Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2168 Gu Danming

However, Su Chen naturally would not explain too much to Gu Yaoyou. He just nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, Miss You, for clearing up the confusion."

"Well, Mr. Su, if there's nothing else, I won't bother you anymore."

Gu Yaoyou obviously didn't want to stay here any longer. After saying that, he left happily.

Su Chen, after looking around the guest room, determined that there was nothing wrong, he walked out of the guest room.

"Sir, do you want to go out?"

The maid in the guest house saw Su Chen coming out and asked quickly.

"Well, I'll take a walk by myself."

Su Chen nodded and said, then walked out.

After walking out of the guest house, under Su Chen's deliberately restrained soul scanning, he still discovered that there were several beings with strong soul power in this mansion, but they were not as good as Gu Yaomin.

Because Su Chen deliberately restrained himself, he did not disturb anyone and quickly walked out of the ancient medicine lineage's station.

What Gu Yao You said was indeed true. Next to Gu Yao Yipui's station was a huge city.

Walking into the city gate, looking around, a large proportion of the pedestrians on the road are indeed alchemists.

You know, in ordinary places, alchemists are still very rare. Training an alchemist requires a huge amount of resources and energy, and without considerable foundation and inheritance, it is impossible to train an alchemist.

The fact that a city can have such a large proportion of alchemists shows that the city's alchemy foundation must be very strong.

It seems that this city is the Pure Fire City.

Walking on the street, there are indeed many shops on both sides of the street, one after another, almost dizzying.

Moreover, these shops basically sell things related to alchemy. Alchemy materials, alchemy equipment, finished elixirs, etc.

However, when Su Chen entered these shops, he discovered that the items in these shops were only open to alchemists certified by the Alchemy Guild of Pure Fire City.

In other words, if you have not been to the Alchemy Guild of Pure Fire City and have not been certified, you will not be able to buy anything even if you have money.

Of course, there are no absolutes in everything. Maybe there is a black market here.

However, without access, it is obviously difficult to enter the black market.

After visiting several shops, Su Chen finally frowned. Without the identity certified by the Alchemy Guild, it is difficult to move forward here.

"It shouldn't be difficult to get recognition from the Alchemy Guild of Pure Fire City."

Su Chen strolled through several streets, and after asking around, he came to the Alchemy Guild of Jinghuo City.

This Pure Fire City Alchemy Guild was founded by the Pure Fire City Temple. The temple is the highest management organization in the land abandoned by the gods, so the level of the alchemy guild is indeed not low.

The Alchemy Guild in Jinghuo City is a majestic building with a very simple shape, and it also has some architectural styles that are obviously different from the outside world.

This architectural style is also unique to the Land Abandoned by God.

Standing at the door of the Alchemy Guild, Su Chen looked up. At the same time, he also noticed that some passers-by around him were looking at the building with admiration.

At this moment, Su Chen walked towards the Alchemy Guild.


"No one else is allowed to enter the Alchemy Guild!"

When Su Chen approached the door, two scolding sounds sounded at the right time.

Then, two guards were seen quickly rushing from the side and blocking Su Chen's face, with cold expressions on their faces.

"Didn't it say that buying things in a store in Pure Fire City requires certification from the Alchemy Guild? Isn't it right here?"

Su Chen deliberately looked around and asked pretending to be confused.

"Are you here for certification?"

After listening to Su Chen's words, the attitude of the two guards became more relaxed. After all, if he is really a certified alchemist, he is someone they absolutely cannot afford to offend.

"Do you have a letter of introduction?"

However, immediately after, the two guards asked again.

"You also need a letter of introduction?"

Su Chen also had a headache. He didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to get certified by the Alchemy Guild of Pure Fire City. If he wanted to get certified, he would need a letter of introduction.

Originally, when he was browsing in the store, he saw some rare materials that were not available elsewhere and wanted to buy them. But I didn't expect it to be so troublesome, and most of my interest in shopping was immediately eliminated.

"You are a country bumpkin who is not qualified to enter the Alchemy Guild, so don't block the way at the gate!"

At this moment, he heard a loud shout, and as soon as he said it, two strong winds hit him from behind.

Su Chen frowned, moved his feet slightly, and easily avoided the attack of these two strong winds.

Then, he looked back and saw two sturdy warriors standing behind him, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Huh? I didn't expect this country bumpkin to react quickly enough?"

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