Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 1925 Ruan Yanran’s plan

The strong man passing by was actually a confidant of the King of Tianyuan Dynasty. He passed by there accidentally and he did it casually without thinking too much about saving Ruan Yanran.

However, after discovering Ruan Yanran's astonishing beauty, this powerful man changed his mind and brought Ruan Yanran to Tianyuan Capital and introduced her to the King of Tianyuan, who adopted Ruan Yanran as his adopted daughter.

The King of Tianyuan was also very good to Ruan Yanran. He vigorously cultivated her and spent a lot of scarce resources to train Ruan Yanran from a warrior whose cultivation level was far behind the ordinary level of Shenliu Island to a cultivation level that advanced by leaps and bounds and became a Netherworld-seeking Realm. Musha.

Ruan Yanran was very grateful to Lord Tianyuan at first, because she was on Shenliu Island and had no way to return to Dongzhou. It could be said that she had no relatives. Under such circumstances, Lord Tianyuan took her in and nurtured her, just like her biological father.

However, Ruan Yanran gradually realized that she was still too young. I don’t know the twists and turns inside. In fact, Lord Tianyuan adopted her not just out of pure kindness, but also for a purpose. What matters most is her beauty.

To put it bluntly, Ruan Yanran was cultivated as a chess piece.

However, although Ruan Yanran gradually discovered this, she could not feel any hatred towards the monarch. After all, she was indeed rescued by the monarch's people, and she did receive many favors from the monarch.

Ruan Yanran is not an ungrateful person. She cannot do such a thing as turning against someone.

Therefore, although she was very resistant to martial arts competitions to recruit brides, she did not hate the king or the royal family because of this.

As for the specific purpose of the royal family training her, and what exactly they wanted to achieve by holding this competition to recruit a bride, Ruan Yanran was not very clear.

All she knew was that suddenly one day, Manager Gao came to tell her that the monarch planned to hold a competition for her to find a bride, and the time was set in the near future, so she could not refuse at all.

As for some specific reasons for this contest to recruit a bride, no one told Ruan Yanran. She only vaguely heard a general idea from the discussions of some palace people. The royal family seemed to want to use the contest to recruit a bride as a cover. In fact, she wanted to Search for a suitable young man in the entire royal capital, and make this young man available to the royal family through marriage with the princess.

But Ruan Yanran didn't know what exactly the royal family wanted this young man to do.

"I see."

When Su Chen heard this, he finally understood why this competition for marriage must require young warriors aged 18 to participate.

The reason given by the royal family is that there is no common language with the princess if they are too different in age, but in fact, even for this reason, there is no need to be as strict as being stuck at exactly eighteen years old.

But if the real purpose of the royal family is to find a young warrior who meets the requirements, then it is understandable that the mandatory requirement must be eighteen years old.

"I just don't know, what kind of young man does the royal family want to find? What is the purpose of needing this young man?"

Su Chen was secretly curious in his heart.

Logically speaking, it is not easy for a royal family to find someone who meets the conditions in the royal capital? Is there any need to use a specially and carefully cultivated chess piece to find someone in a high-profile way like a martial arts competition to recruit a bride?

It can only be said that it must be very difficult to find someone who meets the conditions, otherwise the royal family would not be so grand.

Judging from Ruan Yanran's words, Su Chen has almost figured out the ins and outs of this competition to recruit a bride.

It has to be said that although there are many beauties in the martial arts world, there is no doubt that beauty like Ruan Yanran is definitely a scarce resource. It is no wonder that the King of Tianyuan regards her as a rare commodity.

It is obvious that the monarch cultivated Ruan Yanran at the beginning as a chess piece, but there was no specific purpose, and he did not go there to let her compete in this competition to recruit a bride.

However, one day, the monarch suddenly decided to let Ruan Yanran participate in this contest to recruit a bride.

This is equivalent to consuming Ruan Yanran's carefully cultivated chess piece, and something that makes the monarch willing to consume this chess piece must not be a trivial matter.

However, even the royal family did not expect that a spoiler like Gu Ling'er would appear in the middle, which disrupted the original plan. In the end, they failed to find a suitable consort as expected, but Ruan Yanran got one more Sworn sisters.

"By the way, that Gu Ling'er didn't follow you?"

Su Chen asked.

"You mean sister Ling'er? She's a very nice person, but I came to see you today secretly. It was Xiaoqi who took me out of the palace secretly. He didn't dare to tell anyone else, so he didn't tell sister Ling'er. , I just told her that I came out of the palace to buy candied haws."

Ruan Yanran said.

Su Chen was not familiar with Gu Ling'er, but Gu Ling'er's existence solved Ruan Yanran's problem in disguise. Therefore, Su Chen didn't have any ill feelings toward Gu Ling'er.

"By the way, Su Chen, I plan to go with sister Ling'er to her hometown, and the monarch has approved it."

Ruan Yanran suddenly spoke again.

"You really want to go?"

Su Chen asked.


Ruan Yanran clicked

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