Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3145 Entering the Swamp

But in this swamp, there is a black miasma, and there are countless snakes, insects, rats and ants in it.

It is said that if you go too deep, even a strong person in the cave world may fall into a dilemma that is difficult to escape!

Therefore, ordinary people rarely brave the poison of miasma to enter here. After all, except for some toxic medicinal materials that grow here, there are indeed no special treasures.

However, with the emergence of the vision of heaven and earth, this situation was completely broken.

Under the temptation of exotic treasures, the dangers here have long been covered up by human greed.

The originally deserted black swamp has become bustling with people in a very short period of time, almost like a tourist attraction. People can be seen almost everywhere, and it is very lively.

Among such a huge flow of people, it is unknown how many people have become nutrients in the black swamp. However, everyone understands that if you want to finally get the treasure, you absolutely need strong strength. Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to touch the treasure, it will just be a death charm that will make you die faster.

After traveling for most of the day, everyone in Lanjiazhuang arrived outside the black swamp.

By this time, it was getting late, the sun was about to set, and the light of bonfires was shining everywhere in the swamp.

And from time to time, frightening screams could be heard from the depths of the swamp, breaking the silent night sky.

"Let's camp here and rest tonight. Wait until tomorrow before we set off into the swamp."

Lan Leyong glanced around, then waved his hand to tell everyone to stop.

Naturally, everyone had no objections to his instructions. The swamp was indeed very dangerous, especially at night, when visibility was reduced, making it even more dangerous.

At that moment, everyone in Lanjiazhuang began to set up camp.

The strong men brought by Min Taidong also set up camp together. It seems that because they were greatly shocked by the appearance of Gong Ji before, they are now calm, as if they have accepted the fate of exploring the road.

"Uncle, we just arrived, will it be a little late?"

Lan Dan looked at the twinkling stars and bonfires in the direction of the swamp and asked Lan Leyong.

"Don't worry, the vision of heaven and earth has not yet reached its peak. The first batch of people to enter will only become cannon fodder."

Lan Leyong shook his head and said, "And I guess even the news about the vision of heaven and earth was released by Dongtaizhuang himself."

In fact, this is easy to understand. The strange phenomena of heaven and earth appeared. As the nearest villages, Dongtai Village and Lanjiazhuang did not come over immediately, but allowed others to get there first. Apparently, they wanted others to explore the way. the goal of.


While the two were talking, the ground in the distance suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately, a multicolored light rose into the sky. At this moment, the surrounding darkness was dispersed, and the sky above the entire swamp was like daylight.

"Look there!"

Someone exclaimed, and soon, the gazes cast in that direction became extremely hot.

"The vision of heaven and earth appears again."

"The visions of heaven and earth are becoming more and more obvious. Could it be that the treasure is finally about to be born?"

"No matter what, go there quickly. If a treasure is really going to be discovered, you won't be able to get it if you get there too late!"

It took a long time for the colorful light to slowly fade away, and the night enveloped it again. However, during this period of time, many people could not help but rush into the black swamp.

For a time, the sound of swords and screams continued to be heard in the black swamp. I don’t know how many people will die in this swamp that night, let alone whether those dangers come from the swamp itself. Or from other people.

As for Su Chen, he stayed in the tent and looked outside, frowning slightly. For some reason, he felt a familiar wave from the colorful light.

In this way, the night passed, and there were more than a dozen visions of heaven and earth appearing throughout the night, all of which were colored lights, and the duration of each vision was getting longer and longer.

Finally, the time came the next morning.

The outside of the swamp also became completely noisy.

Many people who resisted not entering the swamp last night entered the swamp anxiously at this moment and walked towards the direction where the colorful light appeared.

Judging from their anxious looks, it was as if if they arrived late, the treasures would really be robbed.

"Let's go too!"

Lan Leyong waved and walked towards the swamp at the lead, followed closely by everyone behind him.

As soon as I walked into the black swamp, I felt a sense of depression. In the swamp, it seemed that even the sunlight could not penetrate, it was very dark.

There was a solemn look on everyone's faces. In a place like this, it's not uncommon for someone to lose their life if they're not careful.

Moreover, wherever they went, they didn't even find a single body. They would not think that this area was safer. The only possibility was that the body was swallowed up by the black swamp below.

In addition, the group also saw

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