Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2081: How to Remove the Poison

"Please stop talking!"

The more Zhang Wenyuan listened, the more frightened he became. Before Su Chen could finish speaking, he interrupted his description, "Ninth Prince, is there any cure for this spiritual poison?"

"It's easy to get rid of this mental poison."

Su Chen smiled slightly and looked at Prince Shang, "Let's see if Prince Shang has the courage to relieve the Seventh Princess."

"What do you mean by this?"

King Shang Qing frowned slightly, what kind of courage is needed to solve the poison?

"The reason why spiritual Gu resides in the human body is because the human soul sea continuously emits spiritual energy. This spiritual energy is the favorite food of spiritual Gu."

Su Chen said, "Because the soul sea of ​​the seventh princess is naturally relatively powerful, and she has very strong spiritual energy even if she does not practice soul power, this spiritual Gu is parasitic in her soul sea and is unwilling to leave. If you want to let the spiritual Gu If you leave, you will have to find someone with more spiritual energy than the Seven Lords."

"you mean?"

Prince Shang couldn't help but ask when he heard that Su Chen seemed to have something to say.

"What I mean is that if Prince Shang can find someone with more soul power than the Seventh Princess, and let the spiritual poison automatically leave the Seventh Princess and crawl into his body, that will be the least harmful solution to the Seventh Princess. Of course, it is best for this person to have a close relationship with the Seventh Princess, and it is best to get along day and night. In this way, he will have the aura of the Seventh Princess, and the spiritual Gu will be more willing to transfer into his body. "

Su Chen explained.

"You mean, as long as this prince is willing to find someone willing to sacrifice for her, this problem will be solved?"

Prince Shang asked.

"Yes, but the first condition is that this person's spiritual energy is stronger than that of the Seventh Princess, and he has spent a long time with the Seventh Princess. It is best to meet both of these two conditions."

Su Chen reminded, "The second condition may be easy to meet, but the first condition is not so easy, because the spiritual energy of the Seventh Princess is naturally stronger, so unless this person is an alchemist who has specially practiced the Sea of ​​Souls, other It is impossible to have stronger spiritual energy than the Seventh Princess."

"Is it not easy? Nothing is not easy with this prince."

Prince Shang was shocked, showing strong confidence. He is the king of princes. As long as he gives an order, who dares not to obey him? It's just a trivial matter to find an alchemist to attract the spiritual poison for the seven princesses.

"Your Highness, the other party needs to be willing to sacrifice for the Seventh Princess. Otherwise, if the other party is unwilling, his spiritual energy will be repulsive to the spiritual Gu."

Su Chen reminded again.

Prince Shang frowned. It required the other party to sacrifice voluntarily, which was indeed a bit difficult. At least, he can't force it with the power of the prince.

However, this is not difficult for Prince Shang.

"Come here and find all the alchemists who grew up serving the seven princesses."

Prince Shang ordered that heirs of powerful people like the Seventh Princess have been served by several alchemists since they were young. They are like personal doctors. They can diagnose headaches and fever at any time.

The men followed the order and left, and not long after, they came back with three alchemists.

These three alchemists are all female alchemists. They usually act as mothers by the side of the Seventh Princess. Once the Seventh Princess has any physical problems, they can diagnose them at any time.

At this moment, the three of them were all terrified and didn't know what Prince Shang had called them to do. They all knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

"You all get up."

Zhang Wenyuan replaced Prince Shang and said to the three people, "I called you here today because of the princess's condition."

With that said, Zhang Wenyuan repeated to these three people almost exactly what Su Chen said just now.

"So, now we have to choose one of the three of you to voluntarily lead away the spirit poison for the Seventh Princess. You have served the Seventh Princess for many years and have received many favors from the palace. Now is the time for you to voluntarily sacrifice. ”

Zhang Wenyuan said.

When the three nuns heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. Apparently they didn't expect that the prince was actually going to say this when he called them here.

"Whoever among you is willing, please come forward."

Zhang Wenyuan said.

The three nuns were silent for a while, and one of them suddenly took a step forward: "I grew up serving the Seventh Princess, and regard the Seventh Princess as my junior. Now that the Seventh Princess is sick, if I can do my best for her, It’s my honor to make a small contribution.”

Obviously, this person volunteered to sacrifice for the Seventh Princess.

Before Zhang Wenyuan could answer anything, another person stood up and said, "I am also willing to do my best for the Seventh Princess."

Zhang Wenyuan couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, two of the three people were willing to sacrifice for the Seventh Princess. Now the matter was resolved.

However, just when Zhang Wenyuan was about to report to Prince Shang, Su Chen waved his hand and stopped Zhang Wenyuan's actions.

Then, Su Chen looked at the only nun among the three who had not expressed her stance, and asked, "Why are the other two willing to sacrifice for the Seventh Princess, but you are the only one who is not willing?"

As soon as Su Chen's question came out, not to mention the nanny, even Zhang Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that Su Chen's question was meaningless.

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