Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2384 Revealing true colors

If the Xinghuo Sect wants to get 50% of the benefits, then their Ziting Sect should get at least 50% or more. This is only fair.

Xinghuo Sect was not surprised that Ziting Sect protested. Originally, they were also the lions who opened their mouths and deliberately proposed this plan in order to ask for a high price and pay back the money.

If you set the bar too low at the beginning, there will be no room for negotiation.

"You people from the Ziting Sect say that we have a big appetite, but do you think your appetite is too small?"

The people from the Xinghuo Sect sneered in response, "Don't you people from the Ziting Sect want to eat the big head?"

"No matter what, since your Xinghuo Sect wants 50%, then our Ziting Sect also wants 50%. Otherwise, no one will be able to pass through this gate."

The strong men of Ziting Sect said angrily.

This was obviously stimulated by the Xinghuo Sect, and they began to ask for prices.

Anyway, the Xinghuo Sect is paying back the money on the ground, so the Ziting Sect will also pay the money on the ground. First, try to raise the price as high as possible, and then we have to decide how to negotiate.

"When you two big sects fight with gods, do you think you are ignoring us small and medium-sized sects? Your family wants 50%, what should we do?"

People from small and medium-sized sects also stopped complying and started shouting one after another.

In the past, the reason why these small and medium-sized sects were submissive in front of the two major sects was mainly for the benefit of the secret realm, and they did not want the two major sects to kick them out.

But now, the two major sects are both 50% of the family. This obviously has nothing to do with the small and medium sects. They can't get any benefits. If they don't rise up to resist, how long will it take?

Seeing that the three forces present could not reach a consensus with each other, a strong man from the Xinghuo Sect said: "In this case, we will give 40% to the Xinghuo Sect, 30% to the Ziting Sect, and the remaining 30% will be shared by other sects. Divide it up. Isn’t that okay?”

The Xinghuo Sect finally made concessions, but still insisted that its sect receive 10% more than the Ziting Sect.

Naturally, the Ziting Sect would not agree, and immediately claimed that their sect would receive 10% more than the Xinghuo Sect. If not, it would at least be as much as the Xinghuo Sect.

This is the bottom line of the Ziting Sect. It is impossible to compromise on this. It is absolutely impossible for them to accept that the Starfire Sect receives more benefits than they receive.

In fact, how many percent of the benefits the Ziting Sect can be allocated has become a secondary issue. The main issue is that the Ziting Sect will never allow itself to receive less benefits than the Spark Sect.

And those small and medium-sized sects also took advantage of the chaos to make a fuss. Before, they were afraid of being kicked out of the secret realm, but now, they also see that the two major sects also need their help if they want to break the restriction and enter the gate.

Therefore, they also have the confidence to unite and strive for more benefits from the two major sects.

As a result, the scene temporarily fell into a stalemate.

Three waves of forces were formed: the Spark Sect, the Purple Ting Sect, and the small and medium-sized sects that formed a group.

The people of the Xinghuo Sect originally proposed this just to have room for bargaining, but now that they see that both the Ziting Sect and the small and medium-sized sects are uncompromising, they no longer persist.

In the end, a distribution plan was formed, with Ziting Sect and Xinghuo Sect each receiving 30% of the profits, while the remaining 40% of the profits were divided between small and medium-sized sects.

In this way, everyone is barely satisfied. For the small and medium-sized sects, it can be considered that they have obtained the benefits they should strive for, and for the Ziting Sect, it can be considered that the bottom line has been preserved.

Only Su Chen stood aside and watched these people carve up the profits, and he was very calm inside.

In Su Chen's view, these people had planned too well to distribute the benefits in advance. They thought that as long as they passed through this gate, there would be countless inheritance and treasures waiting for them inside.

But in Su Chen's opinion, it's definitely not that simple.

"Okay everyone, this profit distribution cannot satisfy everyone 100%, but it can be considered as taking care of everyone's interests as much as possible."

A strong man from the Ziting Sect said, "So next, everyone must contribute. If you don't contribute, don't blame us for turning against us. There is no good thing in the world that only benefits but does not contribute."

When the people from the Ziting Sect said this, other people naturally had no objections. Anyway, the restriction of this door requires everyone to work together to open it.

"In addition, once the ban is opened, everyone must enter in an orderly manner, and swarms of swarms are prohibited from entering. Anyone who violates the rules will be killed without mercy."

The tone of the Ziting Sect's people also became lowered, and their true nature was revealed at this moment.

To put it bluntly, they still want to control the initiative in the secret realm. In other words, they want to let their own people enter the treasure house behind the gate first.

Anyway, the so-called 30% or 40% benefit, if they can get there first and choose first, even a 30% benefit may be better than a 40% benefit.

The people from the Xinghuo Sect kept sneering, but didn't say anything. Anyway, when the time comes, the people of Ziting Sect will never dare to block their Xinghuo Sect from the gate, because that means looking for trouble.

As for those who block those small and medium-sized sects, that doesn't matter to them.

Su Chen was mixed in the crowd, but he remembered something. The man who was thrown in before

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