Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3352 The competition begins

Therefore, Zhang Long was also heartbroken and said with a faint smile: "We have always used people without suspicion and used them without suspicion. We have given authorization to the Sultan before, so he naturally has the power to make the decision. As for you, if you can't afford the gamble, , you can say it clearly, and we won’t force you to gamble.”

Behind the scenes, he was still saying that the Tong family couldn't afford to gamble.

If you were to say this to other people, they might just tolerate it.

But what is Tong Wuyang’s identity? Being called "cannot afford to gamble" by a declining first-class family is a great shame and humiliation for the Tong family.

Tong Wuyang smiled angrily, with a cold look: "Okay, okay, since your Zhang family insists on losing the store to me, then I will definitely accept it."

Although Tong Wuyang didn't know what kind of medicine Zhang's father and son sold in the gourd, after all, gambling with the store was something Tong Wuyang had never thought of before.

In Tong Wuyang's opinion, the only possibility is that the Zhang family is bluffing and deliberately trying to scare him away.

But, who is Tong Wuyang? How could you be easily scared off?

Su Chen sneered and said, "Don't be too quick to accept it. It's not yet certain who will win and who will lose. Since you want to bet on the store, you must also own the property rights of the store. Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible?" Are you gambling with other people's things? Whose responsibility will it end up with?"

This tone was as if the Tong family was already convinced by him.

Tong Wuyang was furious. He had never encountered such an arrogant provocation before.

Moreover, the fact is that the shop in the Immortal Pavilion does not belong to the Tong family, but was rented from another family semi-forced by the Tong family.

That family is not the Tong Jiatong family, it is a neutral existence.

"Master Huang, I am willing to use the Tong family's store on nearby Tianxin Street as a mortgage. If the store is exported today, the Tong family's store will be yours. The location and area of ​​the store are better than here. You won’t suffer.”

Tong Wuyang was also completely angry, and even used the Tong family's better store as a mortgage.

But the head of the Huang family was not happy. He didn't want to get involved at all.

"Young Master Tong, it's not that Huang can't believe it. There is no basis for such a thing."

The head of the Huang family looked bitter and said depressedly.

Tong Wuyang was furious. This guy was clearly not trusting the Tong family. Is it possible that the Tong family will really lose to a mere Zhang family?

The so-called mortgage is just a term. You’ve already said something, what else do you want?

Huangfujue laughed when he saw this scene: "Tong Wuyang, you are really good at making wishful thinking when you bet with other people's things. If you lose, you can only make a verbal promise and leave without any evidence." , Where can I ask the Huang family to ask for a store? "

Huangfujue's words could be said to have touched the heart of the head of the Huang family. For a moment, all the families represented by the Huang family cheered.

After all, there are twenty Jinying families in the inner city, and it is impossible for the Tong family to cover the sky with one hand. And Tong Wuyang's attitude just now was very bullying, which made everyone very dissatisfied with the Tong family's style.

Originally, Tong Wuyang felt good about himself and felt that his verbal promise had given the Huang family a lot of face. But when Huang Fujue said this, Tong Wuyang suddenly seemed like a bully who was using his power to bully others.

Although Tong Wuyang was furious in his heart, he still suppressed it and gave Huangfu Jue a cold look: "Huangfu Jue, who do you think is you? Our Tong family is not going to default on such a small thing, so you should take care of yourself. You lost the Zhang family’s shop, what are you going to do to compensate the Zhang family?”

"Hey, you'd better stop changing the subject with useless talk. Anyway, if you can't produce evidence, the Zhang family won't bet with you."

Huangfujue smiled.

"Young Master Huangfu's words make sense. If our Zhang family wants to gamble, we must do so in an upright manner. If Young Master Tong wants to use other people's things to gamble with us, we will never agree."

Zhang Long also said loudly.

Tong Wuyang was forced to have no way out by Huangfu Jue and Zhang Long singing one after another.

"Get a pen and paper!"

After all, Tong Wuyang is a face-bearing person, and he will sign a letter on the spot if he is bullied.

"We warriors, why do we need paper and pen to establish written evidence? Warriors have their own ways, such as the inner demon oath, which is more convincing than written evidence."

As soon as Huangfujue said this, the head of the Huang family suddenly brightened up and glanced at Huangfujue gratefully. Apparently, he also felt that this suggestion was very reliable.

"Tong Wuyang, after all, you are also the young master of the Jinying family. Do you want to gamble or not? If you don't have the courage, just shut up as soon as possible and don't waste everyone's time."

Su Chen frowned and shouted.

Tong Wuyang was extremely angry, his face darkened, and he cast a cold look at the Zhang family: "Zhang Long, now you are so quick to talk and talk, be careful not to cry later!"

Later, Tong Wuyang said to the head of the Huang family: "Master Huang, if you want the Heart Demon Oath, no problem, I can give it to you. However, you will soon know that your worries are completely unnecessary. Our Tong family cannot will lose."

Tong Wuyang said this with confidence and confidence.

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