Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 273 Questioned

"I learned it from an expert outside the world." Su Chen said with a smile.

"That must be a very powerful outsider, right? Can I meet him?" Jin Ling'er became happy, her mouth was like a firecracker, and she kept asking questions.

Su Chen dealt with her one after another, and soon, Sun Xuan returned to the room with four people.

These four people are old and young, the oldest is in his sixties or seventies, and the youngest is in his twenties. They all wear the badges of second-grade alchemists neatly on their chests.

"This is Master Su. We will watch from the sidelines as Master Su makes the alchemy later." Sun Xuan introduced enthusiastically.

When those people heard this, they looked at Su Chen with surprise on their faces.

"No way, Brother Sun, you came here in a hurry and asked us to watch a master making alchemy together. Is he the one you're talking about?" an old man asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Master Sun, is there something wrong? This is a young boy." Another young second-grade alchemist said disapprovingly.

Sun Xuan said with a serious face: "Master Su is an alchemist with very superb alchemy skills. Watching him make alchemy will be very helpful for us to improve our alchemy skills."


The young second-grade alchemist couldn't help but spit out: "Master Sun, you made a mistake today. Let us see such a young boy making alchemy. How can this help? You are looking down on him." How many are we?”

They are all dignified second-grade alchemists. They have never fallen to the point where they need to observe a young man's alchemy.

"I said it's good, it's good. Don't you believe it?" Sun Xuan showed an angry look on his face. Out of good intentions, he ran to the Alchemy Center as fast as possible and called these people over. Watching Su Chen make alchemy, he was questioned by these people.

He also did this in order to develop the strength of the Alchemy Association. You must know that the alchemy strength of the Alchemy Association is suppressed by the Tiandan Palace. Young alchemists with good talents have been poached to the Tiandan Palace.

Forget it if it is just the Tiandan Palace, now even the Alchemy Branch of Anyang College has a vague tendency to compete with the Alchemy Federation, and has snatched away many promising Alchemy geniuses.

Sun Xuan saw this and became very anxious, so he came up with the idea of ​​developing the strength of the Alchemy Association. Therefore, as soon as Su Chen suggested that he could observe him refining alchemy, Sun Xuan immediately ran to the Alchemy Association and called several second-grade alchemists over.

As a result, his good intentions were not responded to, but instead questioned by the other party.

"Hmph, I really don't believe it!" The young alchemist snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes. Anyway, he was not that afraid of Sun Xuan. His father was also a veteran second-grade alchemist in the Alchemy Association. His status is equivalent to that of Sun Xuan, and he is also competing with Sun Xuan for the position of vice president. There has been some friction between the two parties.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship between him and Sun Xuan is vaguely antagonistic.

He even suspected that Sun Xuan simply had a problem with him and deliberately asked him to come over to watch a young man make alchemy. In fact, it was just to humiliate him.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you said so, you can leave now." Sun Xuan was trembling with anger. His good intentions were actually misunderstood. Originally, he thought that the other party's alchemy talent was good, so he wanted to ignore the past grudges. I tried to support the other party, but in the end, I was disliked.

In this case, just hope that the other party will not regret it in the future.

"Hmph, just leave. Even if you don't tell me, I'm going to leave." The young alchemist snorted and walked out. He would not stay here to watch a kid make alchemy. It would be a meaningless waste. time.

Sun Xuan waited until he walked out, then sighed, and then said to Su Chen: "Master Su, I'm sorry for ruining your mood. Please start now."

With that said, Sun Xuan, Jin Ling'er, and the other three second-grade alchemists each found a seat and sat down.

However, the eyes of the three alchemists still contained some doubts. Although they would not turn around and leave without giving face like the young alchemist, they also felt that Watching a young man make alchemy is unlikely to be of any use, it is just a waste of time.

Sun Xuan saw this and could only shake his head secretly. After Su Chen started refining the pill, these guys wouldn't think so.

As for Su Chen, he didn't care what these guys thought. Watching alchemy this time was just a benefit he gave to Sun Xuan. As for other people, he didn't have time to care at all.

There was already a ready-made non-attribute alchemy furnace in this alchemy room. Su Chen sat down in front of the alchemy furnace and began to formally refine the three-turn Yang-returning elixir.

However, as soon as he took out the materials, the alchemists couldn't help but start questioning.

"Volcanic snake fruit and Venus grass, what kind of elixir are you trying to refine? Is it Xiaohuan elixir?"

"No way, we are actually asked to come here to watch a young man refining the Small Return Pill. There is no technical content at all."

Several people whispered, in their opinion, the one that uses Volcanic Snake Fruit and Venus Grass as the main materials is the Small Return Pill. However, the Small Return Pill is not difficult to refine for a second-grade alchemist. Sun Xuan will What are you thinking, asking them to come over and watch a young man refining this elixir.

Amidst their whispers, Su Chen had already put all the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace.

"No way, all the medicinal materials are put in at once?"

"Nonsense, this is just nonsense."

Several alchemists shook their heads at the same time, with disapproval on their faces. How could anyone make an alchemy like this? Put all the medicinal materials in at once from the beginning. This is not waiting for the furnace to explode.

Even if the furnace is not blown up, if all the materials are put in together, there will be big problems in purification and fusion, and it is basically impossible to refine it into an elixir.

Even Sun Xuan saw someone making alchemy like this for the first time. He had never personally watched Su Chen make alchemy before, but even so, he still had great confidence in Su Chen.

Because he trusted his old friend Master Mo's high regard for Su Chen, and he also knew that Grandmaster Huang and Dean Guo Tong also had high regard for Su Chen, which was not unreasonable.


After Su Chen put in the materials, he began to skillfully control the fire.

Because of the alchemy furnace, he did not use his own alchemy fire, but the flame of the alchemy furnace.

However, even so, this scene still made the three alchemists on the scene suddenly widen their eyes, and their expressions immediately became as if they had seen a ghost.

"No way? He actually mastered the fire control technique?"

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