Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2382 Treasure House Gate

Now that everyone is here, there is no reason for them to stop.

What's more, the previous strong man from the Spark Sect also lost two people. And so far, they have not seen those two people.

Then, there is an explanation, that is, these two people have already run ahead, and maybe they have entered the gate now.

They don't want those two guys to run ahead and take away the best inheritance. If that happens, each of them might be angry to death.

At that moment, everyone jumped up and ran towards the door.

This time, the same situation as before did not occur. The distance between the gate was shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a short time, everyone had arrived at its feet.

After truly standing under this gate and feeling its magnificence, everyone felt that this gate was taller, more majestic, and much more majestic than when seen from a distance.

Seeing the colorful light continuously spurting out from the gate, everyone's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and everyone's heart was filled with fantasy, and they had begun to look forward to how many incredible inheritances there would be behind the gate.

However, from Su Chen's perspective, this was not a good omen. Everyone present was obviously controlled by the force that wanted to attract them into the secret realm.

In other words, they just lead the way, believe whatever they are told, and do whatever they are told to do.

If this is really the secret place of Jingling Palace in ancient times, then it’s not a bad thing to be led around. But the question is, whether this is really the secret place of Jingling Palace is open to question.

However, Su Chen didn't intend to question anything now. Because he also wanted to see what would happen next. What will happen in this secret realm?

No matter what the origin of this secret realm is, as long as there are benefits in it, Su Chen will try his best to gain these benefits.

At this point, there was no difference between Su Chen and the others present.

The difference between Su Chen and others is that Su Chen's mind is not completely filled with fanaticism like others. He still retains his own ideas and the ability to think independently.

"Warriors, I finally see you here."

The female voice rang out again, "The only challengers on this journey who can make it this far are you warriors."

After hearing the words of the female voice, everyone couldn't help but look around and found that the number of people present was indeed much less than the number of people who entered the secret realm at the beginning, only a small half.

"Now, you are about to begin the final test."

"I need to remind you that when you get here, there is only the last test left. However, you must not relax your vigilance because of this, because this test is also the most difficult test. If you fail in this test, then you will All your previous efforts have been wasted, no matter how many tests you have passed before, the result will be zero.”

This female voice changed from the gentle tone before, and her words began to contain a hint of warning.

This also made everyone present feel shocked. What the female voice said was like pouring cold water on them, calming down their feverish thoughts a little.

"However, you don't have to be too nervous. As long as you really sincerely want to obtain the inheritance of Jingling Palace, you will always get your wish."

The tone of the female voice changed again and became more soothing.

"Now, warriors, take a good look at this gate. Behind this gate is a treasure house of Jingling Palace, and many of the inheritance of Jingling Palace are in it."

"But you can't enter this door now because there is a restriction at the door. It is impossible to enter the door without breaking the restriction."

"What you have to do is to break through the restrictions at the gate. As long as you have the ability to break through the restrictions, it means that you are qualified to pass the test and can enter the gate."

"At that time, the inheritance of Jingling Palace will be opened to you."

These words naturally made everyone present feel excited again.

"According to Fairy Girl, as long as we work together to open this restriction, then everyone can enter the gate and obtain the inheritance and treasures of Jingling Palace."

"That's right, everyone, come and think of a way, how to open the restriction of this door. As long as the restriction is opened, everyone will benefit."

Everyone's eyes were directed towards the door. At this time, they also saw clearly that on both sides of the gate, there was a large golden pillar, surrounded by a circle of halo.

And the restriction was pulled between these two golden pillars, like a curtain, flashing with water-like ripples, blocking the door.

"Everyone, this restriction seems to be based on these two golden pillars."

There were many people at the scene, so naturally some people immediately discovered the key to this restriction.

"In this case, as long as these two pillars are destroyed, won't this restriction be broken?"

"It's easy to say that, but the problem is that these two pillars are not so easy to destroy. They are the foundation of this restriction, and they must

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