Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2026: Treasure Appraisal Link

"Hahahaha, this Ninth Prince got off to a bad start!"

Among the king's seats, a red-haired, rough-looking king couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

The other princes also had smiles on their faces. The ninth prince had just returned to the royal family and was hosting such an important event, and he was still so young. It was understandable that he would be dissatisfied.

To be honest, even they, the kings, were confused and couldn't figure out what the king was thinking about appointing the Ninth Prince, a young brat, to carry out such an important task.

And at the moment when these harsh sounds fell, Beichuan, who was behind Princess Tianlin, immediately looked over and saw several figures flashing past in the auditorium in that direction, although they were too fast to see clearly. It was clear, but it still made him feel familiar.

"He belongs to the eldest prince!"

Beichuan frowned and immediately remembered the origins of these people who were making noises, "Your Highness, the eldest prince actually sent people to make noises and create momentum, deliberately trying to stumbling upon the ninth prince."

"That's right."

Princess Tianlin nodded. She expected the eldest prince to do this. The question was how Su Chen would respond.

When faced with such a stumbling blocker, sometimes the more tolerant you are, the more aggressive he becomes. And the eldest prince must have told these people in advance. This is just the first step. If you ignore it, these guys will definitely jump out again.

Just when Princess Tianlin was secretly worried, she saw Su Chen on the high platform without blinking, waving his hands and shouting: "Here comes someone!"

Following Su Chen's command, many royal guards with bright armor suddenly poured out from around the square. Without any nonsense, they directly arrested the few people who had just made a fuss.

"If you disrupt the order of the Autumn Hunting Festival, you will be killed on the spot!"

Su Chen then gave a calm order, and this order made the eldest prince in the audience shrink his eyes.

Those were his eldest prince's men, and the ninth prince actually killed him in public. Although he was not an important subordinate, the ninth prince's behavior was too disrespectful to his eldest prince.

However, the eldest prince wanted to stop it but couldn't. It was impossible to announce in public that these people who were making noises were his eldest prince's men.

"Damn bastard!"

The eldest prince was so angry that he clenched his fists and watched helplessly as several of his men were killed on the spot before his eyes, while still pretending to be nonchalant.

He had no other choice but to be so angry that he secretly swore in his heart that after the event was over, he would definitely find an opportunity to get back double the amount from the Ninth Prince.

"Hahahaha, looking at the constipated look on Brother Wang's face, he probably didn't expect that Ninth Brother would kill him as soon as he asked, right?"

Princess Tianlin smiled very happily. It was a real pleasure for her to see the eldest prince deflated. Come to think of it, the eldest prince never thought beforehand that Su Chen would have the guts to touch him.

At this time, the eldest prince could be said to have stolen the chicken but lost the rice. Not only did he not have the effect of attacking the ninth prince, he also lost several of his men in vain.

"Now, the Ninth Prince may be even more hated by the Eldest Prince!"

Beichuan behind Princess Tianlin also whispered.

"You still don't know the big brother, he's a little chicken, and I'm afraid the Ninth Brother has already been on his blacklist. Regardless of today's incident or not, he still holds a grudge against the Ninth Brother."

Princess Tianlin said, "Look back, I will transfer a group of elites from the princess mansion to the Ninth Prince Brother!"

"As it should be!"

Beichuan nodded.

"Everyone, today is the day of the Autumn Hunting Festival."

At this moment, Su Chen, who had been reluctant to speak, finally spoke.

"As we all know, the Autumn Hunting Festival is one of the largest events in our Tianguang Dynasty. Today we are all gathered here. Some are here to learn martial arts skills and hone their strength, and some are here for the treasures in the treasure appraisal process. Some people come here for the reputation of the royal family, while others come just to see the fun.”

Su Chen's voice sounded powerful, and his words seemed to carry a brilliant power, instantly penetrating the void and reaching everyone's ears.

The majestic demeanor naturally revealed in his tone made many people present secretly surprised. Who said that the ninth prince was not so dignified because he did not grow up in the royal family? Looking at it now, his magnanimity is not inferior to that of any prince.

"No matter what your purpose is, I would like to emphasize here that if someone has the intention to cause trouble, he should stop it as soon as possible. Let me start with my ugly words. Anyone who makes trouble on such an important occasion today will end up in the end. Just like those people just now, kill without mercy!”

"Of course, I believe that those people just talked nonsense and were not intentionally instigated by anyone."

Su Chen said, with a faint smile on his lips, and glanced at the eldest prince vaguely.


For a moment, the eldest prince was so angry that he almost rushed to fight Su Chen. It was White Whale King Feng who kept winking and stopped the eldest prince.

Su Chen's sarcastic tone and meaningful smile just now were obviously addressing the King.

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