Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2028 Heart-wrenching words

"This prince almost forgot something just now."

Facing the king's seat, he then smiled and said, "This autumn hunting event is held to bring peace to the ten kings. Now that the treasure appraisal is about to begin, how can the ten kings participate without being honored?"


"Let us also participate in the treasure appraisal?"

When the ten kings heard this, they all exchanged unexpected looks. You know, in the past treasure appraisal sessions, they only watched and never participated themselves.

Could it be that this time they are required to bring out the treasures and appraise them in public?

Unknowingly, a look of displeasure flashed across the faces of several of the princes. Although these nine princes were princes, they were not kings after all. If they were really asked to bring out the treasures for appraisal, it would be too far.

After all, this treasure appraisal process is all about voluntariness. If it is forced, there will be no voluntariness at all.

"Everyone has misunderstood."

Su Chen saw the expressions on the faces of the princes and said with a smile, "What I mean is that all the princes are important figures in the Tianguang Dynasty, and they are all well-informed and have come into contact with countless treasures from all over the world. I Far less.”

"I am hosting this treasure appraisal session by myself. I am afraid that my young eyesight is not enough and I will make a mistake. Therefore, I would like to ask all the princes to participate and help me appraise these treasures together with me and the royal appraisers. Treasures. I'm afraid you have seen countless treasures in your life. Identifying treasures should be a piece of cake for you."

Su Chen had a faint smile on his face, and his words made the kings feel very comfortable.

At the same time, the princes also understood that the ninth prince was not asking them to take out the treasures for identification, but invited them to be the judges of the treasure identification process.

What Su Chen said just now can be said to have been flattering enough, and it also gave these kings a lot of face.

Moreover, if you can participate in such a link, it will also greatly improve the reputation of these kings.

However, although all of these crowned kings were very excited, out of reserve, no one was the first to take the initiative to say yes when facing Su Chen's gaze.


After a moment, hearty laughter could be heard, and a red-haired man with dozens of animal bone necklaces around his neck stood up; "No one is the first, right, okay, I will be the first to sign up, no." Do you know if Ninth Prince is interested in taking me to play? "

This red-haired man is none other than the Red Lion King, one of the ten great kings!

He has the most generous personality, but at the same time he is also murderous without blinking an eye. It is said that thirty years ago, the Tianguang Dynasty and the Tianquan Dynasty had a border conflict, and the border happened to be in the Red Lion fiefdom. The Red Lion King directly led his men to kill him and massacred the entire city of the Tianquan Dynasty, thus ending the conflict between the two countries.

Of course, when he is not killing people, the Red Lion King still looks very bold and majestic.

"The reputation of being crowned the Red Lion King is extraordinary. With your help, I hope everyone present can feel reassured."

Su Chen smiled lightly.

"Haha, Ninth Prince, I am still interested in this kind of treasure identification process, why don't you count me in?"

With the red lion king setting an example, a second king soon came forward, but this was the Luye king whose fiefdom was to the west of the dynasty.

"Ninth Prince, how about you count me in?"

This is the title of King of Silver Moon.

"The two crown princes are willing to join the appraisal team to help with the eyes. I welcome them."

Su Chen agreed without hesitation.

Next, the other kings did not speak.

These kings are either ranked low in overall strength among the top ten kings, or they are not very good at identifying treasures, so they are all hesitant about whether to participate.

"I heard that the White Whale fiefdom collects treasures from all over the world. The White Whale fiefdom also has great experience in identifying treasures, and he can be called a treasure appraiser."

At this moment, Su Chen spoke again, "Now that the treasure appraisal is about to take place, wouldn't the White Whale King be willing to give you some advice?"

No one expected that the Ninth Prince would take the initiative to invite White Whale to be crowned king.

Even the White Whale King frowned. The Ninth Prince's words didn't sound wrong, but if you look at them carefully, you always felt that there was a deep meaning in these words. It seemed to be alluding to his restless and coveted White Whale King. The meaning of kingship.

Because, as we all know, all the treasures in the dynasty should be gathered in the royal family. After all, there is an old saying, the world is so big, it is the king's land, and the shore of the land is the king's ministers.

Now the Ninth Prince said that all the treasures in the world are gathered in the White Whale Fief. Isn't this equivalent to saying that the White Whale Fief is too ambitious and tries to be on par with the royal family?

If the Ninth Prince's words really had such meaning, it would be really heartbreaking.

However, the White Whale King sneered, he had lived for hundreds of years, how could he be afraid of the nonsense of a young brat like the Ninth Prince?

"The Ninth Prince's statement that the world's treasures are gathered in the White Whale fief is a bit exaggerated, but I have never heard anyone say that.

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