Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2839: The True Successor

Su Chen refined this batch of elixir very smoothly. In about an hour or so, a batch of Five Qi Yuan Gathering Pills was ready.

Su Chen opened the lid of the cauldron, and a furnace of ten Five Qi Yuan Gathering Pills was clearly visible. Among them, there is one fourteen-star elixir, two eleven-star elixirs, and the rest are twelve-star elixirs.

Su Chen took a quick glance and put away a fourteen-star elixir, a thirteen-star elixir, and the rest of the elixirs, leaving only the thirteen-star elixir.

In this link, as long as you hand over a 13-star Cheng Dan, you can get a perfect score of 100 points, but it doesn't need to be so shocking.

It's true that Su Chen wanted to gain the approval of the Elder Hall, but if he performed to a heaven-defying level, it wouldn't just be approval, but would arouse suspicion.

Because Su Chen moved very quickly, the elders outside did not see clearly what kind of elixirs were in Su Chen's elixir cauldron.

After handing over the Cheng Dan, Su Chen did not leave, but meditated under the stone platform, waiting for the results of others.

It is necessary to wait until all contestants have completed all the competitions before the third event's Cheng Dan will be evaluated and the final ranking will be given.

Those elders who suspected that Su Chen and Min Bai had teamed up to cheat were very surprised to see that Su Chen was still the first to complete the third project.

In their opinion, the reason why Su Chen was so successful in the previous two projects was because Min Bai revealed the topics to him.

In terms of the operation of this level, even if you know the questions in advance, it will not be of much use. Su Chen will definitely show his cowardice.

They were all waiting to see Su Chen make a fool of himself, but what they never expected was that Su Chen finished in first place again.

Although the Cheng Dan handed over by Su Chen was placed in a sealed pill bottle, they had not yet seen what kind of Cheng Dan it was, but a trace of suspicion had already passed through their minds, especially Elder Ma, who was even more puzzled.

"Does this Ji Chen really have such evil talent?"

Elder Ma is actually very reluctant to think about this, and he also feels that in Xuanyun Realm, apart from the Broken Star Spirit Sect, there is no other force or person who has the foundation to cultivate such a genius.

If Su Chen is really that evil, then his grandson Ma Huiyuan will miss out on the position of true successor. Elder Ma certainly doesn't want to see this happen.

But now, Elder Ma is worried and can only wait for the result.

Several more hours passed.

Thirty-four contestants finally completed all events.

The scene immediately entered the stage of accepting results, and all the elders began to divide their work to check the various results of the contestants.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the results of the third project.

When everyone saw that the Cheng Dan handed over by Su Chen was a 13-star Five Qi Yuan Gathering Pill, the whole venue was filled with dead silence.

Regardless of whether everyone believed it or not, Su Chen proved it in front of them with hard facts.

In this way, when the total scores of the three projects were added together, Su Chen got a perfect score of 300!

In all three events, he didn't lose a single point.

Behind Su Chen, Ma Huiyuan was closely followed. Although he tried his best, he was still deducted 27 points, with a total score of 273.

As for the next few people, they are even further away from Su Chen.

Min Bai and several other core elders of Dandao Peak rechecked and confirmed that the results were correct before announcing the results.

"In this Dandao Peak competition, the first place winner is Ji Chen. According to the regulations, Ji Chen has obtained the status of true disciple."

This announcement is basically a done deal. It just needs to be handed over to the leader of the Broken Star Spirit Sect for review, and after the final cutscene is completed, it can be officially announced.

"I have questions!"

At this moment, Elder Ma suddenly shouted.

When Su Chen obtained the position of True Successor, the one who was most disappointed was Elder Ma. Some people sympathized with this situation, but of course there were also people who watched it.

"Elder Ma, what do you have to say?"

Min Bai asked calmly.

"I find it strange that this Ji Chen was not born and raised in our Alchemy Peak of the Broken Star Spirit Sect, but joined in the process. Is there any other force that can cultivate a better alchemy genius than our Alchemy Peak of the Broken Star Spirit Sect? , I absolutely don’t believe it. Do you just believe it?”

Obviously, Elder Ma lost his temper.

Even though he was dissatisfied, even though he had doubts, choosing to say it outright on the spot at this moment seemed somewhat like he could not afford to lose.

After all, with so many eyes staring at him, it was impossible for Su Chen to be up to something.

"If Elder Ma has any questions, you can apply for a review of your scores. I am willing to accompany you to review."

Min Bai smiled lightly and said, "It's a good thing to have doubts. We at Dandaofeng always insist on fairness and justice. It is precisely because of this that we can let grassroots people like Su Chen with no background stand out."

The implication is that if we didn't insist on fairness and justice, there would be no need to hold any small alchemy competition and directly give the position of true disciple to the elder alchemy peak.

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