Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2477 The Frustrated Elder Yugui

Among them were many other alchemists and ordinary warriors, each with their own different emotions in their eyes.

However, most of the alchemists are full of expectations, and even have an indescribable hope in them.

Because, for alchemists, double-effect elixirs indeed mean an epoch-making progress in the world of alchemy! If the Double Action Pill was real, it would make them all excited!

"it is true."

At this time, Taishang Qin nodded lightly and confirmed the words of the Great Alchemy Emperor Lu Zhen.


As soon as Qin Taishang said these words, the alchemists became excited.

Lu Zhen, the Great Alchemy Emperor, had red eyes and was unspeakably excited, while Elder Momu and others were also shocked to the extreme!

If there were still people who wanted to question the Double Effect Pill just now, then now, Mrs. Qin has made the final decision that the Double Effect Pill is indeed real.

No one will question what Mrs. Qin said.

Lu Zhen, the Great Alchemy Emperor, was even more filled with emotion. He originally thought that Su Chen was really the kind of person who talked nonsense, and had a very bad impression of him, so he treated Su Chen harshly from the beginning. But now he realizes that he is narrow-minded after all!

Why do you think that because the other party is a young man, he cannot come up with an epoch-making elixir?

The world of alchemy and Taoism should be an inclusive place. It should be a place that only talks about the truth, no matter what else!

"Fellow Taoist Su Chen, I was narrow-minded just now, and I apologize to you here."

Lu Zhen, the Great Alchemy Emperor, took a deep breath, walked up to Su Chen, and even bowed to Su Chen!

This scene shocked everyone's attention!

Although the status of the Great Alchemy Emperor Lu Zhen is not as high as that of Qin Taishang, he is still a dignified alchemy giant. Have you ever seen him bowing to a young person?

"Emperor Lu Dadan made serious words."

Su Chen stepped forward and helped Lu Zhen Great Alchemy Emperor up.

As for Qin Taishang, he was watching quietly from the side. When he saw the neither arrogant nor impetuous mood in Su Chen's eyes, Qin Taishang couldn't help but have a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

But little did they know that Elder Yugui was beside himself with anxiety. He invited Lu Zhen, the Great Alchemy Emperor, to come over in order to destroy Su Chen's situation, but now it turned out to be a situation where he was praising Su Chen!


At this moment, Qin Taishang suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked over, all eyes turned to Mrs. Qin, and the noisy voices suddenly calmed down.

"The emergence of double-effect elixirs not only symbolizes the subversion of the iron law of alchemy. There is more to it. I think all alchemy colleagues should be touched by it."

"Here, I would like to put forward an initiative. In the future, all alchemy colleagues will be inspired by recent events and uphold the spirit of pursuing the truth and not being afraid of hardships and climbing on the road to alchemy. I think that alchemy will definitely do the same. I’ll reward you all with the same results.”

What Qin Taishang said was extremely enlightening.

"I sincerely follow the teachings of Qin Taishang!"

Great Alchemy Emperor Lu Zhen, Elder Mo Mu and others all bowed their hands with great respect, their voices rising to the sky.


Grand Shang Qin nodded, "By the way, Lu Zhen, you just said that if the elixirs refined by the Immortal Medicine Pavilion are sold in Hunyuan City, you will be responsible for Hunyuan City and Hunyuan Lingzong."

"In the same way, Hunyuan City and Hunyuan Lingzong must also provide equal guarantees to the Immortal Medicine Pavilion."

"After you buy the elixirs from the Immortal Medicine Pavilion, you can study them in depth or dismantle them. But before you get the permission of the Immortal Medicine Pavilion, these double-effect elixirs can only be purchased from the Immortal Medicine Pavilion. Do you understand?"

The meaning of Qin Taishang's words is also very obvious, which is to prohibit the imitation and copying of double-effect pills from the source. Although this double-effect elixir may not be replicable, we must first put the ugly words out there.


"Of course that's no problem."

All the alchemists nodded one after another. When it comes to stealing the re-engraved elixir recipe, it is an absolute taboo in the alchemy way. Qin Taishang's warning is definitely not a joke.

Su Chen on the side couldn't help but nodded secretly when he saw this scene. This Queen Qin indeed has everyone's style.

As for the Immortal Medicine Pavilion, it was first protected by the Lin family, and later supported by the Supreme Prince of Qin. In this Hunyuan City, there should be no worries about competitors using their tricks.

"Your Majesty Qin, as well as all the alchemy fellows and other guests, please come in quickly because you have been waiting for a long time. The double-effect elixir is in the store."

Su Chen made an invitation gesture.

Qin Taishang nodded, and at Su Chen's invitation, he stepped into the Immortal Medicine Pavilion.

Lu Zhen, the Great Alchemy Emperor, and others also quickly followed. Following them were Elder Gongshu and other martial arts experts.

Each and every one of these people looked impatient. Obviously, they couldn't wait to see the legendary double-effect elixir with their own eyes.

Elder Yugui hesitated for a moment and wanted to follow him in, but he couldn't keep his face.

However, Elder Yugui is an old fox after all. He knows that so many people are watching, so instead of standing here in embarrassment,

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