Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3395 Ruining the place

"Lord City Lord, no matter whether the Tong family is wronged or not, we can't just ignore it."

After hearing these words, the Second City Lord said calmly: "In other words, do you think the Tong family really stole the other party's elixir recipe?"

Several heads of the Jinying family were speechless, and their attitudes seemed to explain everything.


The second city lord snorted coldly, "Does the head of the Tong family seem to be such a careless person? If he really stole the pill formula from the big city lord's camp, he would definitely report it to me as soon as possible. What's more, if he stole the pill formula , how can it be sold openly? Isn't this equivalent to directly telling the big city lord camp to steal their elixir recipe? Therefore, this matter is 100% a frame-up."

When Manager Hui heard this, he couldn't help but stand up: "Lord City Lord, since this is a frame-up, please allow me to lead a group of people to the Great City Lord's camp and get him back!"

"sit down!"

The Second City Lord spoke, although his tone was very soft, but it was extremely majestic.

Even a proud man like Manager Hui sat down obediently without any dissatisfaction.

"If you go now, not only will you not get anyone, you may even get into trouble yourself."

The Second City Lord said slowly.

"What should we do?"

Manager Hui was also a little anxious. After all, the head of the Tong family was his sworn brother, so he was naturally concerned.

"This matter needs to start from the source. Although the Tong family did not steal the elixir, the root cause is still because the Tong family oppressed the Zhang family."

Although the Second City Lord usually did not take care of these mundane matters, at the critical moment, he hit the nail on the head.

Everyone had to admit that this was it. Chijiawei put it bluntly this time that he wanted to mess with the Tong family.

"Otherwise, my subordinates will find another suitable opportunity to mess with the Huangfu family and retaliate in kind!"

Manager Hui suggested.

"Can you still find such a good opportunity like today?"

The Second City Lord asked.

Today, the timing of Chijiawei's attack was perfect. The evidence is also conclusive. The arrest of the Tong family father and son is justified and irrefutable.

And if they go after the Huangfu family again, unless they find a better time and target than this, their efforts will be in vain and will have the opposite effect.

"Oh...what should we do?"

Manager Hui asked.

"How are the Zhang family father and son doing now?"

The Second City Lord suddenly asked.

Manager Hui didn't understand what he meant, so he thought for a while and said, "Torture a little, but not in depth."

"Didn't I tell you not to use lynching?"

The Second City Lord frowned.

"...The Zhang family father and son were so abominable. They were too tight-lipped and didn't say anything when asked. The subordinate was so angry that he gave them a lesson. But most people shouldn't be able to tell."

Manager Hui said quickly.

"Who let you make your own decisions? The main purpose of arresting people this time is to beat them up. If you use lynching, things will be difficult to handle. Now that the Tong family father and son have been arrested, things will be even more difficult to handle."

The Second City Lord frowned and said, "Their evidence can withstand the test of public view, but the evidence you concocted for the other party is not perfect. If the other party investigates publicly, it will easily reveal flaws. This is the difference."

The second city lord said and sighed: "That's all, the matter has come to this, I can only call a few other city lords to visit the big city lord together."

"But the great city lord seems to be in seclusion."

Hui General Pipeline.

"Then wait until he comes out of seclusion."

The second city lord also said calmly.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but it will take half a month."

Manager Hui replied in a solemn voice.

"In the past half month, you should be kind to the Zhang family and his son, and don't torture them any more, and don't cause trouble. After half a month, I will resolve this matter myself."

Now that things have happened, the Second City Lord has obviously fallen into a passive position.

The second city lord is a tycoon of the generation who understands the principle of being able to bend and stretch. Since Manager Hui and his subordinates have made things like this, and they have no choice but to beg him, there is no point in getting angry. If things are no longer possible, just give up on the situation.

Otherwise, if things continue to develop, they will only become more and more troublesome and become more and more unfavorable to them.

However, although the second city lord camp wanted to settle the matter, the big city lord camp was not very cooperative.

After the Immortal Alchemy Pavilion was sealed and the Tong family father and son and the alchemists were arrested, a group of strange masked alchemists appeared on Tianxin Street, taking turns to go to the alchemy shops on Tianxin Street every day to cause trouble.

Every day, there would be elixir shops destroyed by them. The elixirs in the stores would be decomposed on the spot and then criticized as useless. The shortcomings and even the shady behind them were ruthlessly exposed.

The elixir sage in charge of these elixir shops came forward to suppress them, but a mysterious alchemist from the other side single-handedly defended them, leaving them speechless and defeated in despair.

And these

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