Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2688: Kaiseki Cai Ling Formation

Although Shi Bilu took away two top-level magic weapons in succession, which made Tao Zhen a little worried. However, there are still eight magic weapons left, so he is not too anxious at the moment.

What's more, after Shi Bilu's continuous fierce battles with monsters, she will definitely be in a very weak state. At that time, won't the right to speak be tilted towards Tao Zhen?

And just when Tao Zhen was making his wishful thinking...


A burst of violent roar that could shatter the eardrums suddenly exploded, and the ferocious aura contained in it shocked the hearts of many people present. Among them, the weaker ones had blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

Even Su Chen's expression changed, and he looked at the monster that appeared in the Colosseum, with a look of solemnity in his eyes!

Because the appearance of this monster was very familiar to Su Chen. It was very similar to the remnant soul that was hiding in the Evil Underworld Orb and trying to take away his body!

That remnant soul is the owner of the Evil Underworld Orb, and is also a tyrannical existence among the evil demons outside the territory.

At this moment, the appearance of this monster is the same as that of the remnant soul, which means that this monster should also be one of the extraterrestrial evil spirits!

Other monsters may just be related to the alien demon, but this monster is the alien demon itself. What this means is naturally self-evident!

"No, the monster this time seems to be very strong. Senior Sister Shi is unlucky!"

The disciples of the Kaiseki Spirit Sect also smelled an ominous premonition from the monster's aura. This monster must be very powerful!

Even though he has no physical body, he is not someone they can underestimate.

Even Shi Bilu's face suddenly became serious. Looking at the burly figure in front of him, with runes flashing on his body, like a monster from hell, Shi Bilu's breathing became rapid, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Although she didn't know the background and methods of each of the ten monsters, Shi Bilu at this moment was almost certain that the monster she encountered must be extraordinary in strength, and might even be one of the most powerful monsters. !


When Tao Zhen saw this, he felt happy in his heart, "I was right, Shi Bilu, I want to see if you can still be majestic this time!"

"Senior Sister Shi, be careful."

Su Chen reminded aloud that whether Shi Bilu could win this battle was indeed related to his interests, and it was impossible for him not to care.

And Shi Bilu didn't need to be reminded by him. Naturally, she knew that the difficulty of this battle would probably reach an abnormal level.

At that moment, the seven-star flying sword behind Shi Bilu flashed with light. However, before Shi Bi could show his hand, the monster in front of him suddenly disappeared!


"So fast!"

Shi Bilu's charming face turned pale.

The monster with wings on its back in the first battle may have reached a certain speed in everyone's eyes, but with her eyesight, she could still capture its figure.

However, the speed of this monster at this moment was far beyond her understanding. She did not even realize when the monster disappeared!

Not only that, at the moment when the monster disappeared, a pressure also swept through the entire space. Everyone present felt this pressure that shook their hearts and minds. Even the disciples of Amaterasu Rei Sect They all looked ugly.

Tao Zhen's eyes were fixed on the Colosseum. According to his guess, if the person fighting this monster head-on had a cultivation level below the sixth level of divine transformation, he might not even be able to resist this coercion. As soon as the pressure was released, he was already lying down!


At this moment, an even more incredible scene appeared.

The monster's figure had already appeared in front of Shi Bilu. He punched out, and the brutal punch knocked the five seven-star flying swords behind Shi Bilu to the ground!

But after the monster punched out, it didn't stop, and then it punched out another one, this time the target was Shi Bilu himself!

Shi Bilu held a seven-star flying sword in each hand to resist the punch. But after seeing a wave of energy, Shi Bilu staggered back, and it took more than ten steps to regain his balance!

Not only that, after Shi Bilu stood firm, her face was also pale and pale, and the towering mountain peaks were rising and falling due to rapid breathing. Overall, she did not gain any advantage in this confrontation.

"What a strong monster!"

The disciples of the Huaishi Lingzong who were watching were extremely anxious. Shi Bilu now had the Seven-Star Flying Sword in his hand, and also had the armor he had just obtained, so he could only fight to a draw with this monster.

In fact, without the newly obtained armor, I don't know what the outcome would have been. Maybe Shi Bilu would have been injured in this confrontation!

What's more, the punch just now was obviously just an ordinary attack by the monster, but it had already cost Shi Bilu so much defensive power, not to mention how Shi Bilu would respond if the monster had other means.

At this moment, the monster's offensive came one after another.

At this time, Shi Bilu obviously no longer dared to challenge head-on, but chose to avoid the monster's frontal offensive and look for opportunities to counterattack.

But even if

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