Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2165: Extremely grateful

At this moment, Gu Yaomin was like a primary school student who was thirsty for knowledge. He even forgot to sit down. He just stood next to Su Chen with an expectant look, waiting for Su Chen to answer his questions.

Su Chen didn't waste any time and asked Gu Yaomin directly what was the difficulty in breaking through to become a seventh-level alchemist.

Every alchemist is different, and their specific circumstances are different. Everyone has their own difficulties and cannot be generalized.

Therefore, rigid theories alone cannot support an alchemist's breakthrough. At this time, the alchemist himself needs to have enough talent and opportunities to realize the opportunity for his own breakthrough.

Gu Yaomin is obviously not the type who lacks talent. What he lacks is luck. He has missed the opportunity to make a breakthrough, and it is not easy to get it back.

However, for Su Chen, these are not problems. Su Chen's alchemy attainments allowed him to easily find out the problems faced by Gu Yao Min.

Later, he turned his analysis into knowledge and explained it to Gu Yao Min.

Soon, Gu Yaomin entered a state of thirsty for knowledge, greedily absorbing everything Su Chen explained.

This explanation lasted for a full day and night.

After Su Chen finished explaining, Gu Yaomin looked grateful and said repeatedly: "Thank you for your guidance, little friend!"

Then, before he had time to say anything else, he directly entered a state of trance.

Su Chen knew that this was because Gu Yaomin received too much information at one time and had to enter meditation immediately to digest it.

If nothing else goes wrong, Gu Yaomin will be able to break through to at least half a level of seventh-level alchemy master after entering samadhi this time. And the threshold to become a seventh-grade alchemist is no longer as far away as a chasm.

Once this barrier is opened, the next steps will not be too difficult.

Looking at Gu Yaomin who was in concentration, Su Chen sat down next to him and began to meditate and practice.

At this time, the few guards who witnessed all this felt happy and annoyed in their hearts.

Fortunately. Fortunately, he didn't treat Su Chen too badly and didn't really drive him away. Otherwise, where would Gu Yao Min's opportunities be?

Regrettably, if I had had a better attitude toward Su Chen at that time, I might have been able to gain his favor.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now.

Once Gu Yaomin entered samadhi, he stayed there for a whole day and night.

When he woke up, the shackles of his soul sea were indeed released, and his soul power naturally rose to the level of a half-step seventh-grade alchemist.

A half-step seventh-level alchemist, also known as the half-step great alchemist.

And when Gu Yaomin discovered this change in himself, he was also ecstatic. You know, how long has he been looking forward to this day?

After breaking through to the Half-Step Great Alchemy Emperor, the real Great Alchemy Emperor is no longer difficult to reach.

If he really breaks through the Great Alchemy Emperor...then the crisis in the ancient medicine lineage should be solved!

"Thank you, little friend!"

With deep gratitude, Gu Yaomin thanked Su Chen again.

"Senior, congratulations."

Su Chen also smiled slightly and said.

"Thanks to my little friend for your help, otherwise..."

Gu Yaomin was filled with emotion and lamentation. He didn't know what he was thinking of. His face was sometimes happy and sometimes sad.

However, just a moment later, he came to his senses, looked at Su Chen, and asked, "By the way, I haven't asked yet. My little friend came here to see me. There must be something going on, right?"

Gu Yaomin is not the kind of old nerd who is devoted to alchemy. He has a shrewd side. He quickly thought that the reason why Su Chen came to his medicine garden was definitely not just to give him a blessing.

"Senior has good eyesight. I am indeed here for something."

Su Chen nodded and said.

"My little friend, if there is anything I can help with, just say that you are kind to me. As long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water!"

Gu Yaomin immediately said without hesitation.

"Senior, I came here under the entrustment of the Patriarch of the Land Abandoned by the Gods..."

When Su Chen said these words, Gu Yao Min's expression changed slightly.

"The Patriarch of the Land Abandoned by Gods?"

Gu Yaomin murmured to himself, his expression suddenly became serious, but he still listened to Su Chen's words very attentively.

Su Chen didn't mince words and directly told Gu Yaomin about taking back the Book of Heaven's Law.

After hearing this, Gu Yaomin's expression became more solemn, but after a while, he nodded slowly.

"My little friend, I see... To tell you the truth, I actually received a revelation from my ancestor a while ago. Unexpectedly, it has come true now."

Gu Yaomin was also very magnanimous and told Su Chen directly that he had also received the inspiration from his ancestor.

"My little friend, both publicly and privately, I should do my best to help you recover the Book of Heaven."

Gu Yaomin sighed, looking a little depressed, "It's just that the current situation is not very good, I really can't guarantee

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