Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2046: Distress

After entering this monster lair, a pure energy aura hit your face.

The two of them restrained their aura and slowly reached inside. When they were halfway there, Su Chen suddenly waved his hand, signaling Princess Tianlin to stop.

"The monster responsible for guarding is right in front. If you have any means, use it now."

Su Chen said.

"Okay, let's take a look at this princess!"

Princess Tianlin nodded proudly, then took out a long incense stick from the space ring, lit it, and stuck it on the ground.

Afterwards, Princess Tianlin took out a magic fan, held it gently with her slender hands, and used gentle movements to fan the smoke from the incense forward.

After fanning for about a quarter of an hour, Princess Tianlin panted slightly and said: "It should be almost done, let's go to the front and have a look!"

The two left the lit incense where they were and walked forward.

After walking forward for about half a quarter of an hour, a black shadow came into view ahead. Looking closely, I saw a monster as big as a small mound, lying there with its eyes closed, snoring.

The fluctuations emanating from the body were clearly at the beginning of the Return to Void Realm.

"Sure enough, I fell asleep! This secret incense from the East China Sea is really powerful."

Princess Tianlin's beautiful eyes shone and she couldn't help but say, "Brother Ninth King, let's take this opportunity to kill this first-level demonic beast in the Return to Void Realm. How about it?"

"never mind."

Su Chen shook his head calmly, "This return-to-nature realm monster beast has thick skin and thick flesh. If you want to kill it, it will take at least an hour. By then, the incense will have expired."


Princess Tianlin originally just mentioned it and didn't have a strong intention. Her goal is also those four eggs. The four eggs are the most important.

At this moment, hearing what Su Chen said, Princess Tianlin said, "Let's get the eggs first and then look at the situation."

Tiptoeing around the first-level demonic beast of the Return to Void Realm, the two of them headed straight into the lair.

Not long after, a hole was found deep in the nest. The hole was covered with soft grass and four eggs were placed on it.

These four eggs are slightly fluorescent, with mysterious characters floating on them. If you look closely, you will see that the characters are constantly changing, which is very magical.

When Princess Tianlin saw this, she didn't have time to look further. Qianying immediately flew over and put the four eggs into the space ring. Then she immediately turned around and swept out, calling Su Chen as she swept, "Quickly go!"

The two of them moved forward, one behind the other, using their strong movements to move very fast.

When passing by the sleepy Void Return Realm first-level monster, the two of them did not stop. Although this monster would be considered prey if killed, killing it would be too time-consuming. If the Green-Winged Cold Moon Beast comes back while killing here, it will be even more troublesome.

Therefore, the two of them gave up the idea completely and decided to leave first with the eggs.

As soon as they left the nest and breathed the air outside, the two of them had no time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then they heard a low roar coming from the lair behind them, and then the earth shook, as if something huge was chasing them from behind.

"No, it's the first-level demonic beast in the Return to Void Realm that has woken up."

Princess Tianlin's face changed, "The secret incense from the East China Sea actually expired so quickly, much faster than expected!"

Immediately, Princess Tianlin's forehead began to sweat. The two of them had just walked out of the lair. They were not far away from where the first-level demonic beast of the Return to Void Realm was.

If that first-level demonic beast in the Return to Void Realm was fast, it might be able to catch up with them in less than ten breaths!

At that moment, Princess Tianlin and Su Chen looked at each other, and without saying anything, they understood each other and ran away.

This time, it can be said that the two of them have brought their own body and martial arts skills to the extreme.

Especially Princess Tianlin, she used all her strength to suck the milk, and her delicate face turned red from suppressing it, but she couldn't care less at the moment.




From the direction of the lair, the sound of earth shaking continued to be heard, and they chased towards them at extremely fast speeds.

"No, it's coming!"

Although Princess Tianlin had tried her best to escape for her life, the demon beast at the beginning of the Return to Void Realm still caught up with her in a very short period of time.

Looking ahead, Su Chen's figure had disappeared.

"That guy actually ran so fast?"

Princess Tianlin was secretly surprised, but now, she can no longer pay attention to it.

"Am I, Ji Tianlin, going to be buried here today?"

Princess Tianlin couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. Could it be that she still couldn't achieve her long-held ideal after all? Is it really impossible for a princess with no background to become the heir to the throne?

"Get down!"

At this moment, Princess Tianlin suddenly heard a low shout in her ear.

She was too late

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