Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2093 Blackwater Pier

When they arrived at the east coast, the flying boat landed.

This sea area is very strange, or in other words, the sea around Shenliu Island is actually so strange. Because it is full of space turbulence, the airship cannot fly out, and ordinary ships cannot sail too far. The physical body of the warrior is even more strange. It is impossible to swim across.

Fortunately, in the minds of the residents of Shenliu Island, the huge Shenliu Island is the center of the world. As for the world outside Shenliu Island, it is a wild land, so few people would think of leaving Shenliu Island.

Of course, there are some islands in the offshore area. These islands can be reached by ships and will not be involved in the space turbulence.

The Tianguang court also stationed some garrison troops on these islands for management.

There is a mixture of fish and dragons here, and the population is very mobile, mainly warriors who come to try their luck and caravans coming and going. And precisely because there is so much liquidity, public security is also very poor.

The pirates that Su Chen wants to destroy are said to have their home base on one of the islands, but they don't know which island it is yet.

Although this group of pirates is very rampant, they are also very cautious in their actions and will not expose the location of their lair, which makes it very difficult to destroy them.

Su Chen got off the flying boat and put on ordinary clothes. Now he does not need the identity of the Ninth Prince, but the identity of the Ninth Prince will restrict his actions.

Su Chen's plan was also very simple. He didn't need to take the initiative to find the pirates' lair. He just needed to join a caravan and wait for the pirates to rob the caravan and take advantage of the opportunity.

Therefore, Su Chen's first step now is to find a dock where ships can go out to sea. Of course, the premise is that a large amount of navigation fees must be paid, because the sailing ships here are all specially made, which can ensure that at least Do not be involved in space turbulence during offshore navigation.

Su Chen chose the Blackwater Pier, which is a relatively famous terminal in the East China Sea. Many people choose to go to sea here.

Precisely because of the large flow of people, the Blackwater Pier has become a very important supply station in the nearby area. A small town has also developed based on the wharf, where there is no shortage of inns, restaurants, casinos, and brothels. , the convenience of life is not inferior to that of some big cities.

Of course, the size of the small town cannot be compared with that of the big city. It is only ten miles in radius, but the defense is very strong. Thick walls are built on three sides, and the walls are also engraved with formation patterns to ensure the maximum defense effect. .

The only side without a wall is the adjacent sea, where dozens of large and small ships can be seen docked on the shore.

Su Chen arrived at the gate of Blackwater Pier Town and was immediately stopped.

"You have to pay to enter the pier. It's ten thousand silver yuan pills per person!"

The leader was a strong man with four subordinates, all of whom glanced at Su Chen with extremely unfriendly eyes, with a hint of disdain in their contempt.

"I've never heard of anyone having to pay to enter the pier."

Su Chen said, logically speaking, these docks were built by the Tianguang Imperial Court. Even if they had to collect money, it would be the officers and soldiers of the imperial court who collected the money. There was absolutely no reason to let these gangsters collect the money.

What's more, 10,000 silver yuan pills are collected just for entering the dock. Is this robbery?

“I don’t care if you’ve heard of it or not, but now you have!”

The leader of the strong man said coldly, with a domineering tone that could not be refuted.

The four subordinates behind the strong man also showed mocking expressions, as if they didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to challenge them at such a young age.

This is indeed not a civilized place like the royal capital, but has a barbaric frontier style.

In the royal capital, although there are great princes and others, their actions are ruthless and within the rules.

Rather than being blatantly rampant like these people now.

Presumably, this is the edge of the dynasty and the weakest defense force of the dynasty. It can almost be said to be a place close to lawlessness.

In places like this, the law of the jungle and the ugliness of human nature are often maximized.

This is a pure world of warriors, where fists are the biggest and strength is the most respected.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and hand over the 10,000 Silver Yuan Dan!"

The strong man's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hand to grab Su Chen.

It is true that they are responsible for collecting fees here, but they have nothing to do with the officers and soldiers of the imperial court. Moreover, they do not charge everyone 10,000 silver yuan pills, it varies from person to person.

They saw that Su Chen was neatly dressed, and the Ninth Prince who was disguised as Rongcheng was also very handsome. Although they didn't know the Ninth Prince at all, such a young man with thin skin and tender flesh seemed to be rich or noble at first glance. He is a disciple who came from some powerful and powerful family. He may not be very strong, but he should have a lot of good things.

Of course, such a being should be blackmailed, otherwise wouldn't it be a pity for them to come out to do this business?

However, this time they made a wrong calculation. Su Chen had many good things, but he was by no means the incompetent person they imagined.


What surprised the strong man was that the somewhat frail young man in front of him quickly reached out his hand, grabbed his arm at lightning speed, and held it tightly.

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