Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2749 A strange place

"Of course I want to go back."

Su Chen had a smile on his face, but there was a cold light in his eyes. He would never forget the Amaterasu Spirit Sect's eyes that wanted to tear him into pieces.

Moreover, Su Chen was more worried about the current situation of Hunyuan Lingzong than this. Even though he had taken the matter into his own hands, Amaterasu Reishong was not so easily manipulated by his words.

"It's just that with my current strength, it's really difficult to overthrow the Amaterasu Spirit Sect with one person."

Su Chen thought for a long time and shook his head.

"It's better to go out and take a look first before talking."

Su Chen looked outside through the Mustard Seed Space, and was surprised to find that at this moment, the Mustard Seed Space was no longer in Fencheng, but floating in a completely unfamiliar place.

"Ah this?"

Su Chen observed carefully for a moment and was speechless for a while, "Could it be that when the Dongfan seeds self-destructed before, space turbulence was generated, causing the mustard space to be brought to this place by the space turbulence?"

This possibility is not impossible.

"It seems that we need to know where this place is first and how to get to Amaterasu Spirit Sect from here."

Su Chen murmured to himself and stood up.

Two days later.

In a magnificent and prosperous city, in a high-end restaurant.

A group of young men and women sat at a table by the window to eat. Among them were three women, two young and one young, all covered with veils. There were also two young men sitting nearby, not saying much.

There was only a young man in white clothes in the middle, drinking leisurely and chatting with the three women. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

After a while, the young man in white stood up and walked to the table next door seemingly casually. He raised his wine glass and greeted the drinkers at the table.

"Brothers, have you ever heard of Amaterasu Rei Sect?"

This young man in white was Su Chen. After he came out of the Mustard Seed Space, he walked around to the nearest city and found this restaurant to get the information he needed.

It is worth mentioning that Su Chen discovered that although the scale of this city was not necessarily very large, its prosperity was no less than that of Hunyuan City.

There were countless restaurants in the city, so he directly chose the nearest one.

"Ha, you mean Amaterasu Rei Sect?"

The drinkers at this table are obviously a team of escorts who travel all over the world. They are all very talkative and familiar with each other.

Of course, this was also the reason why Su Chen chose them as the targets of inquiry after secretly observing from the side.

At this moment, a drinker looked up at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Brother, are you a foreigner? Amaterasu Spirit Sect is so famous. Who here hasn't heard of it?"

When Su Chen heard this, he was secretly happy. These people knew about Amaterasu Spirit Sect, which meant that this place was not too far away from Amaterasu Spirit Sect.

At the same time, when these people mentioned the Amaterasu Spirit Sect, their expressions were very relaxed and there was no feeling of great pressure. This shows that this is not the realm of the Twelve Spirit Sect. Otherwise, their behavior when mentioning Amaterasu Rei Sect should be more awe-inspiring.

After making a preliminary judgment, Su Chen was not in a hurry to ask further questions, lest he ask too many questions and arouse suspicion. After all, what if the force that dominates this side is a family that has good relations with the Amaterasu Rei Sect?

After thinking about it, Su Chen raised his wine glass, made a toast gesture to the drinkers at this table, took a big sip, and then continued to talk unhurriedly.

"I heard that the Tianzhao Ling Sect announced a magical elixir that has double effects. Have any of you guys heard of it?"

As soon as Su Chen asked this question, everyone at the table was stunned, and then nodded.

"Of course I have heard of it. It is said that it is a strange elixir developed by Master Shen of the Amaterasu Spirit Sect's alchemy peak."

One of the men chuckled, "What, little brother, are you also interested in Naqidan?"

"Of course, who wouldn't want to see such pills?"

Su Chen pretended to admit it generously, and then asked curiously, "By the way, have you ever seen that pill?"

"What are you talking about? Have I seen it before? Hahaha..."

As if he heard something incredible, the man burst out laughing, and everyone else at the table also laughed.

"Little brother, it seems that you are really from the village and don't understand anything."

"Then wait for Qidan, where can we people go to see it? What's more, the conference has only been over for a long time. How could the elixir be sold to us so quickly?"

"However, if there are such magical elixirs in the world, then Peak Master Shen is really a strange person."

A group of people were talking to each other, and Su Chen's topic seemed to open up their conversation.

After all, a pill that can achieve double effects is beyond their knowledge. Therefore, they are also very interested in this topic.

"That's not possible!"

At this moment, I saw the shopkeeper of this restaurant, who seemed to be delivering tea.

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