Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1836 Toxic Matrix

Su Chen's "Great Wilderness Blood Moon" has been brewing for a long time. Coupled with his current Alchemy Emperor's soul power level, this move can be said to be the strongest "Great Wilderness Blood Moon" he has ever performed in his life. moon".

Such a wild blood moon, even for a warrior at the eighth level of Xunyou Realm, would probably lose his mind if he received one.

Originally, this Great Desolate Blood Moon was not enough to deal with this man. But at this moment, due to the influence of the antidote powder, this man was already at the lowest point of the soul sea's defense.

At that moment, when he saw the two blood-colored moons in Su Chen's pupils, the man was stunned. His hands dropped unconsciously and he stood there blankly.

"it's time!"

When Su Chen saw the success of "Great Wilderness Blood Moon", he didn't hesitate at all. Emperor Wu's Broken Sword appeared in his hand, and slashed at the man with a magic word sword technique of peak power.


The man was struck by a sword and suffered heavy injuries again. Although the body was not cut off, the aura on his body quickly weakened as the sword was cut off.

"Wow, it's really amazing!"

Su Chen was also surprised when he saw this scene. After being hit hard by the peak power of the Phantom Sword Technique, this guy is not dead yet. The strength of the ninth level of Xunyou Realm is really strong.

However, even if he is not dead, it is impossible for this man to survive the storm again.

Su Chen's figure quickly flew towards him, and when he was dying and unable to resist, he brought the man into the mustard space.

Once entering the Mustard Seed space, it is Su Chen's absolute territory, and Su Chen has the final say in everything.

Su Chen threw the man to the ground casually, summoned a bundle of ropes, and tied him tightly.

This man, like other people who were brought into the Mustard Seed Dimension, struggled for a moment at first. But when he found that he couldn't break free from the rope no matter what, he gave up the struggle and stared at Su Chen with his eyes full of resentment.

"Old poison, do you think I will be fooled by you?"

Su Chen also snorted. The other party actually wanted to plot against him. Fortunately, he had seen through the other party's intention in advance and was not fooled.

"How did you know?"

The man asked with a gloomy expression.

"You are too impatient, and you will naturally show your flaws!"

Su Chen said calmly, in fact, he really didn't think about that at first, until the man showed that mocking look and his eagerness to enter the secret room, which made Su Chen feel very suspicious. With vigilance, this prevented the other party from succeeding.

"If I guessed correctly, the source of the living corpse poison that I have been looking for is probably already in front of me, right? You yourself are the source of the living corpse poison!"

In fact, Su Chen's absurd guess before was that this man was not the person infected by the poison of the living corpse, but that he himself was the source of the poison of the living corpse!

This situation is called a toxic mother. In other words, there was no such poison in the world until this mother body appeared. The poison on his body was the original poison. All poison sources were based on him and spread out from him.

In this way, no matter who is poisoned, as long as he is poisoned by this type of poison, then, tracing back, it can definitely be traced back to the toxic mother body, and it was directly or indirectly transmitted from this toxic mother body.

The reason why Su Chen hadn't considered the toxic matrix before was mainly because the living corpse poison looked like an artificially prepared poison, so he didn't think about the toxic matrix.

But now, it turns out that this seemingly artificially prepared poison can also have a toxic parent.

"Boy, you are smart!"

The man snorted coldly and did not refute Su Chen's words.

In fact, Su Chen guessed correctly, this man was indeed the mother body of the living corpse poison.

That's why he wanted to plot against Su Chen behind his back, because he couldn't let Su Chen develop the ultimate antidote to the living corpse poison.

The ultimate antidote to the poison of living zombies may be the medicine that saves other living zombies and the dawn of turning them back into normal people. However, for the mother body of this living zombie poison, the ultimate antidote is equivalent to a deadly poison that can kill him instantly.

Because he can no longer be regarded as a person at all, but a walking corpse that relies on the poison of living corpses. Once the poison of the living corpse disappears, his life will also disintegrate.

Even the temporary antidote to the living corpse poison can be so lethal to him, making him confused and slow in movement, let alone the ultimate antidote to the living corpse poison.

Therefore, he naturally has to do his best to prevent the ultimate antidote to the living corpse poison from being refined.

However, his efforts failed in the end.

"Where is the ultimate antidote to the zombie poison?"

Su Chen asked.

The man just sneered and didn't answer.

"Heart-splitting blood poison?"

Su Chen searched in his mind, trying to find the corresponding answer from the vast knowledge base of his past life.

However, searching with this name turned up nothing.

"There is a mother body

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