Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3320: Borrowing a Shop

There was a look of surprise on Zhang Mian's face, as if he never expected that he would be related to this young guest.

He couldn't help but look at Su Chen a few more times. Before, he had only thought that this young man was a junior of Old Monster Lang. Although his attitude was polite, he didn't really take it to heart. But now it seems that it is not as simple as ordinary juniors.

His attitude also became different from before, saying: "Master Su Chen, you are kind to me. From today on, you will be a guest of our Zhang family."

After that, he added: "You have just arrived, so you must have a lot of things to buy. If you need anything, just ask me, and consider it as my reward."

Su Chen waved his hand with a faint smile and said: "Master Mian's poison has not been completely resolved, so how can we get paid at this time?"

After hearing this, Zhang Wei hurriedly patted his chest and said, "I can! I can! Don't worry, leave it all to me. Just go to the market and buy all the ingredients, and I can prepare a radical antidote."

Zhang Wei was in the Zhang family. Although he had the title of young master, he had no power at all because he was a slave and could not even command any servants.

Zhang Mian called his men down and asked them to go to the elixir market in the inner city to buy them according to the list written by Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Su, our Zhang family never accepts favors from others but does not repay them."

After Zhang Mian and his men left, he said to Su Chen.

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "In that case, I will boldly make a request."

"Young Master Su, feel free to ask, as long as I can do it, I won't hesitate."

Zhang Mian smiled.

"I want to establish a foothold here and open an elixir store. I wonder if your family can provide a relatively good store? I can pay the store rent according to the market price."

Su Chen said, he knew that in a place like this where there are many families, all the good shops must be divided up by the families, and it is impossible for anyone to rent them on the market. If the Zhang family owns a shop this time and is willing to rent it to them at the market price, it will be a great favor.

"Open an elixir shop?"

Zhang Mian was slightly surprised when he heard this, and then his expression returned to normal and said, "The store is not a problem. Our Zhang family has a rich industry and provides a good store, so there is no problem. However, the competition in the inner city elixir industry is very fierce. The larger elixir shops are basically monopolized by the Jinying family, and almost all the lower-level elixir shops are supported by major first-class families. In the inner city, the profits in the elixir industry are already very small.”

It's not that Zhang Mian doesn't want to support it, but the elixir industry in the inner city is indeed very competitive. In the entire inner city, there are countless Alchemy Saints alone.

Behind every Alchemy Saint, there is a powerful force behind him. Some powerful forces even support a large number of alchemy saints.

These family forces based on the elixir industry are the giants in the elixir industry in the inner city, and they eat up most of the profits in the elixir industry.

And the rest is just a share of the pie.

Generally speaking, outsiders like Su Chen don't even get a piece of the pie.

Although Su Chen had just arrived and had not gone out much, he had no doubts about Wang Mian's statement.

It's the same everywhere. Industries with huge profits like the elixir industry are always monopolized by those giants.

The inner city is huge, there are so many warriors, the consumption of elixirs is astronomical, and the profits there are also staggering.

But astonishing as it is, it doesn’t mean that anyone can rush in and make a fortune.

For ordinary outsiders who rush in, even if the pill giants don't come to suppress them, it is extremely difficult to survive in the cracks, let alone stand out in the cracks.

There are so many elixir shops, and the others are endorsed by big forces, and the quality of the elixirs is guaranteed. Why should I go to your newly opened small shop to buy elixirs?

"Mr. Mian, I already have some preliminary ideas on how the store can survive and develop. I don't want to be the biggest or the strongest, as long as it can gain a foothold."

Su Chen didn't want to explain too much to the other party, so he just said.

Seeing Su Chen like this, Zhang Mian could only nod his head and said with a smile: "No problem, I'll ask the housekeeper which shop is available and I'll get back to you right away."

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Mian."

Su Chen stood up, raised his fist at Zhang Mian, and prepared to leave.

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "I happen to have something to go out on, so I'll go with you."

Zhang Wei also followed, and the three of them left Zhang Mian's yard together. Su Chen and Zhang Wei went back to their residences, while Zhang Mian went in the other direction.

As he walked onto the avenue, a group of people came towards him.

Among this group of people, a middle-aged man and a young man were surrounded like stars, and there was an alchemist wearing an alchemy robe beside them.

When Zhang Mian saw this group of people, he paused and Zhang Wei also stopped.

The middle-aged and young people were slightly startled when they saw Zhang Mian, as if they didn't expect to see Zhang Mian here.

However, this moment of confusion was quickly covered up, and then the middle-aged man came up with a smile on his face: "Mian'er, you didn't say anything when you came back. Well, Xiao Eleven is here too. ”

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