Generally speaking, among the four major holy sects, there are very few examples of young disciples being promoted to honorary elders.

But at this moment, when Sect Leader Yu proposed it, other senior officials surprisingly unanimously agreed with it, and no one objected.

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