Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2607 Two Geniuses

"So you also agree that the overall strength of Amaterasu Spirit Sect is much stronger than Hunyuan Spirit Sect?"

Su Chen asked with a smile. He didn't care whether he was actually vulnerable or not. The fact now was that the strong foundation was the Amaterasu Spirit Sect's biggest advantage.


Xia Hao was a little unhappy and snorted from his nose as an affirmative answer. However, he immediately added, "But so what? Over the years, many Amaterasu Rei Sect disciples have died in my hands."

"I know this. Of course your strength cannot be underestimated."

Su Chen smiled and said that he didn't mind praising Xia Hao in such an insignificant place.

As expected, Xia Hao's expression became happy after hearing Su Chen's compliment, but he still looked cold on the surface, and even looked a little unnatural because he stretched too hard.

"Then, after excluding ordinary disciples, how big is the gap between our high-end combat power and the opponent?"

Su Chen asked again, this is what Su Chen is most concerned about. No matter what kind of trial it is, the final result often depends on the high-end level of combat power. This is the decisive factor.

"Hmph, if you are talking about those core disciples of Amaterasu Rei Sect, they do have some abilities."

Xia Hao snorted in displeasure again, thought for a moment, and added, "Especially if there are two people, if you meet them, it's best to avoid them if you can, and don't confront them head-on."

"Oh? Who are those two people?"

Su Chen was a little curious, what kind of person could make Xia Haodu say such a thing?

You know, Xia Hao's determination for revenge is visible to everyone. But he said that if he met those two people, he would avoid them if possible, which shows that the strength of those two people must not be underestimated.

"Those two people, one is called Chu Fengqi and the other is Wang Yunting."

Xia Hao said, "Both of them are direct descendants of the senior elders of Amaterasu Spirit Sect, and they are also leaders of the younger generation of Amaterasu Spirit Sect. They are both extremely powerful."

"How awesome is that?"

Su Chen was even more curious, "And how do you know? Could it be that you have met these two people before?"

"When I was training outside, I met them face to face, but that was several years ago."

Xia Hao admitted, "At the beginning, because they were two against one, I was unable to defeat them and had no choice but to run away. Now, their strength should be even more improved than back then."

Although Xia Hao said verbally that he was defeated because the opponent was two against one, Su Chen guessed that judging from the fact that he specifically mentioned these two people, the opponent's strength may not be that simple, even if they are a pair. First, Xia Hao may not be able to suppress the opponent.

"Is there anyone more powerful than these two people?"

Su Chen asked.

"I don't know, but I can't rule out the possibility."

Xia Hao sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Amaterasu Spirit Sect was indeed very powerful.

"What's more, our enemies are not just the Amaterasu Rei Sect family."

Xia Hao added another sentence.

"Who else is there?"

Su Chen asked.

"Although I didn't attend the Lingzong Conference, I also watched the whole process in Amaterasu City."

Xia Hao said, "Do you still remember that at the last Alchemy Ceremony, several spirit sects helped the Amaterasu Spirit Sect to confuse right and wrong?"

Needless to say, Su Chen naturally remembered it. At that time, there were six spiritual sects and the Amaterasu Spiritual Sect who were in collusion with each other. Su Chen, the original creator of the dual-effect elixir, was accused of being a plagiarist by them. It was precisely this that triggered a series of subsequent incidents.

"It's them?"

Su Chen asked.

"That's right. They could do that at the Lingzong Conference, but they were no better in the scorched earth of Burning Territory."

Xia Hao said calmly, but there was no resentment in his tone, only the indifference and helplessness in describing the facts.

In fact, this is also the biggest disadvantage of Hunyuan Lingzong. There is no need for the Amaterasu Spirit Sect to deliberately show favor to the Hunyuan Spirit Sect. No Spirit Sect is willing to form an alliance with the Hunyuan Spirit Sect. Even more Spirit Sects will choose to follow the Amaterasu Spirit Sect when it oppresses the Hunyuan Spirit Sect. Hold the high and tread the low.

As for the Wuyue Spirit Sect and the Huaishi Spirit Sect, although their overall strength is good, they do not share their anger with the Amaterasu Spirit Sect. However, this does not mean that these Spirit Sects will choose to side with Hunyuan Spirit Sect and take the risk of offending Amaterasu Spirit Sect when Hunyuan Spirit Sect and Amaterasu Spirit Sect do not deal with them.

In fact, it was the Hunyuan Spirit Sect's great fortune that these Spirit Sects did not add insult to injury.

"Furthermore, if my guess is correct, the Amaterasu Spirit Sect should have already offered you a reward for your trip to the Burning Territory Scorched Earth. If anyone can capture you alive, the major Spirit Sects will probably have offered a sky-high price."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Xia Hao's mouth.

Su Chen also put away his relaxed expression and became serious.

Next, the two talked about some details of the scorched earth of Burning Territory.

For Su Chen, who was about to enter the scorched earth of Burning Territory, the more he knew, the better.

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