Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2452: Watching with eager eyes


Although he was a little scared, it was impossible for the Rahu Blood Ape to give up its cubs like this. Even if it means risking its life, it will definitely protect its offspring.

Roaring lowly, as time passed, the ferocious look in the eyes of Luohu Blood Ape became more and more intense.

"Everyone, please pay attention..."

Lin He's low voice also sounded in the ears of Lin Qingyi, Su Chen and others. Obviously, Lin He had no intention of giving up the brain of the Rahu blood ape cub.

Although Lin He and his group gained extremely rich results this time due to Su Chen's presence. However, despite this, the brain of the Rahu blood ape cub, as the best among the high-level elixirs of the God Transformation Realm, is still of great significance to this trial.

If Lin He and his team could obtain the brain of the Rahu blood ape cub, then the first place in the trial would be a sure thing. And if other teams are allowed to obtain the brain of the Rahu Blood Ape cub, Lin He and his team may lose their first place advantage, even if they have accumulated advantages.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Rahu Blood Ape will be difficult to deal with."

One of Lin He's companions spoke to Lin He.

"If the cubs hadn't just been born, the strength of the Rahu Blood Ape would have been enough to crush all of us together."

Lin He's eyes were fixed on the Luohu Blood Ape, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and he said, "However, based on the current state of the Luohu Blood Ape, it may not be able to stop those guys."

The Rahu Blood Ape is powerful, but it is currently in a weak state. The top disciples present are not good at all. If they really fight for their lives, they all have extraordinary trump cards. It may be really hard to say what the final result will be.

"Should we look at the right moment and snatch it?"

Lin Qingyi asked in a low voice.

Su Chen stood aside and glanced around calmly. At this moment, there were a total of six groups of people present, including Lin He and his party.

Moreover, Su Chen could also feel that there were several powerful auras coming quickly from a distance. Obviously, more teams have noticed the fluctuations here and are on their way.

Moreover, whether it was a coincidence or not, Yu Chengyun's team and Liu Fei's team, as if intentionally or unintentionally, stood on the left and right of Lin He and his group respectively. It seemed that if Lin He and the others acted rashly, the two parties would join forces to attack them.

"Not urgent."

Lin He whispered, although he really wanted to get the brains of the Luohu blood ape cubs, he also knew that his group had gained quite a fortune. It seemed that not only Yu Chengyun knew about it, but also Liu Fei and others might know about it. Also already known.

Under such circumstances, if their side attempts to snatch the brain of the Rahu Blood Ape cub again, Yu Chengyun and Liu Fei will definitely do their best to prevent them from succeeding.

What's more, if Yu Chengyun incites other top disciple teams... then his own team may become the target of public criticism!

Therefore, although Lin He was heartbroken, he still remained rational and would not become hot-headed.

After hearing Lin He's words, Su Chen also nodded secretly. It seems that Lin He's ability to survive to this point is inseparable from his mind. It is extremely rare to be able to keep calm and think in the face of such a huge temptation.

It's no wonder that Lin He seemed very friendly to him when they first met. It seems that Lin He's city is indeed deep enough.

Of course, Su Chen could feel that Lin He had no ill intentions towards him. To the enemy, people like Lin He could be a big threat. But for our own people, such people are reassuring.


A more ferocious look flashed across the eyes of Luohu Blood Ape, and his low roar also carried a stronger meaning of warning.

Obviously, it is also very aware that the humans around it are obviously coming for its cub at this moment.

However, these human beings are obviously not a community of interests, and they are restraining each other. For a while, no one took action, and they were all watching each other.

This Rahu Blood Ape also had a glimmer of coldness in his eyes. Since these human warriors are not of the same mind, it can just delay time and wait for its own strength to recover.

When its strength is restored, these human warriors will be its meal. Moreover, there are quite a few with relatively powerful bloodline power. When the time comes, it might be possible to take its strength to a higher level.

Lin He and others coveted the brains of the young Rahu Blood Ape, and the Rahu Blood Ape wanted to treat them as its own meal.

For a moment, a strange dead silence formed between the confrontation between the top and bottom of the cliff.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Soon, several more teams arrived.

These teams, just like them just now, were shocked at first when they saw the Luohu Blood Ape. But then when he noticed the cub of the Luohu Blood Ape, his eyes also burst into flames.

When landing, these teams were deliberately separated from other teams by a certain distance. Everyone looked at each other with deep vigilance.

At this moment, Yu Chengyun suddenly glanced at Lin He and his group, and then a hint of confusion appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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