Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1839: Looking for the Secret Formation

With such doubts, Su Chen came to the Sutra Pavilion at Danyun Peak again, checked all the classics in the Sutra Pavilion, found all the records about Shenliu Island, and asked Sect Master Yu about Shenliu Island. .

Sect Master Yu actually doesn’t know much about Shenliu Island. However, for Su Chen's sake, Sect Leader Yu also spared no effort to help Su Chen inquire. He went to the sect, including Elder Bei and other elders of the older generation, and then went to find the sect leaders of the other three major holy sects. From the fragments of everyone's words, we pieced together the information about Jinliu Island.

In the end, a map with the location of Shenliu Island was obtained from the hands of an elder from Liuyun Holy Sect who had lived for more than 300 years.

Judging from the map, Shenliu Island is located in the endless sea, separated from the Central Continent by countless space turbulence.

And if you want to go to Shenliu Island, the best way is not to swim directly there. In fact, with the physical body of a warrior from the Central Continent, it is simply impossible to swim to Shenliu Island through the turbulent flow of space.

But even so, it cannot be said that warriors from the Central Continent have absolutely no way to get to Shenliu Island.

According to the records on the map, there is a way for Central Continent warriors to get to Shenliu Island.

This method is to find the secret formation heading to Shenliu Island. If you can find that kind of secret formation, you can teleport directly to Shenliu Island through the secret formation.

No one knows how that magical formation came into being, or how many years old it is. It seems that since the existence of Shenliu Island, there has been that secret formation.

According to records, there is only one close formation leading to Shenliu Island in Zhongzhou Continent, but there are three possible places for that close formation. All three places have been speculated to be leading to Shenliu Island. A dense formation, but no one knows which one it is.

Because, for thousands of years, people from Central Continent have been going to these three places, trying to find the secret formation leading to Shenliu Island. But in the end, none of them came back, not one of them.

No one knows whether they found the right formation and went to Shenliu Island and never came back, or whether they found the wrong formation and paid the price with their lives.

This also casts a mysterious shadow over these three places. In the past few hundred years, almost no warriors from the Central Continent have gone to these three places to find the secret formation leading to Shenliu Island.

Su Chen knew that the descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire must have reached Shenliu Island from the Central Continent through the correct formation.

However, the current descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire may not know where the correct secret formation is. After all, so many years have passed, and the current descendants of the Zhaoyang Empire are already the great-great-great-grandchildren of that time.

Su Chen planned to visit these three places. Even if there is any danger, you can escape to the mustard space in time.

The Mustard Seed Space was actually Su Chen's life-saving weapon that was indispensable. With the Mustard Seed Dimension on your body, it is almost impossible to be in real danger to your life.

But usually, Su Chen would not escape into the Mustard Seed Space unless absolutely necessary, because doing so would easily make people lose their bloody Taoist heart as a warrior. And if the bloody Taoist heart is gone, it will be difficult to make great achievements in martial arts, which is fatal to warriors.

However, if there was a real danger, Su Chen would not hesitate to escape into the Mustard Seed Space.

Su Chen meditated in seclusion for a few days, firstly to consolidate his cultivation in the Netherworld Realm, and secondly, to imagine the situations he might encounter during his trip and prepare his thoughts in advance.

After all, those three places must all be quite dangerous. Even if we successfully find the Secret Formation in the end and go to Kamiri Island, Kamiri Island will definitely not be a safe place. It is hard to say what kind of situation we will encounter when we go there.

Although it was impossible for Su Chen to think of every situation in advance and prevent it in advance, if he made some plans in advance, it would be easier to deal with any unexpected situation.

On this day, Su Chen quietly left the Danxin Holy Sect and headed southeast.

This time he left without informing anyone, but left quietly, only taking his followers and Shen Nianyao with him in the Mustard Seed space.

Shen Nianyao didn't know about the Mustard Seed Space, and Su Chen didn't intend to let her know too much. He just let her fall asleep and enter the Mustard Seed Space, so that she wouldn't know about the things in the Mustard Seed Space.

This is not because Su Chen intentionally excludes Shen Nianyao, but out of a kind of protection for her. The fewer people who know the secret of the Mustard Seed Space, the better, because this is definitely a unique artifact, and this secret will not even be compared to Su Chen's reincarnation. The secret is smaller.

In order to travel lightly, Su Chen felt that putting everyone into the Mustard Seed Space was the best option.

After breaking through to the Xunyou Realm, the power of the Kunpeng bloodline in Su Chen's body has been further stimulated. Su Chen's current speed is definitely faster than any warrior below the seventh level of the Xunyou Realm, even those who are above the seventh level of the Xunyou Realm, in terms of speed alone. On the other hand, it may not be possible to suppress Su Chen.

A few days later, Su Chen came to the first place that might be a close formation.

This dense array must be a very mysterious site, and most people may not be able to understand it.

In front of Su Chen's eyes was a plain-looking valley, with no hint that it might be a dense formation.

However, when Su Chen walked into it, everything changed. A strong smell of blood hit my face, mixed with the smell of killing.

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