Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 378 Give it a try

Even if the Blood Demon Lord has just recovered and his strength is not even 10% of his peak level, it cannot be subdued by his current strength, unless he has an artifact that can make his strength leap several levels.

Wait, artifact?

That bloody demon sword?

That is a fifth-grade magic weapon. If you can get it, your combat power will increase by at least two to three levels.

The Blood Demon Lord's current strength is less than one-tenth of his peak level. Using the Blood Demon Sword and Sky Fire's restraint on the demonic element, he might be able to suppress the Blood Demon Lord.

For a moment, Su Chen couldn't help but his heartbeat was pounding.

Give it a try.

Su Chen said in his heart that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he killed the Blood Demon Lord, it would be of indescribable benefit to him. Not only would he be able to obtain the fifth-grade demon weapon, the Blood Demon Sword, but the Heavenly Fire Baby could also kill the Blood Demon Lord. The demonic essence was refined and gained an increase in strength.

In this life, Su Chen's thoughts were different from those in the previous life. Since he was reborn once, he must live a vigorous life without regrets.

If you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve your strength, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

What's more, thinking of his parents far away in Duyang City made Su Chen even more determined. The current situation of my parents requires me to have good strength, but my current strength is still far from enough.

In the last life, I had no strength. I saw my parents being helpless and frustrated, and I had no ability to stand up for them.

But in this life, everything will be different.

Su Chen gathered his thoughts and called out a small sky fire in his consciousness.

The Skyfire Baby quickly responded: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Look at that person over there, are you confident that you can suppress him temporarily?" Su Chen pointed at the Blood Demon Lord not far away. At this moment, the Blood Demon Lord was using his arms condensed with demonic energy to suppress the Blood Demon Lord. The sword was picked up.

The Skyfire Baby was silent for a moment and said: "Master, this person is very strange. His strength is not ridiculously strong, but his soul power is far stronger than his physical strength. I am worried that if I If you attack him rashly, you will be forcibly wiped out by his suppressed soul power."

The Heavenly Fire Baby is a spirit body and does not have a body itself. Its current body is only temporarily condensed. In essence, the sky fire baby relies on soul power, not the physical body, so if the soul power is wiped out, the sky fire baby will also die.

"What if I suppress his soul power?" Su Chen asked.

The skyfire baby's eyes lit up and he said: "Master, if you can suppress his soul power, then I can give it a try. However, if we want to take action, we have to hurry up, because I feel that his strength seems to be constantly increasing. , If we don’t take action, it will be very difficult to suppress him later.”

Su Chen knew that this was the Blood Demon Lord's strength that was constantly recovering. If he waits for him to recover to a certain level and then activates the Blood Demon Sword, he will not be able to suppress him no matter what.

At this time, the Blood Demon Lord had already picked up the Blood Demon Sword, but because he was not strong enough to activate the power of the Blood Demon Sword, the Blood Demon Sword in his hand was now equivalent to a ten-thousand-pound sword. It's just a hard sharp weapon that can cut through iron as well as clay, but it's far from being able to exert the power of a fifth-grade magic weapon.

The blood demon mainly cuts through the formation that suppresses itself and leaves the hall, so it must activate the blood demon sword.

The Blood Demon Lord was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for his strength to recover. Anyway, the only person nearby was Su Chen, who could not pose any threat to him.

"Should I call you the Seventh Prince, or should I call you the Blood Demon Lord?"

A voice suddenly sounded, but it was Su Chen who came out of the darkness unexpectedly.

The Blood Demon Lord did not expect that Su Chen would come out of his own accord. He chuckled and said, "Little devil, I was originally more interested in occupying your body, but I didn't expect you to run so fast."

"Forget it, you can call me whatever you want. Anyway, when I take over this land, everyone will naturally know my name."

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in having your body taken over."

"Jiejiejiejiejie, you can keep your heart in your stomach. Since this demon lord has already occupied a body, he naturally has neither the ability nor the interest to change another body. However, this demon lord still said that your strength is This Demon Lord is very optimistic. If you want to consider working for this Demon Lord, this Demon Lord will grant you unimaginable power."

"Power?" Su Chen pretended to be excited and asked, "What kind of power?"

"This Demon Lord can give you the supreme magic technique of the Demonic Way, which can make your strength increase by leaps and bounds and make you famous in a short time." The Blood Demon Lord said proudly.

"Magic skills?" Su Chen shook his head, "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in your magic skills. Didn't the Seventh Prince get no good results from practicing your magic skills in the end?"

The Blood Fiend Demon Lord was a little angry and said: "That is because he is willing to sacrifice his life for this Demon Lord. It is his honor. What's more, this Demon Lord already has a body, so naturally he will not take it again. You can rest assured."

Su Chen pointed to the Blood Demon Sword in the Blood Demon Lord's hand and said, "If you give me this sword, I can consider working for you."

"This sword? Absolutely not." The Blood Demon Lord refused.

Su Chen shook his head and said: "People who practice the devil's way really don't keep their word. You said you would give me this sword before, but now you regret it."

"You..." The Blood Fiend Demon Lord choked for a moment, wondering if it could be the same, that was just a lie to you!

"Forget it." Su Chen said, "Seeing how precious you are to this sword, I don't ask you to give it to me. I just use it to test its power. Is that okay?"

Just when the Blood Demon Lord was about to refuse, Su Chen said again: "I have never seen a fifth-grade weapon. As long as you let me touch this sword, I can think carefully about whether to become your subordinate."

"Kid, do you really mean what you say?"

The Blood Demon Lord hesitated. Although he looked very majestic now, he was actually just a polished commander. He urgently needs subordinates at his disposal to help him collect resources so that he can regain his peak strength.

If he were at his peak, so majestic and responsive to every call, he would not even take this little Anyang County seriously.

He wouldn't even look at Su Chen, a young martial artist in the realm of transformation.

But now he is short of manpower, and Su Chen is an excellent candidate for him now.

"Of course, would I still lie to you?" Su Chen shrugged.

Anyway, he only said that he would consider it, but he didn’t say that he would definitely agree.

The Blood Fiend Demon Lord naturally knew this, but he was really short of manpower. He hesitated for a moment and nodded reluctantly: "Take it, but only give it to me for ten breaths before returning it to this Demon Lord."

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