Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2777 Elders of the Seven Clans

"Something strange? Are you saying there is something similar to meteorite?"

The head of the Mo family asked.

"No, it's more like spiritual veins or ores, but they haven't been able to be explored."

The senior executive of the Mo family shook his head and said.

"Spiritual pulse?"

The head of the Mo family couldn't help but feel refreshed. Obviously these two words stimulated his mind.

To be honest, the Mo family is in such a situation now. If they can mine a good spiritual vein, they can turn around immediately. Why worry about being kicked out by the other six major veins?

Therefore, the head of the Mo family suddenly became interested.

"You mean, the Wangling Mountain area where you are stationed?"

The head of the Mo family asked again.

"Wangling Mountain, is it the Wangling Mountain at the junction of our Mo family's territory and the Gan family? It's not easy to explore there. If we do a lot of exploration there and make any noise, we might alarm the Gan family."

Someone objected.

"Yes, Patriarch, if the Gan family uses this place to cause trouble, it will be difficult. Then Wang Lingshan, it is better not to explore easily, it is better to keep it clean."

Someone else echoed, "What's more, Wang Lingshan has been in the hands of our Mo family for so many years. If there really was any spiritual veins, there would have been signs. But the terrain in that place is so steep, and birds don't lay eggs. , what kind of spiritual veins can there be?"

For a time, many senior officials of the Mo family expressed their opposition, not wanting to cause any additional troubles due to the mining of Nawangling Mountain.

The senior member of the Mo family who proposed it in the first place couldn't help but frown, and then tried to argue: "Everyone, as the saying goes, wealth can only be gained in danger. Now our Mo family is in a situation where we can no longer play our cards according to common sense."

"Besides, the boundaries of each family's territory are clear. Ninety percent of Wangling Mountain belongs to our Mo family, and only 10% belongs to the Gan family. As long as we don't cross the boundary, it's hard for the Gan family to say anything. ?”

The senior member of the Mo family added.

"Haha, you are too naive."

Someone immediately objected, "Do you think the Gan family is a fuel-efficient lamp? When our flying boat passes over their heads, they will stop to get some oil and water. If we are mining heavily in Wangling Mountain, it would be strange if they don't take the opportunity to cause trouble. ”

"That's right, the Gan family is just a bunch of villains who flatter the superiors and suppress the inferiors. Don't expect them to be able to reason."

Opposition voices are still rising one after another

"Oh, according to what you said, our Mo family's land needs to be mined by ourselves, but it won't be possible?"

The senior executive of the Mo family who proposed mining finally became a little angry, and his tone became a little bit harsh, "What you do on your own territory must be approved by other people's families. The Mo family, one of our seven major branches, still has Do you have to act in such a humble way?"

"Okay, stop arguing."

The head of the Mo family frowned and said, "Everyone is quite old, how can they be so noisy?"

After the clan leader spoke, everyone consciously shut up and looked at the clan leader.

As everyone knows, the final decision depends on what the clan leader says.

"Mo Tong, how sure are you that Wang Lingshan has spiritual veins?"

The head of the Mo family asked the senior member of the Mo family who first mentioned the matter.

"Clan leader, if you ask me how confident I am, I really can't say. I can only say that based on my research over the years, I personally feel that Wang Lingshan definitely has a spiritual vein, but this spiritual vein is a big one." It’s still a small problem.”

Mo Tongdao said, "It's just that my subordinates are very inexperienced and cannot dig out this spiritual vein. They can't even find evidence of its existence. If there is evidence, I will definitely bring it out to the clan leader for judgment."

"The most important thing is that my subordinates don't dare to invite people outside the family for fear of leaking the news. By then, it's hard to say who the spiritual vein will belong to."

Mo Tong added another sentence.

The head of the Mo family also nodded. Mo Tong's worry was not unreasonable. If the news that there was a spiritual vein in Wangling Mountain leaked out, people with ulterior motives in the other six major veins might amplify the matter. Even if they can't make the spiritual vein theirs, they may encourage the sect to take the spiritual vein and not give it to the Mo family.

There is no way, people's hearts are sinister, and there will always be people like this who harm others and do not benefit themselves, so we must be on guard against them.

But if the Mo family had discovered the spiritual veins themselves first and had already begun to mine them, the sect would be unlikely to take them back.

The head of the Mo family thought carefully for a moment and then said: "Mo Tong, if you keep staring at Lingshan, don't act too hastily. Wait a few days and ask the Seven Clansmen to tell Ji Chen to let him go with you. Let’s take a look at Lingshan. But remember, don’t make any noise, let alone make a big move. Take a look first, then report it to me, and then decide on the next step.”

"Yes, my subordinates know."

Na Mo Tong nodded.

Su Chen temporarily settled down at Mo's house.

The Mo family assigned Su Chen a cave with a separate courtyard, which was a world of its own. Even if there were twenty or thirty people living there, it would not be crowded at all.

That night, Mo Han organized a shower for Su Chen and others.

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