Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 187 The silver-haired old man

Su Chen was also secretly speechless in his heart. In the past, he only heard from the old guys in the Alchemy Domain that the innate fire spirit body was a natural alchemist's material. Only today did he know that what those old guys said was indeed true.

Not only did Gu Qianxue have a strong affinity for the fire attribute, but she also mastered basic alchemy theory very quickly, which greatly exceeded Su Chen's expectations.

Su Chen's booklet is no ordinary booklet. It contains some of Su Chen's understanding of the basic alchemy theory. It is equivalent to condensing the essence of the basic alchemy theory into this booklet.

Ordinary alchemy apprentices may need to read dozens of thick theoretical books before they can get started with alchemy, but for Su Chen, this booklet is enough.

However, what Su Chen didn't notice was that while he and Gu Qianxue were asking questions and assessments back and forth, a silver-haired old man sitting in another corner of the carriage was listening to the conversation between the two. He frowned and shook his head repeatedly, looking extremely disapproving.

But it's no wonder that Su Chen's alchemy theories were too advanced. Many of them are theories that don't exist now and will only appear in later generations. People today will naturally feel that they are full of errors.

There are also many advanced theories from the Alchemy Realm, which are completely contrary to some of the current Alchemy Theory in the Yunyuan Empire.

The old man was obviously an alchemist. He frowned and listened for a long time. He seemed to be speechless at these "erroneous" alchemy theories. He shook his head, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Su Chen didn't notice the old man's reaction. Even if he did, Su Chen wouldn't care. After he and Gu Qianxue played around and tested the alchemy theory for a while, he took out the small bronze cauldron and asked Gu Qianxue to use it as a joke. Alchemy.

Gu Qianxue had not yet condensed the elixir fire, and it was not appropriate for Su Chen to sacrifice the elixir fire in public to avoid attracting attention. Therefore, he summoned the small sky fire, let the small sky fire release the flame under the alchemy cauldron, and then let Gu Qianxue refine the elixir in the alchemy cauldron.

In this way, it is equivalent to Gu Qianxue and Xiao Tianhuo cooperating in elixir refining. If other people saw it, they would just think that the little girl and the demon pet were messing around, and wouldn't think too deeply about it.

——Although Xiao Tianhuo is in human form, the way his whole body is on fire makes it fair to say he is a monster pet.

"You can refine Xiaoyuan Dan."

Su Chen decided on the type of elixir for Gu Qianxue to refine. Xiao Yuan Dan is the most common first-grade elixir, and it is not difficult to refine. It is very suitable for beginners to get started.

"Okay, Brother Chen."

Gu Qianxue nodded obediently, then picked out the materials needed for Xiao Yuan Dan from the pile of materials in front of her, and began to refine it in the elixir cauldron.

At this time, the old man not far away couldn't help but open his eyes again and watch.

Alchemists are like this. When they see others making alchemy, they can't help but look at it. If the other person's refining is good, you can learn from their refining techniques. If there are problems with the other person's refining, you can learn from their lessons and use them in your own refining in the future. to avoid this problem.

Therefore, alchemists like to watch others make alchemy, which has almost become an instinct.

However, after looking at Gu Qianxue's alchemy for a few times, the old man couldn't help but calm down and raised his eyebrows. This girl was not refining alchemy at all. She was just fooling around. She did not abide by all the rules that must be followed in alchemy. Almost all the taboos that cannot be violated have been violated.

Nonsense, simply nonsense.

Such an alchemy method is very good without exploding the cauldron. There is no way it is possible to make any real elixir.

The old man shook his head displeasedly. He disliked these people the most. They were simply insulting Alchemy.

He didn't want to take care of it at first, but the old man's eyes caught Gu Qianxue picking up a few medicinal herbs and putting them into the alchemy cauldron. This time, the old man was completely uneasy.

Those few medicinal herbs are in conflict with the medicinal properties of the original medicinal materials in the alchemy cauldron. Putting them in will definitely cause the furnace to explode!

This carriage is so big. Once the furnace explodes, it will definitely affect other people.

The old man didn't care too much, and immediately stood up and walked towards Gu Qianxue, shouting in a reproachful tone: "Little girl, didn't your adults tell you that you can't play with alchemy and medicinal materials casually? If the furnace explodes, who will suffer the loss?" To compensate? Who will bear the responsibility?”

With that said, the old man reached out to the small bronze cauldron, trying to take out the few medicinal plants that Gu Qianxue had just put in it.

However, just when the old man's hand reached halfway, Hengkong stretched out a palm as fast as the wind and grabbed the old man's wrist.

Su Chen smiled lightly and said, "Senior, after all, it's not easy to get started, right?"

"You still dare to say that?"

The old man glared and scolded, "How old is this little girl? You actually let her play some alchemy game. You must know that real alchemy is very serious and not a child's game."

"These medicinal herbs are incompatible with the original medicinal properties in the alchemy cauldron. If heated like this, the furnace will inevitably explode!"

"Since you are her companion, and I just heard that you seem to know a little bit about alchemy, then you should stop her in time. What does it mean if you don't ask?"

The old man became more and more angry as he talked. He obviously regarded Gu Qianxue's alchemy refining as a game, but it was no wonder that there were few people in Anyang County who could use the alchemy cauldron to refine alchemy, because using the alchemy cauldron to make alchemy required one's own elixir fire. , so the old man naturally thought that Gu Qianxue was playing with the Danding as a toy.

"First, do I still need to explain to you how I behave?"

However, Su Chen did not give the gray-haired old man any face, and said rudely, "Second, how do you know that these medicinal herbs will definitely cause an explosion?"

"of course?"

The old man frowned and said, "The golden cicadas, blue yam... all conflict with the medicinal properties of the jade fruit in the alchemy. This is the most basic theory. Do you need me to explain it more?"

"Qianxue, tell him."

Su Chen didn't even bother to explain to the other party and said to Gu Qianxue.

"Okay, Brother Chen."

Gu Qianxue nodded, then pointed to a bit of sparkling silver powder inside the alchemy cauldron and said, "Grandpa, you don't have to worry about exploding the furnace. Xue'er has added glazed silver powder, so it won't explode the cauldron."

"Liuyin powder?"

The old man was stunned and looked into the alchemy cauldron. He saw that the silver powder was indeed the glazed silver powder that Gu Qianxue had mentioned.

At that moment, the old man was stunned. Gu Qianxue was right. If you add glazed silver powder, the cauldron would not explode, because glazed silver powder can neutralize the conflicting properties of those medicinal herbs.

However, how did this little girl know that adding glazed silver powder was a very unpopular practice? Where did she learn it?

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