Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3357 Recovery and Strengthening Pill

With that said, Tang Dansheng waved his hand, and two disciples came over carrying two trays.

In these two trays, there are two identical materials, and the level of these materials is not very high. Most of them are just raw materials for some elixirs commonly used by Xuefeng realm warriors.

"Now each of you has a hundred kinds of raw materials in hand. These raw materials are all materials that appear frequently in various prescriptions. There are many possible combinations among them."

"What you have to do is to combine these raw materials to create an elixir with the highest level possible and refine it. Whoever refines the elixir with a higher level will win the game. If both parties If the elixirs are of the same level, they will be regarded as elixir stars, and the one with the higher star rating will win.”

Su Chen was no stranger to the competition method mentioned by Tang Dansheng. This method of alchemy fighting has always been very popular in the alchemy world.

Su Chen and Yu Dansheng each stood in front of a table. Formation restrictions were placed around their bodies. Although they could see the outside world, they could not communicate with the outside world or transmit sounds.

"The time for this round is limited to one hour. If the elixirs you finally refine are equal in all aspects, the one who takes less time will win."

Tang Dansheng reminded again, and then announced, "Now the game begins."

Su Chen was inside the formation, isolated from the outside world. This environment is most suitable for him to perform.

As soon as the timer started, Su Chen had already entered the state, constantly combining a hundred kinds of raw materials.

To Su Chen, this was as normal as eating and drinking.

According to common sense in the alchemy world, if you want to refine high-grade elixirs, you naturally need high-grade raw materials. Among these one hundred kinds of raw materials, most of them correspond to the virtual peak realm, and only about ten kinds correspond to the cave mortal realm.

However, these ten raw materials from the Cave Mortal Realm cannot be combined into any elixir recipe. They still need to be combined with those from the Virtual Peak Realm.

Su Chen's mind was spinning very fast, and several possible combinations of elixir recipes appeared in his mind instantly.

However, these types of elixirs are not of a high level and can barely be regarded as elixirs for the first level of the Dongmort Realm, but this does not satisfy Su Chen.

"According to the rules of this round, as long as the elixir itself is of high level, you can win. Therefore, what matters in this round is height, not precision."

Su Chen carefully tasted the rules of this game and knew that the main winning skill was to have a high enough level of elixir. If the levels of the elixirs are the same, the refining accuracy of the elixirs will be compared.

Su Chen's eyes swept over these raw materials thoughtfully.

The time of this round is limited to one hour, and the raw materials are also limited. If you want to refine a high-level elixir, it is obviously unrealistic. But if the level is too low, there is no 100% chance of winning.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Su Chen's mind. He had been using double-action pills as a tool to open up the pill market.

As for double-action elixirs, because one elixir has double effects, so when the raw materials used are similar, the level of double-action elixirs is always higher than that of ordinary elixirs.

In a situation like this one, refining a double-effect elixir is the perfect choice. What's even more coincidental is that among the hundred kinds of raw materials, although there is no divine star grass that is necessary for double-effect elixir, there is a raw material with similar effects to the divine star grass.

With this idea, Su Chen's next thoughts became much smoother.

He quickly decided on a double-action elixir that he wanted to refine. The one hundred raw materials provided on site could just cover all the raw materials for this double-action elixir.

This double-effect elixir is called the Rejuvenation and Strengthening Pill. It can not only quickly restore the true energy in the sea of ​​true energy to the warrior, but also strengthen the foundation of the warrior. If you take it in large quantities, it will be of great benefit to pass the level.

Su Chen thought about it carefully, and it should take about an hour to refine this restoration and strengthening elixir.

At that moment, Su Chen immediately took out the Qingjun Cauldron and began to prepare the elixir.

Su Chen has studied the Qingjun Cauldron many times in the past few days and has long been familiar with the style of this cauldron.

The effect of this Qingjun Cauldron is much better than Su Chen imagined. Now using it to compete, Su Chen feels even more powerful.

In just one hour, Su Chen went to full speed and directly selected the raw materials for refining the Restoration and Strengthening Pill, while throwing the other materials aside.

The speed with which Su Chen selected the materials even surprised outsiders.

Especially the eleven referees looked at each other in confusion. They could naturally see that the materials Su Chen selected were conflicting with each other. They contained two completely different medicinal properties and could not be refined into the same elixir.

For a moment, they couldn't understand why Su Chen chose raw materials like this? What exactly does he want to refine?

Or is it that Su Chen is just messing around when he selects raw materials like this? After all, this young man couldn't keep his composure and couldn't cope with such a difficult alchemy fight?

Only Tang Dansheng's eyes changed slightly, as if he had thought of something. However, when he saw Yu Dansheng's selection, he shook his head slightly.

Judging from the materials selected by Yu Dansheng, it is obvious that what he wants to refine is an intermediate-level elixir in the cave world. In such a short period of time, this kind of elixir can be selected. If it can be refined, then

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