Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 2970 One punch is enough

Under the strong light of the True Essence Giant Sword, Kong Yun's whole body also exuded a tyrannical pressure that made people dare not look directly at him.

"Boy, you forced me to do this!"

A deep voice escaped from Kong Yun's mouth, "Now, I want you to know that penniless ants like you, no matter how many weird and bizarre methods you use, will never be able to compete with the truly strong!"

After the words fell, Kong Yun's eyes became colder and colder.

This move was originally a unique skill of the direct lineage of Xiangyun Tower. Even if he is a top-notch genius in Xiangyun Tower, he did not have the opportunity to learn it from the beginning. He only learned it from Xiangyun Tower after he obtained the qualification to enter the Jiuyou Holy Association.

And because of this move, after it is used, the body will be damaged and need to be repaired, and there will be a period of weakness.

Therefore, Kong Yun did not intend to use this trick easily.

But now, he was forced to this point by Su Chen, and in his rage, he couldn't care so much anymore!

Of course, Kong Yun was also confident in the power of this move.

Even a strong man at the fifth level of the Virtual Peak Realm would never dare to take this move without being prepared!

Although Su Chen, who was glowing red at the moment, was indeed very strange, but with this move of his, the result would be doomed!


Kong Yun shouted angrily, and the next moment, the dull roar of dragons and tigers suddenly sounded from the sky.


The giant True Yuan sword, which was tens of feet long, was filled with powerful True Yuan fluctuations and shot out in the direction of Su Chen!


Wherever this great sword of true essence touches, the air becomes distorted, as if everything can be crushed.

However, in the face of this sword that seemed to be able to cut off the world, Su Chen showed no intention of retreating.

Instead, his figure turned into a red light and faced the giant sword without fear!


The next moment, the two of them collided hard.


At the moment of the collision, the heaven and earth seemed to shake, and a monstrous air wave suddenly rippled out centered on the place where the two collided!

Under this wave of air, everything in the surrounding area, except for the two of them, was instantly crushed and annihilated, turning into ashes!

Kong Yun's pupils also shrank, and he could also feel that the figure that was supposed to be crushed by this move did not turn into scum as expected!

At this time, under the pressure of the True Essence Giant Sword, Su Chen, who was originally in a violent state, also regained some clarity.

However, this glimmer of clarity was not enough for him to fully understand his situation at the moment. He could only feel that huge oppressive forces were coming from all directions around him, as if they were squeezing out his flesh, blood, bones, and even the essence of his meridians. Generally broken.

Under the pressure of being killed at any time, Su Chen suddenly calmed down, the red light in his eyes faded, and he looked thoughtfully at the scene in front of him.

Before, he activated the Evil Underworld Orb and allowed the energy from the Evil Underworld Orb to enter his body, causing a huge increase in combat power but a state of confusion in his brain.

But now, the pressure from the True Essence Giant Sword made Su Chen wake up and realize his current situation.

At the same time, he also felt something about to move within his body.

"You're just a shackle at the eighth level of the Divine Realm, but you still want to restrain me?"

Su Chen shouted in his heart, and the true energy in his body suddenly started to rotate crazily. Chaos Immortal Record was also activated to the extreme at this moment.


In just an instant, the true energy filled with evil aura surged into Su Chen's body in an almost riot-like manner, causing the space where Su Chen was to become distorted. got up.

In Su Chen's body, more and more true essence was squeezed, almost becoming liquid, pouring into the true essence sea in Dantian.

The true essence in the true essence sea is also being squeezed continuously, becoming more and more pure and rich. At a certain moment, the true energy in his Dantian finally reached a critical point!


Kong Yun was surprised to find that the crushing momentum of his True Essence Giant Sword, which originally had the upper hand, began to slow down!

"How is it possible? How can a little-known guy be able to block my move?"

Kong Yun couldn't believe it and couldn't help but burst out in anger!

However, no matter how unbelievable he was, the giant sword carrying the shadow of the dragon and tiger was eventually slowing down, and its forward momentum even tended to stagnate.

"You ant, how can you resist me? Die!"

Kong Yun's face was ashen, and even his eyes became extremely red!

The next moment, I saw Kong Yun bite the tip of his tongue violently, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the shadow of the dragon and tiger in front of him!

As this mouthful of essence and blood spurted out, Kong Yun, who was already at the end of his strength, became extremely weak in an instant.

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